#316.2 Rites of Passage Rev. Michael Harris

This course is designed to equip the local church, its leadership, and its youth with broad, measurable guidelines to prepare youth to become “Black Christian adults.” This course will aid students toward becoming Black Christian adults with mature and responsible roles in our present and future society.

#663 The Effective Deacon & Deaconess Min ister Thurmond Caldwell

This course is designed to assist the deacon and deaconess in becoming aware of their Biblical base. The student taking this course will be presented with ideas that will enable them to more effectively perform their duties and responsibilities.

#806.6 Characteristics of Expository Preaching Rev. Napolean Bradford

This course will seek to sharpen the preacher’s expository preaching skills. The students may look at such key research tools as the following: word studies, biblical language skills, computer research, and the use of other sources of historical and hermeneutical value. Expository preaching, as a valuable tool in the preacher’s skill set, is presented as a tool that will sharpen the preacher’s ability to research and preach a more effective expository sermon.

#840.2 Single, Secure & Satisfied Min ister Renee Holloway

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Phil 4:11b, NIV). Many view singleness as a temporary holding place until something better comes along. Others view it as something to be endured. This course will focus on the gift of singleness as well as the circumstances of singleness. Students will explore diverse ways to being satisfied with being single and God’s purposes for those who are. This course is recommended for clergy and laypersons alike that are serious about understanding their singleness as a gift from God.

#99.1 Encourage Yourself in the Lord – It’s Warfare Min ister Bonnie Clark

God calls us to a deeper relationship in Him. A confident Christian should recognize the subtle wickedness of Satan, and his attempt to infiltrate the church through the members. This class is designed to teach students to encourage themselves and to claim victory during the test.

#905.2 In Search of Adam Dr. Willie Davis

A class exclusively for men. The curriculum for this class deals with various issues that men, especially laymen, in the church today encounter. Attendees: Laymen

#126.8 Survey of the Book of Job Dr. Randy Ware

This course will explore the themes found in the book of Job. Standards will examine themes such as the theodicy of God as it relates to human suffering. They will be able to identify various responses to suffering. Students will also investigate how the text of the book of Job can inform their responses to suffering in the 21st century.

#131.7 Answering Islam Rev. Hallie Richardson

In light of all the information regarding Islam, how do the Scriptures answer what Islam teaches? This is an apologetics class. This class is open to inquiring minds; especially young adults. Text: Answering Islam

# 400.6 Religion versus Relationship Dr. Gloria Winfrey

Does Jesus REALLY make a difference? This course is designed to teach students how to apply the principles of the beloved biblical stories they have learned so that they develop a relationship with Jesus as opposed to having knowledge of religious rituals. You will learn to take the lessons of the biblical truths from the Sunday School classroom to the places where life is experienced.

Attendees: Open to all, people who teach Bible classes will benefit enormously.

#409 Healing the Broken and Hurt in the Church Rev. Jeffery Smith

The church must acknowledge the presence of hurts, identify and address needs of people in the congregation who have been hurt, and devise a plan of action to minister to those needs. Students will develop systems of accountability for the perpetrators of infractions, and explore ways for healing to take place. Traditional and non-traditional avenues of ministry to those who may have been broken will be examined. Students will be provided a list of referral resources where help may be available.

Attendees: People interested in a ministry of reconciliation, also Ministry Leaders.

#421.2 Strengthening Your Prayer Life Dr. K. Gerone Free

Prayer is essential for a disciple of Christ. This class provides the opportunity to gain new strengths, new insights, and new affirmations on your daily journey with God. You will learn to develop techniques for your daily prayer life.

Attendees: Open to all. Text: Strengthening Your Prayer Life

#314.95 Turning Our Crisis into Opportunity Dr. Nathan L. Schaffer Jr.

In light of the news regarding law enforcement agencies and our young men and young women, this class will provide the students with the seven adversities of Joseph of the Old Testament, and how God helped him to handle them. Building a Scriptural foundation when crisis arrive and learning how to react to those crisis wisely, will be extremely beneficial. You will learn, from biblical examples, how to turn adversity into an opportunity. Attendees: Males & Females, ages: 13 - 17

#2005 God's Reply to Our Borrowed Anxieties Dr. Preston Winfrey This course presents strategies to encourage persons of all races, creeds, or nationalities to bring a halt to their cycle of worry. Worry is a self-centered giant that has a crippling effect. The author (Dr. Winfrey) utilizes Scriptures as the challenge is given to change the way one thinks about life by entrusting their worries and fears to God. Doing this enables them to be lifted from the dungeons of fear, depression and despair.

Text: God's Reply to Our Borrowed Anxieties

#2010 Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos Rev. Y. Tippett-Eggleston Subtitle: You don’t look like what you’ve been through. This course is designed to give the student practical skills through Scripture and practical exercises that will help one find and maintain peace in your life when everything is in chaos. Students will be able to apply God's Word to handle chaotic situations without losing their mind.

Text: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

#920.9 Gospel Music History and The Praise Ministry Dr. Wayne E. Evans

In this class you will learn about the history of Gospel Music its progression as an art form and its place in sacred music history. You will also learn the latest trends within the praise ministry. The class will do a practical presentation with the Dance/Mime Ministry during the commencement. Text: Make a Joyful Noise

Attendees: Open to all musicians and singers. (singers and musicians should bring black & white attire for Commencement on Thursday).

#1001 The Issues of Forgiveness Dr. Lynda Simmons-Matthews

Why have you not forgiven? This course will teach us to “LET IT GO” to get released from not only unforgiveness but also guilt, shame and pain.

#1003 Dramatics in Christian Education Atty. Nadine Nunn, Esq.

This class will present basic techniques of dramatic interpretation and play production through the Ministry of Christian Theater. You will learn character motivation in acting, stage, make-up, play directing production of plays and pulpit drama.

Attendees: Open to all, especially Christian Education Directors looking to add flavor to: Sunday School, VBS, Senior's Ministry, etc.

#214.2 Children's Ministry

Children will learn about the Christian life from the Child Evangelism Curriculum: A nationally published curriculum that will minister to children through age appropriate material and activities. Hand puppets, music for children, and Scripture learning with Bible based games. Also for the older children, good manners and social etiquette will be taught; as well as learning to identify and handle cyber and bullying issues (including proper cell/mobile phone and internet conduct).

Attendees: Children will be grouped as follows:

Instructors: Sis. Jackie Turman - ages 3 - 6 years

Atty Maria Owens, Esq. 7 - 9 years

Dr. Phillip Kent: , 10 - 12 years.

Sis ter Ayeshia Jefferson (Aide)

Text: Child Evangelism Bible & Materials

#855 Women in Ministry Instructor: Minister Leslie Malachi-Watson

This course provides an overview of how a woman’s Spiritual gifts, Personality, Experiences, Cares/passions, Interest, Abilities and Life gifts (talents) make her special and contribute to her God-given purpose; equipping her to minister to women. The objectives in this course will be to develop awareness and ability to match the gifts and strengths with appropriate ministry positions.

920.4 Liturgical Dance Trinita Nichole Clark

Traditionally, liturgical dance and ministries have taken the worship experience to a new level. This course will explore various ways of enhancing the liturgical dance. It will investigate new paradigms and techniques within the dance ministry genre. Students will leave invigorated with ideas that will take their dance ministry to another level. Students should come prepared to actively participate as this class will combine theory and praxis. All Students should bring worship appropriate dance wear.

#610.1 Techniques for Christian Teachers Sis ter Elizabeth Floyd

Class description being developed

Attendees: Persons who teach Christian materials to students i.e. Sunday School, Bible Classes, VBS etc.

#90 00 Who ’ s Fan Are You? Sister Josalyn Richey

You attend every movie featuring a certain actor, you know the status of your sports hero, and you can recite lyrics from your favorite songs. In short, you are a huge “fan”. The concern for today’s Christian youth is; are you treating Jesus the same as the other people you admire? Jesus wants to be your biggest fan. This new study will examine the dangers of hero worship, versus the right worship of Jesus among Christian Youth in this Hip-Hop culture. Attendees: Any age Text: Who’s Fan are You?

#750.4 Lay People in Training for Mission in the Daily World Angie McMillan This course is designed to enlarge the horizons and develop skills of leaders who will train lay people to perceive the applicability of the gospel to the tasks and issues of daily living in home, work, and in the community and to aid them in learning the intellectual and behavioral tools needed, especially that of “listening to the world, and to perceive God at work in it.”

#510.11 Leadership Empowerment: Teaching the Responsibilities of Ministry Leadership Rev. Jacqueline Fair

“Holding a leadership position in a Christian organization does not make one a spiritual leader”. Spiritual leadership is not an occupation: it is a calling. This class will help the student distinguish between general leadership and spiritual leadership principles. It will help them examine the scriptures to discover God’s Agenda. It is a guideline for all Christians who seek to be spiritual leaders. Text: Spiritual Leadership

# 912.22 Activating God's Power in your Life: Teaching the Personality of the Holy Ghost Rev. Jacqueline Gary

This course will assist students in coming to terms with the extraordinary power that resides on the inside of every believer. Students will be introduced to the personality of the Holy Spirit and how He helps the believer live a VICTORIOUS life right here on earth! Text: The Holy Spirit

#149.4 Health Ministry Instructor: Deacon C. Louise Brown

The New Standards of Practice for the PNBC Church Nurse will be taught including First Aid, CPR and caring for the congregation in special times. In addition, students will be prepared to work with the Pastor in assessing health needs in the congregation and obtaining local health resources. The Biblical message of health and wholeness will be incorporated throughout the class.