Minutes of the meeting held at JubileeHall, Main Road, Longfield
8.00pmTuesday 25th July 2017
Present:Cllr J KiteChairman
Cllr T Mack
Cllr D Patel
Cllr S Perfitt
Cllr Z Snell
Cllr M Tamber
In attendance:Jan GriggParish Clerk
2017/452Declarations of Interest:
Cllr Kite declared an interest as Executive Member and Leader of Dartford Borough Council, as a member of Kent County Council, Director of the Leigh Academy Trust and Director of Dartford Football Club.
Cllr Patel declared an interest as Director of Hodgson Pharmacy, Smartmove Homes Ltd, Lifeline Health Ltd and owner of properties in Longfield.
Cllr Tamber declared an interest as Sub-Postmaster of Longfield Post Office, and owner of properties in Longfield.
2017/453Apologies for absence:
Apologies were received from Cllr S Brown, Cllr C Stafford, Cllr G Sandher and Cllr R Perfitt.
2017/454Minutes of the Meeting:
The minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2017, wereapproved as an accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr PatelandSeconded by Cllr S Perfitt.
2017/456Matters Arising:
(a)The Chairman stated that he would like to formally record the Parish Councils appreciation with regard to the organisation of the Longfield Festival. He particularly wished to thank Cllr Snell and the Clerk for their detailed preparation which resulted in the event being such a success.
(b)Cllr Patel enquired as to whether clarification had been received from Ken Bonner with regard to Column 43. The Clerk responded that a response was still awaited and would chase accordingly.
(c)Cllr Patel asked for an update with regard to the application for yellow lines at Brickfield Farm and was informed that this would be the subject of a KCC Members’ Grant application and an application was being prepared.
(d)Kent/Essex Road – an event, now scheduled for August, will be held at the Long Valley Hall to give residents information on a simplified proposed parking scheme.
2017/457Chairman’s Report:
Starling Close and Firecrest Close –following the meeting with the Chairman and Clerk of Southfleet Parish Council on Wednesday 21 June 2017. The Chairman reported that the amenity land at Starling Close/Firecrest Close was originally given to Southfleet Parish Council but was clearly intended to have been transferred to this council in a subsequent boundary review. The relevant acts are clear in that the sites are deemed to have been transferred regardless of the absence of notice or specific reference to the sites. Kent County Council’s informal maintenance of the sites over the years may have masked the ownership, but both the intention and the legal effect of the boundary review was clear. The Chairman recommended that Longfield and New Barn Parish Council accept the transfer of the land and the Clerk was asked to contact SPC with regard to this matter. Proposed by Cllr S Perfitt and seconded by Cllr M Tamber. Agreed unanimously.
Item 19Complaint about Hall
Lanbara, one of the regular hall users, had complained that the floor was lifting in several places. It was recommended that quotes for repair and/or renewal were obtained.
Item 23Kents New Rural Housing Protocol
Cllr Tamber requested further information on this item. Copied to all Councillors on 5th July 2017.
Public Question Time
Paul Paulding of Esquire Developments Ltd and Michael Gagg attended and spoke to Members from the public gallery. They invited Parish Councillors along to a presentation to be held at the Old Laundry, Longfield on a suggested date of 17th August 2017. The Chairman suggested that if Parish Councillors were minded to attend they should do so together and Cllr Kite explained that Dartford Borough Council’s clear policy was to oppose developments within the Green Belt. The Chairman made it quite clear that any proposals should be a matter for full and transparent consultation with residents whose views would be paramount.
Mrs Sandra Carlse raised the matter of the Long Valley Hall and its present state of repair. Mrs Carlse also mentioned that litter bins had been purchased but not yet installed and the clerk agreed to look into this matter.
It was agreed that a handyman was required to carry out maintenance tasks on both the hall and around the village. Cllr Kite suggested that all Councillors visit the hall/walk around the village to ascertain work that needs to be carried out. Suggested date of 17th or 19th August 2017.
Committee Reports and Recommendations:
2017/456Finance and General Purposes Committee
(a)Recommendation to receive and approve the receipts and payments for July2017
It wasagreedto approve the receipts and payments for July 2017.
Proposed by Cllr Tamberand seconded by Cllr Snell
(b)Bank Account Signatories – Cllr S Perfitt agreed to become an additional signatory. The Clerk would post out the necessary bank mandate for completion and return.
2017/457Development Control Committee
(a)Review of planning applications received in July 2017
Cllr Tamber left the meeting whilst Cllr Snell reported on the meeting of the Development Control committee held on 25 July 2017.
Cllr Tamber rejoined the meeting.
(b)Cllr Kite reported on Northdown Road. There had been no need for planning consent as this was a permitted development. However, the matter went to the Planning Committee and it went through with conditions attached.
2017/458Lighting, Street Scenes and Allotments Committee
(a)Land at Station Road – this would be dealt with during the suggested Councillor ‘walk around’.
(b)Repairs to Column 39, Main Road were approved.
(c)Nurstead Lane allotments – it was agreed that the Clerk would take photos of all allotments to ascertain current conditions of individual plots. An allotment holder meeting should also be arranged.
(d)Cllr Patel enquired as to the parking on Longfield Avenue. Cllr Mack suggested that this could be when coaches pick people up for outings and vehicles are left parked.
(e)Cllr Patel asked if there had been any response from Waitrose with regard to the parking restrictions, the Clerk reported that there had been no response.
2017/459Grants & Community Committee
Nothing to report.
2017/460Longfield Festival
Reported under Chairman’s Report.
2017/461Friends of Long Valley – Community Hall
(a)It was agreed that Councillors should visit the hall to ascertain state of repair.
2017/447KALC – Dartford Area Committee
Nothing to report.
2017/448Borough and Parish Councils Forum
Nothing to report.
2017/449Dartford Borough Council – Matters to report
Nothing to report.
2017/450Kent County Council – Matters to report
(a)Cllr Kite discussed the 15% allowance increasefor Members and confirmed that he had not supported the proposal.
2017/451Any other business
(a)The Clerk reported that a new defibrillator had been allocated to the Parish Council and as there was already one in situ at the Long Valley Hall, Councillors would need to decide where this one should be installed.
(b)The Chairman noted that this was Cllr Snell’s last Parish Council meeting as she and her family were moving away from the Parish. He suggested that her departure would be a huge loss to the Parish and thanked her for her contribution on behalf of all parishioners. He thanked her particularly for her work on the Longfield Festival which had been hugely successful under her stewardship. Members wished her all the very best for the future.
The meeting closed at 9:40pm
Date of next Full Council Meeting: 26th September 2017
Chairman...... Date......
Longfield & New Barn Parish Council