Show Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011Show Place:Callisburg Ag Barn

Callisburg, TX

Entry Requirements:

The following is due in the County Extension Office no later than 2:00p.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 2011:

  1. Entry Form: 1 per animal or pen of 3
  2. Entry Fee: All entries $7 per animal or pen of 3

Show Time:

Show will begin promptly at 1 pm with Poultry and Dairy Cattle. All locations are to be announced. All other species will follow in proper order immediately after previous species is completed.

Order of Show in Main Ring:

  1. Dairy Cattle Poultry (will be held in Ag Building)
  2. Beef Cattle Rabbits (will be held in Ag Building)
  3. Dairy Goats Clover Kids(will be held in Ag Building)
  4. Goats
  5. Sheep
  6. Swine

Registration and Check-In With Division Superintendents – Registration Site *

Pen Master- Randy Norton

Beef –Jerry Harrell, David Morse12-1pm

Sheep –Denise Pearse, Robin Watts, 12-1pm

Dairy Goats- Melinda Butler 12-1pm

Dairy Cattle –Kris Dill, Wayne Becker12-1pm

Poultry –Rudy Paclik 12-1pm

Swine –Jenny & David Garner, Jeff & Connie12-1pm


Rabbits –Garin Taylor, Rhonda Smithson12-1pm

Goats – Doug Smithson, Charlan & Greg Darbon12-1pm

Lynn Peters

* Animals must enter the barn at the designated registration site.

Special Provisions:

  1. Beef steers must be placed on record and feed by October 1, 2010. All other animals must be placed on record and feed by December 1, 2010, except broilers and meat rabbits. No other animals will be added thereafter.
  2. A minimum of two (2) animals will constitute a class in any species.
  3. All Breeding Animals (excluding Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goats) will be shown immediately before the Market Animals of their species; Heifers before Steers; Breeding Hogs before Market Hogs; Breeding Sheep before Market Lambs, etc.
  4. Check with Division Superintendents upon arrival about penning your animal.
  5. Shavings are allowed.
  6. No male animals will be shown in breeding classes (with the exception of rabbits and poultry).
  7. Each animal may only be shown in one classification, either Market or breeding, but not both.
  8. Jr. & Sr. Showmanship contests will be held immediately before animals are judged in each species. Market and breeding showmanship will be held together. 4-H members who are age 14 as of August 31, 2010 are “seniors”. Animal used for showmanship must be owned, entered, and shown by that 4-H member.
  9. No change of the major color pattern of the animals by painting of dyeing will be allowed. Any grooming material that allows color to come off from any animal will not be allowed at the show. No clipped hair or other extraneous materials may be glued or otherwise attached to tail-heads, legs, or any other locations (exception, false tail switches). NO OIL ON ANIMALS.
  10. Glitter, ribbons, and other ornaments on animals will not be permitted during show.
  11. Modest and appropriate dress of youth will be expected.
  12. No dogs, except those assisting the handicapped are allowed on the grounds or in the stands.
  13. No people, except the judges and assistant or pig drivers in the show ring.
  14. Steers MUST be slick sheer with hair no longer than ¼” on the entire body excluding the switch.
  15. Blow and go show. Use of adhesives and coloring agents are prohibited.

Market Animals:

Sheep Classes No Rams

Medium Wool and Medium Wool Crosses

Fine Wool and Fine Wool Crosses



Market Sheep will be divided into weight classes as designated by the Sheep


Swine Classes


White OPB

Black OPB




Market Swine will be divided into weight classes as designated by the Swine

Superintendent. If there are not two or more animals in a weight class, those animals will

be grouped in the next class. If there are not two or more of a breed, two or more breeds

will be grouped together. If there are not enough York entries, they will be shown in the

White OPB class.

Steer Classes

Market steers will be divided into equal weight classes as designated by Steer

Superintendent. There will be no separation by breed.

Meat Goats

Wether or female. Meat Goats will be divided into weight classes as designated by the

Goat Superintendent. There will be no separation by breed. No bracing or driving of

market goats. Goats will be shown with neck chains and trained to lead.

Meat Rabbits

Pen of three – all same breed.

Rules from the Cooke County Youth Fair will be used to govern Rabbits.


Pen of three of either Cockerel or Pullet class.

Rules from the Cooke County Youth Fair will be used to govern Poultry.

Breeding Animals – Do Not Weigh:

Sheep Classes

(Shown by Breed)

Ewe lambs -Medium Wool and Medium Wool Crosses

Fine Wool and Fine Wool Crosses



Yearling ewes -Medium Wool and Medium Wool Crosses

Fine Wool and Fine Wool Crosses



Mature ewes -Medium Wool and Medium Wool Crosses

Fine Wool and Fine Wool Crosses



Swine Classes (Breeding Swine will be logged in, but not weighed)

(Shown by Breed)

Born in July

Born in August

Born in September and younger

Beef Classes

Under 6 months

6-12 months of age

12-18 months of age

18-24 months of age

24 months and over

Dairy Cattle

Cattle will be divided into heifers, not in milk and cows that have freshened.

After meeting these requirements, classes must have a minimum of two animals.

Suggested Heifer classes (by birth date)

March 2009March 2010

June 2009June 2010

September 2009September 2010

December 2009December 2010

Cow classes:2 year

3 year

4 year


Breeding Meat Goats

Junior Does – has never freshened or given birth and is under 24 months of age

0 to 6 months

6 to 12 months

12 to 24 months

Senior Does – must have freshened, but not necessarily in milk on show date

Under 3 years (including younger animals that have freshened)

3 years and over

Dairy Goats (No meat goat blood)

Junior Doe – has never freshened or given birth and is under 24 months of age

0 to 6 months

6 to 12 months

12 to 24 months

Senior Doe – must have freshened, but not necessarily in milk on show date

Under 3 years (including younger animals that have freshened)

3 years and over

Breeding Poultry

Bantam and Standard Cockerel/Cock or Pullet/Hen

Breed and sex of bird on entry

Rules from the Cooke County Youth Fair will be used to govern Poultry

Breeding chickens must be inspected at their home residence. It must be done before the show and proof of inspection must accompany the entry form.

Breeding Rabbits

Junior = 0-6 months, Senior = 6 months and older. Rules of ARBA

Standards of Perfection to be followed. Breed and sex of rabbit on entry.

Junior Does and Senior Does

Junior Bucks and Senior Bucks

Rules from the Cooke County Youth Fair will be used to govern Rabbits.

-1- Thursday, December 30, 2010