> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than () or less than () symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
2×5 □ 3×2 / 9×5 □ 3×113×3 □ 3×5 / 3×0 □ 12×5
6×5 □ 3×4 / 3×1 □ 0×5
8×5 □ 3×8 / 11×5 □ 3×12
3×7 □ 4×5 / 2×5 □ 3×6
7×5 □ 3×5 / 4×5 □ 3×9
10×5 □ 3×10 / 3×4 □ 8×5
3×6 □ 1×5 / 9×5 □ 3×12
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than > and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
2×5 □ 3×2 / 9×5 □ 3×113×3 □ 3×5 / 3×0 □ 12×5
6×5 □ 3×4 / 3×1 □ 0×5
8×5 □ 3×8 / 11×5 □ 3×12
3×7 □ 4×5 / 2×5 □ 3×6
7×5 □ 3×5 / 4×5 □ 3×9
10×5 □ 3×10 / 3×4 □ 8×5
3×6 □ 1×5 / 9×5 □ 3×12
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than > and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
7×5 □ 9×2 / 9×5 □ 3×112×6 □ 8×5 / 3×9 □ 12×2
6×7 □ 12×4 / 9×6 □ 7×8
8×5 □ 6×8 / 11×6 □ 7×8
6×7 □ 4×9 / 2×8 □ 3×7
7×9 □ 3×12 / 4×12 □ 3×9
10×8 □ 9×9 / 7×7 □ 8×5
3×6 □ 2×7 / 0×5 □ 0×6
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than > and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
7×5 □ 9×2 / 9×5 □ 3×112×6 □ 8×5 / 3×9 □ 12×2
6×7 □ 12×4 / 9×6 □ 7×8
8×5 □ 6×8 / 11×6 □ 7×8
6×7 □ 4×9 / 2×8 □ 3×7
7×9 □ 3×12 / 4×12 □ 3×9
10×8 □ 9×9 / 7×7 □ 8×5
3×6 □ 2×7 / 0×5 □ 0×6
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than > and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
45÷9 □ 33÷11 / 7×5+10 □ 9×2+1027÷9 □ 24÷12 / 2×6+9 □ 8×5-12
54÷6 □ 56÷8 / 6×7+8 □ 12×4-9
66÷6 □ 56÷7 / 8×5-7 □ 6×8-9
16÷8 □ 21÷7 / 6×7+5 □ 4×9+10
48÷4 □ 27÷3 / 7×9-9 □ 3×12+9
49÷7 □ 40÷8 / 10×8+11 □ 9×9+9
72÷8 □ 81÷9 / 3×6-4 □ 2×7+1
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
Greater than > and less than <
Look at the calculations below. Mentally solve each calculation and then decide whether to use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol to make the number sentence correct. An example has been done for you below:
5×9 < 8×7
45÷9 □ 33÷11 / 7×5+10 □ 9×2+1027÷9 □ 24÷12 / 2×6+9 □ 8×5-12
54÷6 □ 56÷8 / 6×7+8 □ 12×4-9
66÷6 □ 56÷7 / 8×5-7 □ 6×8-9
16÷8 □ 21÷7 / 6×7+5 □ 4×9+10
48÷4 □ 27÷3 / 7×9-9 □ 3×12+9
49÷7 □ 40÷8 / 10×8+11 □ 9×9+9
72÷8 □ 81÷9 / 3×6-4 □ 2×7+1