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Subject:Keeping CHICKENSas pets? (a weird story)
When my dear friend, John White, first
suggested that I might enjoy building my own
chicken coops and raising my own chickens…
I thought he had literally gone cuckoo!
That was… until I seriously checked out
what he was talking about.
You see, John runs a wildly-popular website
teaching people all over the world how
to build their own chicken coops and raise their
own chickens from scratch.
What!? Chicken coops and raising chickens?
I couldn’t believe it either when I first heard
about this — There are actually people who are
interested in building their own chicken coops?
And keeping chickens as pets?
Until I realized the immense benefits and reasons
for doing so…
A homemade chicken coop can be easily built
with high quality material available from
your local hardware store (Heck, you may even
have some spare material lying around in
your shed or garage right now…)
Since each coop is homemade and customized, your
chicken coop can fit ANYWHERE in your
garden or backyard, making use of any spare
space you might have.
But that’s not the best part… The most
exciting part is that besides being
extremely fun, raising your own chickens
gives you a lifetime supply of fresh,
organic farm eggs EVERY morning!
I know what you’re thinking… Why go
through all the trouble just to get a few
eggs when you can easily get them from the
Here’s the difference: When you raise your
own chickens, you get to choose what diet
to feed them. This means no chemicals
or artificial growth enhancers… In fact, John
takes you by hand and shows you the best
natural diet to raise your chickens on.
Your chickens are also allowed to roam in
larger spaces instead of being cooped up in
small cages. Happier chickens means healthier
(and safer) eggs for you and your family.
These very same, fresh, organic eggs can
cost you considerably at your local organic
food store… But when you raise your own
chickens, you get to pick them FRESH out of
your own backyard every morning…
right into your breakfast omelet!
John has helped thousands of ordinary folks
(with ZERO woodworking or chicken rearing
experience) get their coops up and running in
ONE weekend. He guides you through
everything… from material selection… to
sizing decisions for each coop… to
selecting the right chicken breeds and how to
raise them properly.
Now you know why I am excited about rearing
my own pet chickens!
You too, can have your own low-maintenance
chicken coop up this weekend. The step-by-step
instructions to do so are here:
Yours truly,
[Affiliate’s name here]
P.S — If you already have pets at home, why
not consider rearing chickens? They provide way
more practical benefit than a dog or cat… and
are great fun too.
Be sure to check out the forum at the bottom
of John’s page, where thousands of chicken
hobbyists share their success stories…
P.P.S — Yes, you can raise chickens too even if
you live in the city. John has a section on his
website that tells you just that… including the
perfect breed of chicken to choose and
the ideal number of chickens you should start
Check out his advice here: