Please complete this form when applying to extend a Certificate of Sponsorship and return it to the Staff Immigration Teamalong with the necessary supporting documents listed at the end of the form.

Please note – the applicant will be issued with a new Certificate of Sponsorship number rather than an ‘extension’ to the old one.

Signed applications should be sent via email to the Staff Immigration Team at: /

It is important that the information provided on the Certificate of Sponsorship application is accurate since this information must match the information provided by the applicant on their leave to remain (visa) application.

It is not possible for the Staff Immigration Team to consider incomplete applications. Therefore, please ensure that you provide all of the required information.

Has the applicant held any Tier 2 visas (with any employer) within the past six years?*

*Note that the maximum permitted time on a Tier 2 visa is six years for those who entered Tier 2 on or after 6 April 2011. Tier 2 visa holders wishing to stay in the UK longer than six years should apply for settlement, if they are eligible to do so.PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES OF ALL PREVIOUS TIER 2 VISAS.

POLICE REGISTRATION–Please check with the applicant whether they were required to register with the police, and if so that they have.If their vignette (paper visa in their passport) or BRP (plastic visa card) did not list police registration they may have been notified in a letter instead. Further details can be found in our guidance at:

If the applicant was required to register with the police and has not they will need to register before they can apply to extend their visa. Please contact SIT for advice and assistance if this issue arises.

Please complete the following personal information in full. Please complete personal details as they appear in the applicant’s passport, where applicable.

Title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Mrs)
Last name
First name(s)– [incl. middle name(s)]
Other name(s)– [i.e. previous name(s)]
City of birth
Country of birth
Date of birth
Passport number
Passport issue date(DD/MM/YYYY)
Passport expiry date(DD/MM/YYYY)
Passport place of issue (city / country)
Country of residence
Note that extension applications can only be made from within the UK / UK
FullUK residential address,including post code
Email address
UK National Insurance number (if applicable)
National ID card number (if applicable)
Expiry date of current visa (DD/MM/YYYY)
Required CoS end date (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Note that for a standard 3 year application a CoS can only be issued for three years, or the length of the contract, whichever is the shorter period.
For an over 3 year application a CoS can be issued for five years, or the length of the contract, whichever is the shorter period.
Please indicate the end date accordingly.
* NB the maximum permitted time on a Tier 2 visa is six years for those who entered Tier 2 on or after 6 April 2011. Tier 2 visa holders wishing to stay in the UK longer than six years should apply for settlement, if eligible to do so.
I confirm that this applicant has been made aware that they and their dependants will have to pay the ‘NHS Surcharge’. As this is a significant addition to the visa fee, based on the duration of the visa, it may affect the decision of the length of visa applied for.
For further details, see:
Does the applicant require multiple entry to the UK for work purposes?
Applicants who will be required to travel overseas for work purposes (such as to attend conferences or conduct fieldwork) will require a multiple entry visa. Applicants who will only travel overseas for domestic and leisure purposes do not require a multiple entry visa.
Will there be any changes to the job details submitted in the initial application for a CoS/work permit; duties, research focus, work address, hours of work, job title etc.?
If yes, give details of the changes and the date that these changes will become effective.
If changes have already taken effect and they have not been reported you must complete a ‘Tier 2 & Tier 5 Changes & Leavers’ form and submit it as soon as possible.
Total weekly hours of work
Full work address in the UK, including postcode
Other regular UK work address(es)
Job title
Main duties e.g. conducting experiments, analysing and publishing results, teaching (maximum 700 characters)
TheHome Office does not view University research and University teaching as the same profession. Therefore, if a research post requires the holder to teach, or a teaching post requires the holder to conduct research, this must be noted in the job description on the CoS.
Give registration details if there is a legal requirement for the applicant to be registered with a professional or other official organisation in the UK (e.g. GMC membership)
Gross annual pay† / £
Gross annual allowances / £
Description of allowances (e.g. £1000 per annum travel, £5000 per annum accommodation)

Please note that an applicant who is wishing to extend their total stay in Tier 2 and/or as a work permit holder beyond 3 years and 1 month is classed as an ‘Experienced Worker’ and their salary must meet or exceed the associated higher threshold specified in the Codes of Practice.

Departments and colleges employing applicants on Tier 2 (General) visas have a number of record-keeping and reporting responsibilities. The consequences of non-compliance with these duties, including reporting details late, are potentially severe for the University.

Departments and colleges can view their record-keeping and reporting responsibilities at

Our Tier 2 & Tier 5 Changes & Leavers Form should be used to report any changes in circumstances for Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa holders to the Staff Immigration Team within 5 working days after the changes take effect in order that they can be reported to the Home Office as required.

Departments and colleges can view the consequences on non-compliance at

Has the department/ college read and understood their record-keeping responsibilities for Tier 2 visa holders?
Has the department/ college read and understood their reporting responsibilities for Tier 2 visa holders?
Has the department/ college read and understood the consequences of non-compliance with their record-keeping and reporting responsibilities for Tier 2 visa holders.

Please tick to confirm that the following documents are enclosed with this application:

Copy of photo and personal information page(s) of a valid passport.(SURNAME,Initials-passport-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Copies of any current and previous Tier 2 visas held within the past six years.(SURNAME,Initials-visa-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Copy of signed and dated Client care & conditions form confirming the applicanthas read, understood, and accepts the Staff Immigration Team’s Conditions of Service and Agreed provision of advice & assistance. This is required before we are able to issue a CoS.(SURNAME,Initials-conditions-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

For applicants not employed on a CMS contract(i.e. employed by Colleges or subsidiaries) - copy of signed and dated Data Processing Consent form where applicant consents to the processing and use of their personal data by the University. (SURNAME,Initials-declaration-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Signed letter on departmental headed paper confirming that funding is available to continue employing the applicant in the post that the original work visa was issued for (unless a change in job has been reported to the Home Office), stating the date that the extended employment will end.(SURNAME,Initials-employ-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

The ISC, introduced on 6 April 17, will be charged on certain roles subject to exemptions as detailed below. SIT will calculate and confirm to Department/Colleges the ISC fee to be charged prior to issuing the Certificate of Sponsorship to the applicant.

For Departments the ISC fee will be cross-charged back to the cost code detailed in the ‘Payment and Authorisation’ section below.

For Colleges please do not provide a cheque for the ISC or cost of the CoS (£199) until the total combined amount is confirmed by SIT.

EXEMPTIONS / Immigration Skills Charge
  • Research (SOC code 2119) and Lecturer (SOC code 2311) roles, which fall under the ‘PhD level’ SOC codes;
  • Existing Tier 2 visa holders, whose Tier 2 CoS were issued before 6 April 2017, who are applying to extend their visa, or for a new Tier 2 visa with a new employer/ sponsor;
  • Tier 2 CoS being issued for Croatian nationals.
/ 12 months or less / £364
12 to 18 months / £546
18 to 24 months / £728
24 to 30 months / £910
30 to 36 months (3 years) / £1,092
36 to 42 months / £1,274
42 to 48 months / £1,456
48 to 54 months / £1,638
54 to 60 months (5 years) / £1,820

The cost of each Certificate of Sponsorship is £199. Please give the fullgeneral ledger cost code that you wish this fee and any ISC (if applicable) to be cross-charged to. We cannot cross-charge to project codes.

Cost codes should be in the format cost centre/natural account/ activity/ source of funds / organisation (e.g. AX0000/85210/00/00000/10).

Cost code to charge application fee to:

We are unable to cross-charge application fees to colleges. Therefore, colleges should attach a cheque made payable to the ‘University of Oxford’.If ISC is applicable please contact SIT to confirm the total amount.

Please complete below to confirm that you are satisfied that the applicant named on this form meets the necessary points requirements for a Tier 2 (General) Certificate of Sponsorship and that the department has read and understood its reporting and record-keeping responsibilities.

By completing this declaration and submitting this form via email you, or the named individual, are confirming that the information and supporting documents provided are, to the best of your knowledge, complete, true and correct.

Print name

Should you have any queries regarding Certificates of Sponsorship requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you

Staff Immigration Team

Solveig Alsaker, 01865 289912,

Medical Sciences / Social Sciences / Colleges Q – W

Angelina Kehayova, 01865 289904,

Humanities / MPLS / Colleges A–P

Updated August 2017 1