CSC Meeting
AGENDA w/times
4:15 Elect a note-taker and a time keeper/re-introductions
4:25- SPF and next steps
4:55- CSC year goals
5:15- Pod Reconstruction
5:45- Penny Harvest
6:05- Action steps review
Jean McKay, Janice Von, Essence Rodriguez, Steve Kinney, Katy Blakemore, Courtney Maloney, Julia Thrift, Lucia DelaTorre, Kal Rao
Facilitator: Kal/Katy
Notetaker: __Julia Thrift______
Timekeeper: _Everyone______
- Elect a note-taker and a time keeper
TOPIC 2: School Performance Framework
- SPF and next steps (School Performance Framework 2013)
SPF is a framework that rates schools based on student test performance, attendance, parent
engagement and satisfaction.
School is currently rated RED on the SPF. Fell from yellow (43%) to Red (34%).
We have a variety of strategies to improve our score:
As a school we are focusing on: Reading, English Language Development and Culture
The district is supporting us: UIP Plus, School review, Progress Monitoring
TOPIC 3:CSC is in charge of UIP implementation
- CSC is charged with ensuring implementation of these improvements.
- We will also be involving the community in these improvements. Brainstorm of goals for the year:
Leah Rounds WeCAN, Rewards/incentives positive behavior (Boys and Girls Club), , Mentors, Reading Buddy Program, Before and After school programs,Increase parent involvement,Education Contract, Improve attendance at school events, Parents notified of all awards, Volunteering in school and classrooms, Facebook page
*See action steps for follow up on some programs
TOPIC 4: Pod Reconstruction
There will be reconstruction of the pods over the summer and fall. There will be a design advisory group
set up for the next 8 weeks. CSC’s role is to identify priorities for the pods based on our overall priorities for the school.
- #1 Likes/Dislikes Likes: closets in classroom, collaboration easy, sinks, space, arranged by team, teacher work space, built in drawers Dislikes: danger of stairs, high ceilings, lighting, student storage sys., need individual classroom bathrooms, noise level
- #2 Specific Uses for PodsUpper level classes back to pods for space reason, community gathering room, behavioral calm space/psychologist space/speech space, grade level classes together, center collaboration for ECE, Science Lab, windows between classes for teachers to collaborate.
- #3 Design Ideas for Pods windows, individual restroom for classrooms, half carpet/half vinyl flooring, lighting, teacher/parent workroom, spaciousness/openness, lower height of room, whiteboards, temp. control in each room, sinks in each room, drywall, close off stairway access, storage closets/cabinets
- #4 CSC Priorities Parent/community collaboration space, Independent Study Room (Kids with discipline issues or kids doing well (lunch w/ principal or teacher), comfortable atmosphere, interactive environment, grade level appropriate furniture, safe environment
TOPIC 5:Penny Harvest
- October 31st - Thanksgiving
- Students collect Pennies and other coins to raise money for the new library on Colfax
- Why? This is one way that we can be active citizens of our community.
Action Step / Who’s Responsible / By WhenName and phone or email for mentor/reading buddy volunteers / Jean McKay
Ask other parents to volunteer / Essence Rodriguez & Lucia Delatorre
Repeat Invitation for Parent Involvement Nights / Teachers
Auto Dialer for Parent reminders / Kal to ask Office Staff
Facebook Page / Jan to ask Alonso/Charlotte
Attendance Rewards / Steve
Penny Harvest Letter / Courtney
Penny Harvest Posters / Community Girls/Kal
Next meeting date: Tues., Nov., 19 2013 3:30-5:30