Tuesday February 23, 2016
Tarzana Elementary School Auditorium
5726 Topeka Drive, Tarzana, CA 91356
1. Call to Order at 7:03 p.m. Welcoming Remarks by Eran Heissler, 1st Vice President. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call by Harvey Goldberg; Robin Correll, Rueben Dori, Max Flehinger, David Garfinkle, Harvey Goldberg, Eran Heissler, Jeff Mausner, Iris Polonsky, Terry Saucier, Kenneth Schwartz, Richard Silverman, Allan Wertheim, & Esther Wieder. Quorum established with 13 board members. Jon Reich arrived at 7:09. Absent: Joyce Greene, Syed Hussaini, Len Shaffer, Bob Shmaeff, & Ornit Toren.
3. Approval of minutes of January 26. 2016 meeting – Approval of minutes were tabled to review Joyce Greene’s changes.
4. Remarks by representatives of public officials: Ariel Bernard, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield (3rd Council District) announced World Spay/Neuter Day. The Councilmember is working with LADWP to lower cost savings on bills for residential and commercial customers. Ariel answered questions from the board about traffic and safety.
5. Former LAPD Senior Lead Daryl Scoggins stated that Senior Lead Police Officer Para was assaulted by a transient whom she was trying to evict from Tarzana. Crime stats: burglaries: 17, cars stolen: 3, cars broken into: 12, thefts: 11 incidents.
6. Public Comments – TNC board candidates Rami and Guy were present.
7. Committee and other Reports
· Outreach - Esther said that the date for Earth Day has been changed to Sunday, April 17th at Tarzana Park. They are working with several nonprofits on this event. She asked for the board’s participation.
· Land Use – David reported on the Neighborhood Initiative
· Budget – Harvey stated that there was about $20,000 left in the budget to be allocated before the fiscal year is over. Any funding requests need to be initiated in March (or April at the latest).
· Transportation – Max reviewed a complaint asking for closure of a tunnel that transients are camping in, as well as other discussion items.
· Animal Welfare – Jeff spoke about items paid for by TNC for the West Valley Shelter (dog beds/leashes). He also shared photos of different events benefitting animals.
· Budget Representative – Harvey said the Budget Advocates would be meeting with the Mayor on March 4th to present their recommendations on the budget. The next Budget Day will take place on June 25th at City Hall.
8. Financial Statements: (Goldberg/Wieder) moved approval of preliminary financial statements as of January 31, 2016. The motion carried unanimously.
9. Expenditures: (Goldberg/Reich) moved approval of January 2016 expenditures for submission to DONE (MER). The motion carried unanimously.
8. Reversal of previously approved funding: (Goldberg/Heissler) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Budget Committee’s recommendation to reverse the previously budgeted but unapproved by EmpowerLA of a NPG for $750 for WV BOOSTERS supporting the WVLAPD Baker to Vegas Run.” The motion carried unanimously.
9. Discussion and motion: (Goldberg/Wertheim) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the revised budget to include the above approved expenditures and/or revised expenditures.” The motion carried unanimously.
10. President’s Remarks:
o VANC Mixer March 11th – Correction on the date- March 10th. TNC has a table at this event at CBS Radford Studios.
o Candidate Forum: All of the positions are filled for the next TNC election. The Candidate Forum will be held at the March meeting.
o Earth Day is April 17th.
o Ethics training for new board members will be Feb 29th 6 – 9:00 PM in Van Nuys.
10. Board Member Comment - None.
11. Future Agenda Items and other Calendar Events- None.
12. Adjournment at 8:09 p.m. by Eran Heissler.
-Minutes by Pat Kramer, Apple One-