Minutes of the Landewednack Parish Council Meeting on Thursday July 13th at 7.30 pm at the READING ROOM, THE LIZARD

Present: Cllrs Hall (Chairman), V Parker (Vice Chairman), R Wheeler, S Wheeler, S Parker, D Burgess, V Donovan, M Baxter, D Issitt and B Kessell

In Attendance: D Shepherd (Clerk) and 28 members of the public

17/18 – 140To receive and accept apologies

There were no apologies from Councillors. Cllr Hall said that Cllr Rule and any other persons giving a report to the Council would be asked to sit at the table with the Councillors in future. The Chairman welcomed a member of the School Counci to the meeting as an observer.

17/18 – 141To receive Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of personal interest and disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of items of this agenda

There were no declarations of interest

17/18 – 142Public Participation: To receive public comment on items on the agenda. A maximum of ten minutes is allowed for this item.

Cllr Hall clarified that members of the public when speaking should confirm which item of the agenda they were commenting on.

A member of the public referred to Church Cove which the Parish Council leases. He said that the concrete had eroded away and had exposed metal. He said that two children had already cut their feet on this. Cllr Hall said urgent remedial action would be taken.

A member of the public referred to safety issues resulting from the overflow parking at KynanceCove . She also referred to the problems for Coaches. Cllr Hall said that this matter would come up under Correspondence.

17/18 – 143Landewednack Parish Council Minutes 15th June 2017: To approve and sign the minutes as a correct record

It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a correct record (Proposed Cllr Hall)

17/18 – 144Cllr Carolyn Rule: To receive a report from Cllr Rule

The Clerk reported that Cllr Rule was unable to attend as she was unwell

17/18 – 145Cornwall Council – Planning Application
Proposal:New 2nd Storey Extension with Existing Garage Extension
Location:Ivy House, The Lizard
Applicant:Ms D Kaatz

It was noted that a revised plan for this application had not yet been received for the Council to comment upon.

Proposal:New detached dwelling within existing gardens to CarnHyr
Location:CarnHyr, Beacon Terrace

Applicant:Mr and Mrs Walker

The Clerk read out two letters from the applicant and a member of the family. Cllr R Wheeler stated that the Planning Committee were not agreed on their proposal to Council. Cllr R Wheeler said there was an objection from the Cornwall Outstanding Area of Natural Beauty Partnership as the development conflicts with the Cornwall Local Plan.

It was resolved to support the application (Proposed Cllr Issitt: Abstain Cllrs R Wheeler, S Wheeler and S Parker)

Proposal:Extension and alterations
Location:Pednagothollan, Penmenner Road
Applicants:Mr and Mrs Taylor

It was resolved to support the application (Proposed Cllr R Wheeler)

Proposal:Retrospective application for change of use and extension of
redundant building for additional holiday accommodation
Location:The Old Bakery, Mainway
Applicant:Mr R Ford

Cllr R Wheeler said it was unfortunate that this was a retrospective application

It was resolved to support this application (Proposed Cllr R Wheeler) with a request that the following conditions be attached to the approval:

1.Neighbouring properties should not be affected by light pollution
2. Neighbouring properties should not affected by noise pollution
3. Use should be restricted to holiday accommodation
4. Any overlooking windows should be required to have obscure glass

17/18 – 146Cornwall Council – Planning Decisions: It was noted that Cornwall Council had approved the following planning application with conditions as filed:

Proposal:New Dwelling and new vehicular access
Location:The Rectory, Church Cove
Applicant: Truro Diocese

It was resolved that a letter would be written to the Planning Department about the meeting that Cllrs R Wheeler and D Issitt had held with the agent which had led to a proposal to improve the new vehicular access (Proposed Cllr R Wheeler)

17/18 – 147Planning Inspectorate: Decision: To note that the Planning Inspectorate had dismissed the appeal made by Mr and Mrs Milton in respect of the following application

Proposal:Construction of replacement dwelling with garage
Location:Sagres, Lighthouse Road
Applicant:Mr and Mrs Milton

17/18 – 148Parish Plan: To agree next steps. The Clerk to report

The Clerk reported that she had contacted the Cornwall Rural Community Charity (CRCC) who would support the Council in launching the process for setting up a Parish Plan. The Plan must be developed by the Parish and not by the Council. It was hoped to hold a Public Meeting in October when the Chairman of the Parish Council and someone from CRCC would explain what was involved. At that meeting the aim would be to form a Parish Plan Working Group led by the Parish. CRCC had recommended that the Council apply for a Lottery grant to fund the process.

It was resolved to approve the next steps as set out by the Clerk (Proposed Cllr Hall)

17/18 – 149Finance and Payments of Accounts: The budget report for July 2017 was noted

The following receipts were noted:

Green Donations£3550.13

Toilet Donations:£958.63
Pendles (Cemetery)£60.00

It was resolved toauthorise the following payments:

Clerk’s Salary July and August£472.84 x 2

PAYE July and August£118.20 x 2

Clerk’s (NALC pay rise adjustment from April 2017 – August 2017)£107.45

Churchill£24 x 2


Tel Calls£9.36

Michael Legg (May - June)£500

SLS £36.94, £31.20, £38.18,£39.86


Finance Training£30

Simon Fayers (Footpaths cut)£814.77

Simon Fayers (Cemetery field)£100

Play Equipment Repair£828
CALC (Training for 9 Cllrs)£631.80
EDF (Street Lights)£244.70 Reading Room Hire (Until end of March 2018) £72.00
Stamps £0.98 x 2

Cllr R Wheeler proposedthat the Clerk should be paid the 41.25 additional hours she had worked since the 1st April in accordance with her contract of employment.

It was resolved to make an additional payment to the Clerk of £458.71 (Proposed Cllr R Wheeler)

17/18 – 150Electoral Review of Cornwall Council: To agree the Council’s response to this review. Cllr V Parker to report.

Cllr V Parker reported on the work she had done to prepare a response to the Electoral Review. Cllr Hall thanked her for all her hard work.

It was resolved that Cllr V Parker would submit the Council’s response recommending that 99 Councillors be retained (Proposed Cllr Hall)

17/18 – 151Signs on the Green: To consider two requests to place temporary signs on the Green

The Clerk reported that two requests had been received to place temporary signs on the Green: one from the RNLI and one from the Witchball. The Clerk advised Cllrs that they should agree a policy if they were going to allow signs on the Green rather than making adhocdecisons. The previous Council had a policy of not allowing signs on the Green. The Clerk also advised that advertising on the Green could provide an income stream to the Council.

It was resolved to allow the Lizard Lifeboat Station to inform people of exercise launches by placing a sign on the Village Green (under an existing sign). This sign would be placed on the day of the launch and removed the same day (Proposed Cllr Issitt)

It was proposed by Cllr Hall that the Witchball be allowed to place a temporary sign on the Green to advertise the Beer Festival. The motion fell (3 For, 5 against and 2 abstentions)

Cllr Hall said that the Asset Management Committee would consider a policy for signs on the Green.

17/18 – 152Sign at the Recycling Centre: Cllr Burgess to ask the Council to consider removal or replacement of the sign

It was resolved that the current sign be removed and that Cornwall Council be asked to provide appropriate signage to include contact details if problems occur with the Centre (Proposed Cllr Hall)

17/18 – 153Emergency Plan: Cllr Issitt to report. For information only

Cllr Issitt reported on his current progress in drafting the plan. He hoped to have an outline for the Council to consider at the September meeting.

17/18 – 154Cornwall Community Flood Forum: Cllr Issitt to report on a letter form the Forum and a request re membership and funding

It was resolved to join the Flood Forum (Proposed Cllr Issitt)

17/18 – 155Annualised Hours: The Clerk to report. For information only.

The Clerk reported that she had worked 41.25 additional hours since 1st April. Payment for these hours had now been agreed

17/18 – 156Devon and Cornwall Police: The Clerk and Cllr Burgess to report. For information only.

The Clerk reported that the Police UK website gave the following information for crimes in April 2017 in the Lizard: 1 violent and sexual offence (Parc Ithan); 1 Anti Social Behaviour (Parc Brawse) and 1 Anti Social Behaviour (Green Lane). Cllr Burgess reported that PCSO Julia Berry had been transferred to data input duties and that her vacancy had not been filled.

17/18 – 157Roads and Footpaths in the Parish: To receive a report from the Clerk and Councillors re the roads and footpaths in the parish:

The Clerk reported that as requested she had reported the double hedge between Trethvas and Gwavas Farm and that it had now been closed for repair. The Clerk confirmed that the price for purchasing the Street Lights from Cornwall Council will be held until the end of March 2018. Cllr Burgess expressed concern was about a Bull in a field near Old Lizard Head which is crossed by a footpath.

17/18 – 158Correspondence: It was noted that the Council had received the following correspondence:

Items for Action:

  1. CC: Planning correspondence
  2. Cornwall Community Flood Forum: Request for support/membership
  3. Cambourne Town Council: Appraisal Training
  4. CC: Off Street Consolidation Order – response by the 26th July
  5. Boundary Commission Review: Correspondence re submission

Items for Note:

  1. Rural Services: Bulletins and Newsletters
  2. CALC – Newsletters
  3. Carolyn Rule – emails for the attention of Cllrs on variety of matters
  4. Google report on Council website
  5. North Cluster Group of Councils – letters to CC
  6. CC: Cabinet priorities
  7. Freshwater habitats: Course
  8. CC: Neighbourhood Planning Bulletins
  9. Correspondence with the Police re Lizard Head Lane
  10. Correspondence with the Monitoring Officer re complaint
  11. Correspondence with D Thomas MP
  12. Correspondence with Dr Grierson re Little Big Gig
  13. CC: Resident’s Survey
  14. Correspondence with J Thurlaway- Price re fireworks
  15. E mail from parishioner re event on Recreation Ground
  16. E mail from parishioner re date of Reading Room Annual Meeting
  17. CALC: Student questionnaire
  18. CC: Priorities listed
  19. Great Western Railway: Electrification of line
  20. VAT Correspondence
  21. GWR Customers Community Fund: How to apply for a grant
  22. Letter from Michael Edwards re toilets
  23. Cornwall Land Community Trust: Annual Report

The Clerk read out a letter from the Football Club apologising for cutting down a tree and setting out three issues relating to the maintenance of the Recreation Ground.

The Clerk read out a letter from J Thurlaway Price clarifying that the June minutes were incorrect as they stated that on the night of the 2016 Fireworks £5 entry was charged. She confirmed that they do not and will not charge. She also explained about the Lizard Community Group which is a separate entity to the Christmas Lights and it had a full audit trail. She confirmed the Council’s donation of £500 would be spent on new silhouettes.

The Clerk read out an anonymous letter asking the Council to answer some questions re Polpeor

The Clerk referred to the 301 sessions on the Council website in the last month and a total of 746 page views.

The Clerk reported that Cornwall Council was carrying out a Residents Survey and should parishioners have any questions about it they can contact the Clerk

The Chairman referred to further correspondence with Derek Thomas MP about efforts to ensure the Post Office does not close by rewriting to local businesses with revised terms.

The Clerk read out an email from Derek Thomas who thanked the Council for identifying three priorities and explaining why the snap election had put back the legislative timetable.

The Clerk referred to an email from Michael Edwards explaining why the offer of a personal contribution towards the running of the toilets had been withdrawn

The Clerk referred to correspondence from Dr Grierson expressing concern about the forthcoming Little Big Gig

The Clerk read out an email from the National Trust indicating that their new traffic management system at Kynance was working well. Cllrs discussed this and agreed this was not the case.

It was resolved that the Council would write to the National Trust to express their concerns (Proposed Cllr Hall)

The Clerk read out a request from J Thurlaway Price seeking approval for a fun day on the Recreation Ground on 13th August and to be allowed to put some stalls and fun activities on the Recreation Ground when the Beer Festival is being held.

It was resolved to approve the requests from J Thurlaway Price (Proposed Cllr Hall)

The Clerk referred to the letter written to Cornwall Council re traffic management. She has chased the reply twice but with no success. Cllr V Parker reported that the person concerned was on long term sick leave and the work would now be dealt with by someone else and there would therefore be a delay.

The Clerk said that she had been contacted by Mr Martin Mitchell who advised that SWW had told him that he needed an easement before they could lay his services. She had advised Mr Mitchell to get the advice of a solicitor. Mr Mitchell had then visited the Council’s solicitor and put his case which had then been relayed to the Clerk via an email. The Council’ solicitor recommends that the Council take advice from Counsel

It was resolved that the Council would take advice from the Council’s solicitors in the first instance (Proposed Cllr Hall; Abstain 4)

17/18 – 159Items for the September 2017 Agenda: Councillors to consider items for the next agenda

Cllr Parker/Cllr Hall referred to training and maintenance of the defibrillator. Cllr Hall referred to the disposal/dispersal of Council documents. Cllr R Wheeler noted that there would be other items coming forward from the Committees to the next agenda. Cllr Hall noted that the Asset Management Committee needed to meet before the next Council meeting.

17/18 – 160Date and Time ofnext Parish Council Meeting: September 14th2017 at 7.30 pm
