3rd Quarter At-A-Glance – 4th Grade
Cognitive Strategies / Language/Word Study / Reader’s Workshop / Writer’s WorkshopWk
/Read Aloud/Think Aloud
/ Vocabulary/ District Academic ELA words /Word Study
Spelling and Word Solving Actions /Strategic Reading
/ Guided Reading / Grammar and Conventions / Writing Mini-LessonsBig Question: How can strategy development influence readers’ ability to understand literature?
1 / Review all Cognitive Strategies
The Horned Toad Prince from Reading Street 4.1 P. 116
and/or Trickster tale of your choice / Attribute
Shrieked / Spelling List #16 / Interaction of Characters
Review Developing Readers p. 111 / . / Parts of Speech Review
CCA / Expository writing
Prefixes (over, sub-)
2 / Review all Cognitive Strategies .
Smokejumpers: Life fighting fires from Reading Street 4.2
P.178 / Concentrating
method / Spelling List #17 /
Summary of Expository Text
/ Using Apostrophes in Contractions and Possessive Nouns / Write an expository piece.Prefixes (pro-, post-)
3 / Review all Cognitive Strategies
Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path from Reading Street 4.2 P. 356 / Reservation
manual / Spelling List #18 / Developing Readers:
Fact and Opinion P. 167
Reading Benchmark DCA / Prepositions / Purposeful Paragraphs on Memorable Teachers
4 / Review all Cognitive Strategies
How Night came from the Sea SE 4.1
Or My Rotten Red Headed older brother by Patricia Polacco / shimmering
contrast/differences / Spelling List #19 / Developing Readers:
Comparing Story Variants
P. 177 / Using prepositions to elaborate written ideas / Review expository writing.
Expository Writing Benchmark
Writer’s Toolbox
Kernel Essay
Great Beginnings, Sparkling Sentences
5 / Review all Cognitive Stategies
Lewis and Clark and Me from Reading Street 4.1 P. 52 / yearned
historical fiction / Spelling List #20 / Developing Readers:
Similarities and Difference Across Text P. 193
( between fiction works and actual events- bio) /
Subject/Verb Agreement
/ TruismsQuicklist
Text Structure
Ba-Da-Bing Sentences
Changing rule
6 / Review all Cognitive Strategies
CoyoteSchool News from Reading Street 4.1 P. 202
How to Start a School Newspaper 4.1 P. 224 / bawling
synthesize / Spelling List #21 / Reading Benchmark
Connect, Compare, Contrast across Text
p. 203 /
can be introduced that support classroom instruction through student practice / Review and practice of editing, revising & grammar skills for STAAR / Kernel EssayFlipbook
Revision Stations
Ei and ie
7 / Review all Cognitive Strategies Moonwalk from Reading Street 4.2 P. 294
Thank you, Mr. Faulker by Patricia Polacco / Taunted
review of academic vocabulary words / Spelling List #22 / Review Inferencing / Review grammar concepts that need reinforcement – determine class needs / Blending Sentence fuctions
Common mistakes
Final Copy
-dge and -ge
8 / Review all Cognitive Strategies
A gift from the Heart from Reading Street 4.2 P.420 / Ceremonial
thesaurus / Spelling List #23 / The Genre of Test Reading / Review grammar concepts that need reinforcement – determine class needs / Review Week
Review strategies as necessary depending on the needs of the class
augh and ough
9 / Creating analogies review lesson
Use additional vocabulary activities to review. / Review list selected by the teacher / Review and revisit strategies based on student need / STAAR Writing Test