Rushba Tariq
Simulating life
Topic: Poliovirus

Please answer each question in a separate section. 1) Describe what the code in your section is supposed to do. What are the agents? What do the agents do? What do the agents sense? How do the agents respond? This should describe their behavior - not how the code makes this happen.
The topic of my simulation is poliovirus. This virus gets spread through fecal-oral contact. One of few ways of getting polio is drinking or eating food that’s been contaminated with the poliovirus. In rare cases the virus also spreads if the person comes in contact with respiratory droplet or saliva of infected person. For this simulation I will focus on the fecal-oral transmission. While researching about the polio virus I found out that even having few people infected with the poliovirus puts rest of the world at risk of getting infected and this is what will be testing with my code.
The agents in my simulation are hospital, restaurant, person and house. Hospital acts as a healing agent. The idea is that they get vaccinated and can’t get infected after coming in contact with virus. There is no cure for people who are already infected with polio virus but there are vaccines available for unvaccinated, uninfected people to prevent the disease.
The second agent in my simulation is the restaurant, as mentioned above this virus spreads via fecal-oral contact; restaurant could serve as a source of infection. The idea is that an infected person will come to the restaurant and will bring the hygiene of the restaurant down and will put the unvaccinated people at risk of getting infection. Since it’s a restaurant and health inspectors come and visit often to maintain the proper hygiene, the restaurant disinfects itself or brings up the hygiene to the max value after getting infected.
The third agent in my simulation is person; I have made three sub categories of people. 1, The infected people, with hygiene 0. These are the people who will infect the restaurant and will put the rest of community at risk. 2, unvaccinated people, these are the people who haven’t yet received vaccination and are at risk of getting poliovirus on coming in contact with the restaurant (if infected at the time of collision). 3, the vaccinated people with hygiene level of 5 (maximum possible hygiene), these are the vaccinated people who aren’t at the risk of getting infected and will not infect restaurant either.
In real life, once the person gets infected with the poliovirus, they get permanently paralyzed after some time since the virus directly affects the central nervous system. In order copy this behavior, I made my fourth agent, house. That’s where my infected agents will go after certain amount of time and will stay there. They will not be able to infect the restaurant after getting paralyzed

2) Describe how your code implements the behavior you described in (1). Be sure to include screenshots of the code with enough context so that I can understand how it works. Describe all traits and what they represent.
In the world tab, I created my agents and set their colors, size, shape and hygiene. All of my people are size 1 in simulation and their shape is cube. I made 15 unvaccinated people; their color is red with hygiene level of 3. I made 10 vaccinated people with color magenta and hygiene level of 5. The infected people are black in color with hygiene level of 0 and are two in number. The restaurant, hospital and houses are all cube shaped, with size 5. The built in shapes didn’t work well with simulation. There are two houses in my simulation, one restaurant and one hospital and they are all spread evenly across the terrain.
The restaurant gets infected on collision with infected person and that makes the restaurant turn black from blue color. When the restaurant turns black and the unvaccinated person collides with it, it also becomes infected and turns black from red. After 5000 ticks on clock, the infected people with color black go towards the nearest house, which depicts them as being paralyzed. The hospital turns the red, unvaccinated agents into vaccinated agents with color magenta.

3) How do you know that your code “works”? Give two examples of how you tested it, what should have happened if the code was working, and what actually happened. These tests must involve changes to the simulation. In your case, these could involve changing the starting numbers of organisms or their life spans, their behavior when infected, the chance of spreading the disease, etc. and observing the effects of these on the numbers of infected organisms. You could also remove some key element of the simulation, then predict and observe the results. Be sure to include graphs if appropriate.
In order to check if my simulation was working I started with the small number of agents. I started with one infected person alone and worked on my code to infect the restaurants. Once I was successful in doing this, the second step was to make unvaccinated people and come up with a code to get them infected after collision with infected restaurant and change their color to black from red. Next I worked on making a hospital and getting the unvaccinated and uninfected people vaccinated. One issue I had with this part was that, when the built in shape for hospital was ‘hospital’, it wouldn’t turn the color of unvaccinated people to magenta (making them vaccinated). The hardest part in simulation so far was to come up with a code to make the infected people paralyzed after certain time. I played around with the clock time to decide when to make the infected people paralyze. I’m still working on this part of the code because after the time I put for them to head towards the house, all of them go towards the house. I want to make them paralyze one by one on basis of the time when they get infected. By looking at the graph and my data boxes number was the proof that my simulation is working, increase in number of infected people on the graph and also the increase in number of the people getting vaccinated showed that it’s working.

4) Give one example of a hypothesis you can test with your simulation and how you’d test it.
My hypothesis for this simulation is that few infected people puts rest of the world to be at risk of getting infected. This can be tested by looking at the graphs or the data boxes that show how the number of infected people and healthy (vaccinated people).