3rd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
Sponsored by the Applied Aerodynamics TC
2-Day Workshop Preceding the 25th APA Conference
San Francisco, CA

NASA Langley RC: Joseph Morrison, 757-864-2294

Configuration 2 - Wing Alone Comparison DPW-W1 - baseline DPW-W2 - simple optimization

For all cases, Reynolds No. = 5x106 (Based on cref = 197.556 mm), free-stream Temperature 580R ( 322.22 Kelvin)

  1. Grid convergence study at Mach=0.76, alpha=0.5
  2. Drag polar at Mach=0.76, alpha=-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 (medium grid)
  • Reference Geometry:
    Sref = 290322 mm2 = 450 in2
    cref = 197.556 mm = 7.778 in
  • b = 1524 mm = 60 in


  • Simulations are to be “free air”; no wind tunnel walls or model support systems are to be included.
  • Boundary layer is to be fully turbulent.
  • For the optional cases, interpolated forces and moments are acceptable (as is typically done for wind tunnel data reduction).

CAD Models of DPW-W1 - Baseline Wing Alone

Ref. Area, S = 290322 mm2 = 450 in2
Ref. Chord, c = 197.556 mm = 7.778 in
Ref. Span, b = 1524 mm = 60 in
Moment Reference (updated 1/20/2006):

Fuselage Station (FS) -- 6847.145 mm = 279.475 in
Waterline (WL) ------2226.615 mm = 90.882 in

Moment Reference Relative to the wing root leading edge:

x = 154.245 mm = 6.0726 in
z = 0.0 mm = 0.0 in

N.B. Please note that some grids may move the geometry, so verify the wing root leading edge location (e.g. the Boeing DPW-W1 grids have been translated so that the wing root leading edge is at the origin)


CAD Models of DPW-W2 - Wing Alone

Reference area, chord, and span are the same as DPW-W1 above
Moment Reference (updated 1/20/2006):

Fuselage Station (FS) ----- 154.245 mm = 6.0726 in
Waterline (WL) ------0.0 mm = 0.0 in

The DPW-W2 IGES geometry has the wing root leading edge at the origin, so the above is the correct moment reference.
N.B. Please note that some grids may move the geometry, so verify the wing root leading edge location (e.g. the Boeing DPW-W1 grids have been translated so that the wing root leading edge is at the origin)


IGES Wing Tip:xwingd2otetip.igs.gz


Directory/File Contents


README This file

hex_Embraer Embraer hexahedral meshes(plot3d


hex_Embraer/dlr_f6_rev2 UPDATED 1/31/2006

zipped files for coarse (3.5 Million cells),

intermediate(8.3 M), fine(24 M) DLR-F6

UPDATED 3/29/2006 - correction to fine (24 M

cells) DLR-F6 gridto fix grid crossing

hex_Embraer/dlr_f6_fx2b_rev2 UPDATED 1/31/2006

zipped files for coarse (3.5 Million cells),

intermediate(8.3 M), fine(24 M) DLR-F6 with

FX2B fairing

hybrid_ANSYS Updated 1/20/2006

Hybrid/unstructured meshes generated with CFX-

Mesh by ANSYS Europe

hybrid_ANSYS/DLR-F6-FX2B_Ver1 Hybrid/unstructured meshes for the DLR F6

geometrywith FX2B fairing in the CGNS format

hybrid_ANSYS/DLR-F6_Ver1 Hybrid/unstructured meshes for the DLR F6

geometrywithout the FX2B fairing in the CGNS


hybrid_DLR Hybrid/unstructured meshes generated by DLR

usingCentaur from CentaurSoft. Coarse and

intermediategrids available in TAU and CGNS

formats. Fine grid is available in TAU format


hybrid_DLR/dpw_w1 Coarse, intermediate and fine for DPW-W1 Wing


hybrid_DLR/dpw_w2 Coarse, intermediate and fine for DPW-W2 Wing


hybrid_DLR/f6wb F6 Grids N.B. Added 7/28/2006

hybrid_DLR/f6wbfx2b F6 with FX2B fairing Grids N.B. Added 7/28/2006

multiblock_Boeing Multiblock O-O grids from Ed Tinoco of Boeing

grid file unformatted, double precision

multiblock_Boeing/dpw_w1_rev1 Coarse, intermediate and fine for DPW-W1 Wing

AloneN.B. These grids were updated on

12/14/2005 to fix the trailing edge thickness.

N.B. Added medium-fine grid on 2/10/2006

multiblock_Boeing/dpw_w2 Coarse, intermediate and fine for DPW-W1 Wing

AloneN.B. Added medium-fine grid on 2/10/2006

multiblock_Boeing/f6wb_struc_boeing Coarse, intermediate and fine DLR-F6


multiblock_Boeing/f6wbfx2_struc_boeing Coarse, intermediate and fine DLR-F6

with FX2B fairing grids

multiblock_Boeing/f6-fx2_struc_boeing_medfine Medium-fine DLR-F6 with and

without FX2B fairing grids

multiblock_Boeing_CGNS Multiblock O-O grids from Ed Tinoco of Boeing

in CGNS format (exactly the same grids as are

inmultiblock_Boeing)N.B. Added medium-fine

grids for W1 and W2 on 2/14/2006

multiblock_icem_cfd ICEM grids for DLR-F6 with and w/o fairing and

W1 & W2ANSYS ICEM CFD format and PLOT3D format

(with IBLANK)each zip file contains coarse,

intermediate, fine gridsUPDATED 3/10/2006 DPW-

W1 and DPW-W2 grids (both ICEM and PLOT3D

formats) replaced with REV1 grids to fix

missing blocks in medium W1 and w2 surface grid

spacingUPDATED 3/28/2006 New coarse, medium

and fine DLR-F6 with FX2B fairing grids posted

(REV1); New medium DLR-F6 wing body grid posted

(REV1)UPDATED 3/31/2006 New coarse, medium

FineDLR-F6 wing body grids posted (REV2)

UPDATED 4/7/2006 New W2 grids posted (REV2) to

fixa projection problem.

multiblock_icem_cfd Multiblock grids generated by gridpro for

DLR-F6 with and without FX2B fairing and

wing alone grids

overset_Boeing Overset grids from Tony Sclafani of Boeing

grid file unformatted, double precision, big endian

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_rev1 UPDATED 3/6/2006 DLR-F6 (no fairing)

Re-generated to fix near wall spacing

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_rev1/coarse_fx2b_off Coarse grids for DLR-F6

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_rev1/fine_fx2b_off Fine grids for DLR-F6

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_rev1/medium_fx2b_off Medium grids for DLR-F6

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_fx2b_rev1 UPDATED 3/6/2006 DLR-F6 with FX2B fairing

Re-generated to fix near wall spacing

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_fx2b_rev1/fx2b_on_coarse Coarse grids for DLR-F6 with FX2B

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_fx2b_rev1/fx2b_on_fine Fine grids for DLR-F6 with FX2B

overset_Boeing/dlr_f6_fx2b_rev1/fx2b_on_medium Medium grids for DLR-F6 with FX2B

unstr_Cessna_DPW_W1_W2 Coarse,medium,fine,super-fine unstructured grids for

DPW-W1 and DPW-W2 wing alone cases.

These grids were designed for vertex-based (nodal)

schemes. N.B. .bc files were replaced with corrected

.bcfixfiles on 1/20/2006

unstr_Cessna_DPW_W1_W2/DPW3-Wing1 DPW-W1 wing alone grids

unstr_Cessna_DPW_W1_W2/DPW3-Wing2 DPW-W2 wing alone grids

unstructured_Boeing_STL Coarse,medium,fine unstructured grids for DLR-F6

with and without FX2B fairing in AFLR b8.ugrid

format These grids were designed for cell-centered


Unst_node_based_larc Unstructured, node based grids (2/10/2006)

These grids were designed for vertex-based

(nodal) schemes.

Unst_node_based_larc/dpw_w1 DPW-W1 wing alone grids

Unst_node_based_larc/dpw_w2 DPW-W2 wing alone grids: Added 3/6/2006

Unst_node_based_larc/F6 DLR-F6 Wing Body grids

Unst_node_based_larc/F6FX2B DLR-F6 with FX2B fairing Wing Body grids

UPDATED 4/13/2006 Update coarse grid to fix

boundary layer stretching factor


Participant Provided Grids


Unstr_Cell_Based_RAYTHEON Unstructured, cell-centered grids (5/13/2006)

for DLR-F6 with and without FX2B fairing

JAXA_multiblock_UPACS Multi-block structured grids from JAXA

(5/16/2006)for DLR-F6 with and without FX2B


JAXA_unstructured_TAS Unstructured grids from JAXA (5/16/2006)

for DLR-F6 with and without FX2B fairing

This file last changed on 28 July 2006