Name______Class Period______
7th Grade Multi Genre Research Project Overview
Overview: You will create a Multi-Genre Research Project (MGRP).The final grade of this unit will be based on many assignments, so be sure to DO ALL OF YOUR BEST WORK possible.
What is a Multi Genre Research Project?
A multi-genre research project is a portfolio of your writing. Each piece of writing will be of a different genre but it is still an expression of expository writing and research. You will have to do some research both in class (through notes and computer time) and outside of class in order to be successful with this project.
In this packet you have:
•The MGRP Overview
•The project checklist (below)
•Reflection Instructions
•Introductory Essay Instructions
How must this project be created?
For the next five weeks, you will have time in class to create this project, but I also recommend using time outside of class to work on various assignments. You will work on this project both independently and collaboratively. Feel free to ask me or your classmates for feedback on what you’re working on to ensure a FANTASTIC final project!
Fill out the checklist below as you finish your project to be sure that everything you need for full credit is present. This checklist should help you to stay organized; please write different due dates and assignments in your planner as well.
What will I write about?
What interests you? Did you learn about something really cool that happened 50 years ago? Research it! Does the history of Native Americans in Minnesota intrigue you? Terrific! Learn more about it! Are you obsessed with someone in history that had a big influence? Do you want to explore the background of your favorite sport? Write about it!
The guidelines for choosing a topic are as follows:
- The topic must be historical (at least 10 years ago).
- You must be able to conduct research about this topic AT SCHOOL.
- The topic must be school appropriate.
We will do a few in-class exercises to get you brainstorming and thinking about your topic. You will want to pick something that you are truly interested in; we will be spending a lot of time researching and writing about this one thing. Choose wisely! You will submit your topic ideas to me by ______.
How many things will I have to write?
Approximately each week, we will begin a new kind of writing. We will begin with an essay, then write a short story, and then finally a poem. After you finish each genre, you will have to write a reflection to pair with the piece of writing.
DON’T FREAK OUT! I will help you through this process; we will work on each genre together so you have a good understanding of what my expectations are.
To be successful in this project, it is important that you KEEP everything I give you! We will have mini lessons on each genre as we go, so PAY ATTENTION, KEEP NOTES, and WORK HARD!
Your FINAL project will be constructed in the order below:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Explanatory Essay
- Expository Essay (final)
- Expository Essay reflection
- Expository Essay drafts/ peer edits
- Creative Story(final)
- Creative Story reflection
- Creative Story drafts/ peer edits
- Poem (final)
- Poem reflection
- Poem drafts/ peer edits
- Presentation notes
- Works cited page
***EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: Only when you have finished all of the required items above, you may decorate your multi-genre research project folder for 5 points extra credit.
****Reflection Instructions
After each genre piece, you must write a one-paragraph reflection answering the questions below. Each reflection you turn in must be neatly hand-written or typed.
Answer these questions in each reflection. You must elaborate by writing 2 or more sentences to answer each question:
- Explain why you chose this type of genre.
- Explain what you had to do to research making this genre piece.
- Describe what you learned from making this genre piece.
- Share what you would change if you had to do this piece all over again.
****Introductory Composition Questions
You must write a 5+ paragraph essay answering the reflection questions below to introduce your project and provide reasons why it interested you.
What topic did you choose?
Why did you choose your topic?
Share your expectations – What did you think at the beginning of the project?
What did you learn? Was anything surprising to you about your topic?
What was the most difficult part of this project?
What did you think about this project? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
Closing thoughts – sum up your experience with the multi-genre research project.
Just a reminder – this is not a venue for venting. No one wants to read a paper written by a whiny teenager. Present yourself in a responsible, mature light. If something did not go as expected, yes, you can say that. Express your frustration, as well as your triumphs in appropriate language.