ACAMIS Early Childhood Education (ECE) Conference

Hangzhou International School, February 2-3, 2018

Theme: Promoting Multilingualism: Engaging Families and Communities

Call for Teacher Presenter Proposals

We are delighted that two experienced keynote speakers will join us in Hangzhou from WIDA at the U. of Wisconsin, one of the foremost research units in English language learning issues. They will also lead several sessions at this conference, but no conference is complete without the kind of peer expertise that teacher from ACAMIS member schools can provide. Time is available for about 12 peer presentations and you are now invited to submit a proposal for consideration by the review committee. Please bear in mind that the completed presentation is not necessary at this stage. All that is required is a title and description. If selected, you will have nearly 75 days to complete the presentation.

The following areas are possible topics for your consideration:

·  The importance of bi-lingual learning in ECE

·  Effective teaching strategies/methods

·  Communication with parents about bi-lingual learning in ECE

·  Involvement of parents in bi-lingual learning in ECE

·  Classroom management issues in bi-lingual learning

·  Integrating culture into bi-lingual learning

·  How to work with children who have no background in either language taught

·  Other topics relevant to the theme

Each presentation Session Time: 60 minutes, 30 to 40 minutes for presentation, 20-30 minutes questions and discussion

Deadline for Proposals:

Please send the Teacher Presentation Proposal Form to before December 13, 2017. Notification of the decision on selection shall reach you by early January.


·  Your proposal should be approved by your Head of Department and Head of School.

·  The presentation should preferably be rehearsed among departmental colleagues for quality assurance.

·  You agree to provide soft copies of presentation materials (for example the PowerPoint slides) to participants.

·  Presenters selected will receive a 25% discount on the conference registration fee.

·  If selected, the contents of the proposal on this form will be posted on the ACAMIS website and on the Guidebook app that will be seen by participants.

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

1.  Name:

2.  Email Address:

3.  School Name:

4.  Section: (Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary):

5.  Role/Position:

6.  Upload your head/profile photo:

7.  A short profile/bio/description about yourself (no more than 100 words)

8.  What would you require? (e.g. classroom set up/space, Technical needs/setup, etc.)

·  In the description box below, please indicate a title and write a short description of your workshop proposal.

·  Indicate the target audience(s) - Who will benefit from your presentation? (e.g. Target age groups/grade level, language proficiency level):

Proposal Title and Description: Maximum 250 words


ECE Teacher Presentation Proposal Form 2018