KPTC – Committee Meeting Minutes – 8 December 2015
Apologies Gary Newnham, Debra Fairy, Brad Tuckerman, Dylan Edgley, Steve Close
Present Jeff Byrne, Warren Booth, Ben Liu, Gayle Powell, Peter Budd, Don Simpson, Nicole Eaton
Minutes of the previous meeting- held on 10 November at 7.30 pm were approved
New action items arising from this meeting (see details in the minutes):
Item: / Lead / Due DateWHC Combined meeting on new lease: (Jeff) Report / Jeff / Feb meeting
New membership categories (Jeff)
Night membership category to be introduced. Starting at the new season beginning Feb 1. Recommended fee.- $40 per season. Peter to update the membership form, website and face book. Peter to also to email information to all members.. / Peter / Dec
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Feb 7.(Jeff)
Put a call out for members to volunteer to assist. Money to be raised to provide shading for seating. Peter to mail out. Peter to manage the program if an alternate co-ordinator cannot be found. / Peter / Dec
Revised BBQ area (Gary)
There are 2 options under consideration. Option 1: remove current pavers level off area and replace existing pavers. This option is cheaper but does not enhance the size of the current seating area. Option 2: Place timber decking over the existing area. This would enable the area to be extended towards the courts to make it larger. Both options would be enhanced by knocking through a doorway in the wall of the current storeroom room where the balls are stored enabling direct access to the bbq area. Lockable cupboards could be installed on either side of the existing storeroom. An additional shed storage would be required to take larger items (such as umbrellas, ball machine). It was agreed that option 2 was worth considering. Gary to be asked to pursue more information regarding that option. Discussion to occur at Feb meeting. / Gary / Feb meeting
Honour boards: Don to arrange updating. / Don / Feb
Action items completed:
- Fancy wall clock: Gary has tabled a couple of options. Committee agreed that we did not want to go ahead with this option.
Action items still to be completed (carried over):
- TV Future leaders program: The committee agreed that we should promote this with our junior members before the program in July 2016
- Repairs to light posts: Don tabled quote of $1700 for possible repair to 2 light posts. We will discuss with WHC about the possibility of the council funding this.
- Table cloths: Ben to follow up if he can purchase suitable material in bulk from his contacts
- WHC Combined meeting on new lease: (Jeff)
Wed 10th Dec meeting is to be held at WHC. Not expected to reach any clear decisions at this meeting. Jeff to report outcome at the Feb meeting.
- New membership categories (Jeff)
Night membership category to be introduced. Starting at the new season beginning Feb 1. Recommended fee.- $40 per season. Peter to update the membership form, website and face book. Peter to also to email.
- 3 month summer membership (Jeff)
Summer membership – Deliveries to be made by Dec 20. Once members who take up the deal wish to join they will get membership through to the end of the following year (approx. $16 months). Agreed to provide FOB to gates only.
Areas were allocated out to each committee member.
These are the flyer areas so far:
Area 1: Peter Budd
Area 2:Lou S.
Area 3:Warren/Lachlan Booth
Area 4:Don S.
Area 5:Jeff B.
Area 6:Peter B.
Area 7:Warren/Lachlan Booth
Area 8:Ben Liu
Area 9:Gayle
Area 10:Gary
Area 11:Roy H
Area 12:Nicole E.
Area 13:???
Area 14:Deb
Area 15:???
- Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Feb 7.(Jeff)
Put a call out for members to volunteer to assist. Money to be raised to provide shading for seating. Peter to mail out. Peter to manage the program. Looking for a co-ordinator.
- Revised BBQ area (Gary/Peter)
There are 2 options under consideration. Option 1: remove current pavers level off area and replace existing pavers. This option is manual only but does not enhance the size of the current seating area. Option 2: Place timber decking over the existing area. This would enable the area to be extended towards the courts to make it larger. Both options would be enhanced by knocking through a doorway in the wall of the current storeroom room where the balls are stored enabling direct access to the bbq area. Lockable cupboards could be installed on either side of the existing storeroom. An additional shed storage would be required to take larger items (such as umbrellas, ball machine). Gary to be asked to pursue more information regarding the decking option. Discussion to occur at Feb meeting.
The November Treasurer’s report was accepted - .
Don tabled a number of outstanding bills that need to be paid. This was agreed.
Junior tournament was a good success. Concern about the lack of girls competing. Need to explore ways to develop this.
Mid-week ladies:
Xmas lunch is coming up mid Dec.
Report: 234 members
Good to see new faces.
Mid-week men’s comp:
Season has ended. Next season begins Feb 2016.
- Honour boards: These are to be updated by Don.
- Club champions cups: These are currently being updated by Don.
- Advertising on the outside of the building. Warren has asked for ideas. Flag to be updated with more information. Warren to get prices.
Next Committee Meeting
Next meeting February 9th at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 9:15 pm
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