3rd Grade Lesson Plan

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MUSIC Sept. 21-25, 2015 KANDY FOSTER

3rd 1st Nine Weeks/Week 5 Rotation Week 1/A Group

Music TEKS: 3.1AB; 3.2AB; 3.4AB; 3.5BC; 3.6AB.

PREPARE: tie l_l=half note, 6/8 lll, 4/4 ll, do-re.

PRESENT: Music classroom rules and CHAMPS, the Six Pillars of Character, and classroom instruments.

REINFORCE: Second grade concepts; all rhythm patterns, la-so-mi-re-do patterns.

EVALUATION: Teacher observation, oral response.

ACTIVITIES: Sing in tune; listening; pass yarn ball on instrumental cue; move to the beat; play Orff instruments.


Greeting: Sing Hello Song, drmsl, response—group. Pass yarn ball to steady beat: each child says his/her name and passes the ball to the next child.

MT Rev. Music classroom procedures, rules and CHAMPS.

MTuWThF Music and Movement from Music for Creative Movement, compiled by John Feierabend. Light, gentle-Grieg, “Little Bird,” Op. 43, No. 4. Heavy, strong-Warlock Basse-Danse from “Capriol Suite.”

MTWThF- Intro. “Sing a Little Song,” Music K-8, Vol. 24, No. 4, p.10. Students will listen to recording, then echo sing.

MTWThF- Intro. “We Will Care,” Music K-8, Vol. 24, No. 4, p.15. Students will listen to recording, then echo sing.

MTWThF Intro. Here Comes a Bluebird My Little Rooster, by Jill Trinka. Students will echo sing melody, then learn game. After playing game, students will write with stick figure notation of the main melody using whiteboards and dry erase markers.

MTWThF- Intro “Tongo” (Polynesian) – There’s a Hole in the Bucket, by John M. Feieraband & Jill Trinka, #31 – students will echo sing melody, follow actions as indicated in lyrics. Students will perform song with rhythm instruments and write musical notation in stick figures using whiteboards and dry erase markers.

MTWThF- Intro “Grandma Grunts” – There’s a Hole in the Bucket, by John M. Feieraband & Jill Trinka, #33 – students will echo sing melody, follow actions as indicated in lyrics. Students will listen and learn – just for fun!

MTW-Jim Along, Josie- My Little Rooster, by Jill Trinka, #1 – students will echo sing melody, follow actions as indicated in lyrics, then write musical notation in stick figures using whiteboards and dry erase markers.

WThF Draw attention to the beat in Sweet Potatoes, Spotlight on Music, CD3: 1:21. Lead students in walking to the beat patterns, then select various students to lead activity. Review the names of the bar instruments. Choose children to play smsss and others to play ti-ti-tt on the drums.

WThF Intro. An American Tune, Music for Children 2, Orff, p.27. Work with staff street and the drmsl pentatone. Explain the moveable do concept. On instruments, play song in C-do while singing solfege. Present F-do. Play and sing solfege. Help students discover the same pattern at a higher pitched melody sound. Present G-do in the same manner.

WThF Intro.Ding Dong Diggy Diggy Dong, SoM3, p.269, CD12:16. Listen to the recording following along from song on the projector. Present 16th notes. Read the rhythms at the top of the page. Find the 16th note patterns in the song. Echo sing by phrase/tog. Derive the solfege & sing. Present d’. Have children sing & play the bordun in C-do on the accented beat. Help them discover the high do. Work through the solfege & figure out the melody. Create an Orff accompaniment. (This will take a few lessons).

Goodbye Song, drmsl, response—group.