New Hampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA)

Board of Director Meeting Minutes

For April 7, 2012

1.  Call To Order

(a)  Chairman Eileen Landies called to order the regular meeting of the NHLA at 1:13 pm on April 7th, 2012.

2.  Roll Call

(a)  Secretary Jason Sutherland conducted roll call. (All board members present at the time of the roll call are marked with an asterisk (*).)

* Eileen Landies (Chairman) * Dan Garthwaite (Research) * Steve Villee (Treasurer)

Anthony Pugh (Political Action) * Keith Ammon (Membership) * Jason Sutherland (Secretary)

* Jeanmarrie O’Herron (Civic Action)

(b)  Quorum: Yes

(c)  Other members/guests present: Tammy S., Jeremy O., Keith C., Shem K., Paul B., Merav Y., Alfonso S., David O., Mike F., Venessa F.

3.  Secretary’s Report – Jason Sutherland

(a)  Jason reported that the March 2012 minutes were not yet completed and would be presented at a future meeting for approval.

(b)  The Board decided to schedule the publication date for the next newsletter for April 22nd and a draft for the 18th.

(c)  Jason reported that Mail Chimp was working fine for sending the newsletter, but he would contact Josh H. about switching in the future.

(d)  Advertise regional coordinators, donations for election year, bill review training, talk about what the NHLA does to help candidate, liberty diner save the date plug, new civic action page, testimony training,

(e)  There was a discussion of trying to schedule the bill review session once per quarter.

(f)  There was discussion of holding the annual meeting in late September, early October.

4.  Treasurer’s Report – Steve Villee

(a)  Steve reported that the ending balances for March were $9,079.75 in PAC, $1071.55 in Civic Action, and $4,835.40 in Operations for a grand total of $14,986.70.

(b)  Steve reported the Amazon revenue was down a bit this month.

(c)  Steve reported that the next Secretary of State reporting would be due June 20th.

(d)  Eileen made a motion to accept the financial report, Dan seconded. The motion passed.

5.  Membership Director’s Report – Keith Ammon

(a)  Keith reported that the membership totals as of the end of December are 381 basic, 46 full, and 69 lifetime.

(b)  Keith nominated Kevin Bloom for the April NHLA election for Membership Director.

(c)  There was discussion of getting Keith C. set up as the Monadnock Regional Coordinator. Dan would follow up with creating the necessary email addresses.

(d)  There was discussion of getting Shem K. setup as the Salem Regional Coordinator. Dan would follow up with creating the necessary email addresses.

(e)  Dan nominated Jeremy Olson for the April NHLA election for Membership Director.

6.  Political Action Director’s Report – Anthony Pugh

(a)  There was no Political Director’s report for April.

7.  Research Director’s Report – Dan Garthwaite

(a)  There was no Research Director’s report for April.

8.  Civic Action Report- Jeanmarrie O’Herron

(a)  Jeanmarrie presented updated text for the main civic action page. An electronic copy will be sent out for review and inclusion in the newsletter.

(b)  Keith suggested creating a group email for the regional coordinators. Dan would follow up on the creation of it.

9.  Chairman’s Report – Eileen Landies

(a)  Eileen nominated Emily Sandblade for the April NHLA election for Membership Director.

(b)  Eileen reported that she would be representing the NHLA at an April 15th Tea Party event in Manchester at Victory Park.

(c)  Eileen reported that Dan was scheduled to speak at Porcfest on Tuesday, Eileen would be speaking at the Friday panel event.

(d)  Eileen reported that she needed contact information for the potential speakers for the Liberty Dinner which was tentatively scheduled for July 15th. There was discussion of changing the venue, but there was agreement that the Chateau still was the best venue for the Liberty Dinner. There were some questions of whether the sound system was adequate. The Board would consider renting better sound equipment if needed.

(e)  Eileen reported that there was an opportunity to make a civic action donation to a couple taking care of foster child. She would present more details to the Board as they became available.

(f)  Eileen reported that she was looking for someone that would focus on getting notices published in the social media channels. Sandy P. was previously handling most of this. Jason would add Keith C. as a Facebook admin for the NHLA group.

(g)  Paul B. made a proposal for a pro-liberty campaign services organization that would operate under the umbrella of the NHLA. There was discussion of having the organization running with a high degree of autonomy and having it interface with the currently political director Anthony Pugh.

10.  Old Business

(a)  None

11.  New Business

(a)  Next board meeting is scheduled for either May 5th from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester.

12.  Adjournment

(a) Eileen moved to adjourn the meeting. Jason seconded. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:11PM.