360° Lifestyle Quiz

This quiz will give you a better understanding of how important your dietary intake and lifestyle is when considering pH body balance. Answer the following questions to see how well you’re doing in leading a pH balanced life. Choose the answer that is the closest representation of you and your particular habits.Circle your answer & then write your point total on the blank line to the right of each question.

  1. I eat raw vegetables:
  • 4 times per day or more (-5 points)
  • 2-3 times per day (-3 points)
  • Once a day (-1 point)
  • I only eat vegetables occasionally (0 points) ______
  1. I use sugar and/or artificial sweeteners in my coffee, tea, cereals, or other foods and drinks
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 6 times per week (3 points)
  • Once a week (2 points)
  • I don’t add sugar to drinks or foods (0 points) ______
  1. I take medications (prescription and/or over-the-counter)
  • 2 times per day, or more than 1 medication per day (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 6 times per week (3 points)
  • Once a week (2 points)
  • I take no medications (0 points) ______
  1. I drink alcohol (beer, wine, hard liquor)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to five times per week (3 points)
  • Once per week (2 points)
  • I don’t drink alcohol (0 points) ______
  1. I drink filtered and/or alkaline water (1 cup = 8 oz)
  • 12 cups per day or more (-5 points)
  • 10 cups per day (-4 points)
  • 8 to 9 cups per day (-3 points)
  • 6 to 7 cups per day (-2 points)
  • 4 to 5 cups per day (-1 point)
  • Less than 4 cups per day (0 points) ______
  1. I drink soft drinks (yep, diet sodas included!)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • 1 to 2 times per week (2 points)
  • I don’t drink soft drinks (0 points) ______
  1. I eat fast food (fries, burgers, tacos, pizza, etc.)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • Twice per week (2 points)
  • Once per week (1 point)
  • I don’t eat fast food (0 points) ______
  1. I drink milk or eat dairy products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • 1 to 2 times per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week (1 point)
  • I never eat dairy products (0 points) ______
  1. I drink bottled or canned liquids such as: iced tea, sports drinks, fruit juice, lemonade, energy drinks, etc. that are sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • Once per week (2 points)
  • I never drink sweetened bottled or canned drinks (0 points) ______
  1. I eat foods that are fried (fried chicken, fish, French fries, packaged fried foods, fried eggs, etc.)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • 1 to 2 times per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week (1 point)
  • I never eat fried foods (0 points) ______
  1. I exercise for at least 30 minutes (walking, cycling, swimming, running,weight training, etc.)
  • Every day (- 5 points)
  • 4 to 5 times per week (-4 points)
  • 2 to 3 times per week (-3 points)
  • Once per week (-1 point)
  • I never exercise for at least 30 minutes (0 points) ______
  1. I eat white flour products (breads, pastas, baked goods, etc.)
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • Once per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week ( 1 point)
  • I never eat white flour products (0 points) ______
  1. I feel stressed or have anxiety about my job, my relationships, or other aspects of my life
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • Once per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week (1 point)
  • I never feel stressed or anxious (lucky you!) (0 points) ______
  1. I eat red meat and/or pork
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • Once per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week (1 point)
  • I never eat red meat or pork (0 points) ______
  1. I smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco or marijuana
  • 2 times per day or more (5 points)
  • Once per day (4 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (3 points)
  • 1 to 2 times per week (2 points)
  • Occasionally, less than once per week (1 point)
  • I never smoke (0 points) ______
  1. I eat poultry and/or fish (not battered and/or fried)
  • 2 times per day or more (4 points)
  • Once per day (3 points)
  • 3 to 5 times per week (2 points)
  • 1 to 2 times per week (1 point)
  • I rarely eat poultry and/or fish (0 points) ______

Please select, from the following illnesses, any that you have been diagnosed with by a physician, or health symptoms you suffer from on a daily basis. Transfer the respective point(s) to the blank line next to each bullet point, add total at the end, & write in the box.

  • Allergies (2 points) ______
  • Asthma (3 points) ______
  • Arthritis (3 points) ______
  • Body Aches; Pain (2 points) ______
  • Bone Density Loss (3 points) ______
  • Cancer (4 points) ______
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (3 points) ______
  • Depression (2 points) ______
  • Diabetes (3 points) ______
  • Diarrhea (more than once a week) (2 points) ______
  • Fibromyalgia (3 points) ______
  • Gout (3 points) ______
  • Heartburn (3 points) ______
  • Heart Disease (3 points) ______
  • High Cholesterol (2 points) ______
  • Indigestion (3 points) ______
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2 points) ______
  • Kidney Disease (3 points) ______
  • Obesity; Difficulty Losing Weight (3 points) ______
  • Osteoporosis (4 points) ______
  • Prostate Issues (3 points) ______
  • Tooth Decay, Cavities/Tooth Loss ( 3 points) ______
  • Urinary Tract Infections (2 points) ______

Add all points. Negative point values will subtract points from your total score. Write your number on the “total” line & circle your result below.


Score values:

Over 55: Your pH Life is in serious acidic trouble! Your body is sending you warning messages, and is stealing alkaline minerals from your bones, organs, and other tissues in an attempt to balance your pH levels. You are aiming toward a lifetime of poor health. If you haven’t been diagnosed with a serious illness, you could be heading that direction. Our guess is that you feel lousy more often than you feel good. The good news is this... It’s never too late to turn away from your high acid lifestyle and get back on a healthy track. You don’t have time to waste, start alkalizing yourself today! You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.

Between 40 to 55: Your pH Life is creating an acidic environment that isn’t doing your health any favors. You are falling into the Standard American Diet (SAD) trap... you’re eating too many acid foods, with not nearly enough alkaline foods in your diet to balance your body pH. It’s possible that you may have experienced symptoms related to your acidic pH levels (i.e. low-energy, infections, allergies, digestive issues, and depression). The time is now to start minimizing the acidic foods and lifestyle habits that are leading you down the path toward poor health. Don’t allow acids to rule your life... you were designed to be alkaline, start taking steps now to achieve it!

Between 25 to 40: Your pH Life is causing you to live in the “Zone of Deception.” In comparison to some of your friends, it probably seems like you’re making some good choices in trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. The problem remains, however, that too many acidic foods are still finding their way into your daily dietary life. You may or may not have noticed any acid symptoms yet, but trust us, you are slowly creating the potential for low-grade metabolic acidosis problems in your future. The time is now to start creating better dietary and lifestyle habits that will pay huge dividends toward your energy levels, immune system, and overall health!

Between 15 to 25: Your pH Life is definitely on the right track! You are taking great steps toward living a pH balanced lifestyle. Many of us slip a little dietetically... but overall, you are at least helping your body to create a good internal environment that supports a strong immune system and healthy energy levels. Remember, our bodies can largely heal themselves from our lifestyle damages if we provide it the tools to do so. You’re doing well, and by implementing just a few subtle “pH balance tweaks”, you could easily move into the pH Life “All-Stars” group.

14 & Under: Wow!!! You are a pH Life “All-Star”. Not many people have a handle on pH balanced living like you do. You are to be congratulated for taking care of your health, and in doing so, minimizing your risks for contracting many diseases. If there were something that we could recommend to you, it’s that often our All-Stars don’t get enough protein in their daily diets. Remember, an appropriate dietary balance is 70% alkaline foods and 30% acidic foods. Since most protein foods are acid-producing in our bodies, think about keeping some lean protein sources in your daily diet while staying within that 30% zone. Otherwise, keep up the great work!

pH 360° Summary

Time of Testing:______am/pm

  • Internal pH Levels:

Saliva pH Level ______

Urine pH Level ______

  • Hair pH Level______
  • Skin pH Levels

Face pH Level ______

Forearm pH Level ______

Top 3 Goals for the next meeting:




Next meeting (date):______Time:______AM / PM
