CHS Volunteers’Reference2016

35TH CT FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW – “In The Spotlight”

Connecticut Convention Center

February 18-21, 2016

Thank you for volunteering to be the “face of the organization” for CHS at the Flower Show! Please read all information in this package prior to the show. There will be resources at the show for you in addition to this information for use during the show dates.


Location: The Connecticut Convention Center is conveniently located in downtown Hartford almost immediately off of the highway at 100 Columbus Boulevard (Exit 29A off I-91). Directions can be found at: and their main telephone number is 860-249-6000 or 860-844-8461.

Parking: Available at the Convention Center’s attached parking garage. Parking will be at your own expense. See the flower show website ( for shuttle services available in the downtown area.

Show Entrance: Your admission to the show will be free on the day that you are working at the seminars.

*You will receive your ticket at training or before the show from the co chairs.

Seminar Locations: All volunteers should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to their shift to get settled. The seminars are taking place in meeting rooms 11-12-13 on the Ballroom Level accessible by the escalators or elevators. When taking the escalators up from the main entrance, take a leftto follow the hall on the river side of the building. The meeting rooms are on, what is called, the RIVER side of the building (versus CITY side).

Dress: Comfortable & in layers. Wear a watch.

-All volunteers willwear our CHS vest which will be under the membership table. Return the vest folding it neatly after your shift.

-Avoid bringing large pocketbooks or other items as space is very limited. We cannot be responsible for personal property. Unfortunately, there is no coat check at the convention center. Many members leave their coats in their vehicles.

- Name badges for all volunteers will be stored at the members table. Please wear it while you volunteer. Thank you to Friendship Tours for supplying these re-usable tags. Please return them after your shift.

Ambassadors(that’s YOU)engage attendees outside rooms at the members table and introduce speakers in the seminar room.

* ASK ATTENDEES TO SHOW YOU THEIR HAND STAMP—this means they had a ticket to get into the show

*You are scheduled a half hour before your speaker and a half hour after, so you can engage showgoers out in the hall at the membership table .


* You should help the speaker with lighting(easy light switches by the door..)—do they want all the lights off or some?ask if they need a reminder on time…and will they answer questions at the end.

* Speakers were all told to bring their own gear- you are not expected to troubleshoot. There will be a Convention center tech person available—if there are problems you will be able to call or page them( details will be at the membership table ).

*A simple introduction is all that’s necessary:eg.

“Hi my name is______. On behalf of the Flower & Garden Show, I welcome you to today’s presentation ( name your seminar topic )

Ifyou like to learn about gardening –I know the perfect group for you---the CT Horticultural Society. Come see us outsideafter this presentation.

Now---Please welcome: ( speaker name ) from …..who gardens in…… is best known for….

You may add more detail or none to your intro.

Help at the membership table after your speaker for at least a half hour---you are then free to wander the show!

While at the Memberstable : Share yourself and answer questions. Please familiarize your self with the materials at our table.



CALL:860-519-7267 KRISTIE who will send a person right away!!


Our goal at the show is to meet potential members thru the most likely place at the show—in the seminar rooms….then invite them to become members.

  • CHS’ mission is to educate gardeners---and the best way to reach gardeners all year is to have them as members.
  • Collect names & contact information (e-mail id or telephone number) from people interested in the society, but did not enroll during the show. Don’t let them walk away if they want to join but don’t have time to fill out the form on site!
  • And enjoy and have fun being part of the show’s action. It is a great opportunity to greet people who enjoy gardening as much as we do! 


Use your own personality and approach but remember to have a short introduction speech ready when you greet a visitor. Try to study some of these key statistics about the society to add onto the conversation if they seem interested in the society as you engage in conversation, but remember attendees liked to be listened to, not talked at. Finding out what they are interested in (travel, education, or networking with other gardeners, for example), what they like or dislike about garden clubs, will help gain an understanding of their needs.

Here are some important statistics about the society for hosts to pass along. Many people respond to true savings and stats, so try to remember some of these:

  • The CHS currently hasmore than 600 members and continues to grow! We are a large state-widehorticultural organizationand this allows us to bring in nationallyand regionallyrecognized speakers to our program meetings every month. (Again saying we have a society of more than 600 is an important number to remember, it shows we are not a small garden club and have some staying power.)
  • We have amazingtravel opportunities where everything is arranged for you at excellent rates! Most of the tours are guided and some are to historic and private gardens around the country. They also include other large flower shows (Boston, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, New York, etc.) Friendship Tours has a one-page summary of this year’s trips at our booth today.
  • On the web we are All of our activities are announced and posted there.
  • Our very popular our 10x a year newsletter is reason enough for membership.Our garden library collection has 1200+ books to choose from. Members can borrow books for free .
  • We have lots of volunteer opportunities for members interested. This is what led me to participate in this great show today! All the volunteer categories are noted on our program pamphlet. If you have a particular interest, CHS is open to members’ ideas and personal gardening goals.
  • For over 56 years we have fundedscholarships at the University of Connecticut & Naugatuck Valley Community College for students in horticulture.


  1. What is the CT Horticultural Society – What’s it do? The Society is an educational organization dedicated to encouraging and improving the practice of gardening and the dissemination of horticultural information to its members and the public. Through its many and varied programs, the Society seeks to encourage the enjoyment, appreciation and understanding of plants, the environment, and the art and science of horticulture.
    Well, this paragraph above is long and from the CHS’s actual mission statement…in short:

The purpose of the society is to promote and encourage the interest in horticulture through education.”

(we teach, we grow, we travel, we give scholarships)
So if you want to Learn – Grow – and Travel in the horticulture world, CHS is a great place for you.

  1. What is the cost for a membership?


Individual -$49/year

Senior Individual -$44/year

Family -$69/year

Senior (65+) Family$64/year


Student with IDfree

“30 under 30”$30

*if you are under 30 your membership fee is $30

Sustaining levels are $125---$500

  1. How long does the membership run, and what are my obligations if I join? Regularly yearly membership runs from September through August2016. Your membership is valid thru August 2016.

As far as your obligations, you only have to enjoy the benefits of the membership! However else you wish to participateup to you---and volunteering is a great way to meet new gardening friends & learn.

  1. What is the Show Special? If you, a new member, signup today at the flower shower, You can choose a special gift with membership:

pair of waterproof gardening gloves or a potted succulent

  1. What do I get for the money?

*You get to attend program meetingsFebruary thru June FREE as a member

Our program meetings feature nationally recognized speakers.

* A $25 dollar gift certificate from White Flower Farm (sent direct to you after we process your membership enroolment form)

*discounts at nurseries? As a member, you receive 10% discounts at over 25+ nurseries in the state.

* $10 Dollars in AUCTION bucks you can redeem when you make a purchase over $10 at our wonderful plant auctions in the spring and fall with unique plant offerings just for our members.

*Members only travel savingson all the many tours offered throughout the year. Arranged by Friendship Tours specifically for CHS members. There are day-trips and longer trips to special areas of the country.

*a professional newsletter electronically (10 issues per year) providing a wealth of

information on New England gardening topics.

* a full year of RODALE Press’: ORGANIC LIFE magazine

* Horticulture magazine subscription: at a 67% discount

  1. How about networking? At the monthly presentations alone, you have the opportunity to meet many who attend for socializing prior. It is amazing the amount of gardeners you can meet prior to the presentation. We have volunteer opportunities too where you can network with amateur & professional members.
  1. What sets you apart from other garden organizations? Well, we have been around for 129 years, serving horticulturists since 1887! And our focus is truly about “education” and “sharing” with other gardeners. The society has an endowment fund to help support some of our programsexpenses. This enables us to offer many benefits to members at reasonable rates. We have a lot of experience, talented, and seasoned gardeners that can offer mentorship and advice. And we have lots of beginning gardeners too. There is a great mix of membership throughout our state (not just in a single town). If you are looking for ways to learn, grow and travel, the CHS is it! We are focusing on blending our organization with all generations.
  1. What are some of the topics the organization is offering in their presentations and seminars? a full updated schedule is available at the membership table in poster form


Membership forms are available at the CHS table. They are printed on blue paper to be used for Flower Show memberships. Please also note the following:

  • We only accept checks or cash only at the show. We do take credit cards at our own events

Let them know there is an ATM machine in the lobby if they weren’t aware of it.

  • Please write your initials on the top of the membership form after it is completed as well as the form of payment.
  • Be sure the person completes the membership form THEN

* provide them with theirnew membership card (cards with an expiration date of August 2016will be in the cash box).

* thank them for joining and give them the welcomebag that contains information about CHS for new members signed up at the show.

It will contain the most recent newsletter, program card, CHS brochure, 10% discount offerings from nurseries, and of summary upcoming Friendship Tours, Organic Gardening Bonus Subscription, Code for Horticulture Magazine at 67% discount.

  • Put the completed membership applications and payment in the cash box. At the end of the day, the cash box should be stored where it is not visible. If your shift as a booth host is scheduled at the end of a show day, please be sure the cash box is stored/ tucked in with the vests.

If you have any questions regarding the schedule please call Keri Milne: cell 860-983-1741

Nancy B@ cell860-559-8846 or email :

Have fun at the show! And again thank you!

CT Horticultural Societyvers. 1.21.16 2016 CT FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW