340 SQN (Griffith NSW)



Are you between 13 and 18 years old?

Do you want to learn about aviation, fieldcraft, adventure training, teamwork and effective communication skills?

Do you want to develop your leadership skills, self-reliance and confidence?

Do you want to make life long friends?

If so, read on to find out how to join the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC)

What is the AAFC?

The AAFC is a voluntary youth organisation sponsored by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

If you're a boy or girl aged between 13 and 18 years old, you may join the premier air minded youth organisation in Australia and stay until you turn 20.

Here is your chance to learn a lot about aircraft and flying.

Many cadets go on to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF) or find a valuable, exciting career in civilian aviation. The AAFC will help you develop leadership, confidence and could make getting a job easier, no matter what you decide to do with your life.

What training does the AAFC provide?

The AAFC places an emphasis on practical training and youth development in all regards: whether it be in the classroom, on the parade ground, in an aircraft or on the firing range. All subjects and activities run by the AAFC are selected to fulfil the Aims of the AAFC.

Aims of the AAFC:

The aim of the Australian Defence Force Cadets (ADFC), which includes the AAFC, is

"By predominantly voluntary effort, to better equip young people for community life by fostering initiatives, leadership, discipline and loyalty through training programmes which are also designed to stimulate an interest in a particular arm of the Defence Force."

From this, the following specific aims have been developed:

·  To give cadets a foundation of RAAF knowledge and discipline;

·  To develop qualities of leadership, self-reliance and initiative;

·  To develop character and good citizenship in the widest sense;

·  To develop an interest in the RAAF and aviation generally;

·  To instil a knowledge of aviation history; and

·  To encourage cadets to continue an active interest in aviation into their adult life

What activities does the AAFC offer?

The AAFC has plenty of activities to keep you interested. You'll not only learn about aviation and how to fly, but also skills you can take away and use in your everyday life.

Powered Flying: Many of the current ADF pilots started their training with the AAFC. Start you career path with flying camps during school holidays where you can earn your set of wings.

Gliding: Live on the edge and attend gliding courses during your school holidays. Gliding is challenging and fun.

Drill and Ceremonial: Learn how to march and participate in weekly parades. Represent the AAFC on days such as ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and other important occasions.

Firearms Safety Training: Participate in professional formal firearms training and enjoy regular trips to the range to develop marksmanship skills.

Social Events: A wide variety of social activities are available where you can make new friends. Events may include cadet and debutante balls, and visits to other towns and cities.

Abseiling: Abseil down a 100 metre cliff face. A challenging sport with rewarding outcomes. Caters for the novice and experienced person.

Fieldcraft Training: Experience the great outdoors with your course mates. Learn navigation, camouflage, and survival techniques. A few days of fun that you will always remember.

Home Training: Learn about a wide range of Air Force related subjects including leadership, aviation, radio skills and military traditions. Learn to teach others.

General Service Training Camps: Spend a week on an Air Force Base living in the thick of the action. Eat at an Air Force Mess, learn about the Squadrons and see the aircraft the Air Force fly up close.

Aeromodelling: Build plastic and balsa models of your favourite aircraft. Fly control line or radio controlled aircraft like the real thing.

Teamwork: Learn to be an effective team member in new and challenging environments.

Communication Skills: Improve your ability to communicate with people of different ages and backgrounds in environments ranging from field exercises to promotion courses.

Field Navigation Skills: Learn to navigate your way around the bush using only map, compass and the terrain around you.

Leadership and Team Building: Practice your skills at motivating and leading a team of your peers towards their objectives in a wide range of activities.

Duke of Edinburgh: Work your way through this internationally recognised scheme by planning and participating in activities and hiking expeditions.

Personal Achievement: Set and achieve personal goals while participating in activities your friends can only dream of doing.

First Aid: These skills can help you confidently manage various situations, both in and outside of cadets

International Air Cadet Exchange: You visit places like Canada, UK, Hong Kong, USA and more. A great way to create long lasting friends and learn about other cultures.

Details on 340 SQN’s next Recruiting Day:

Date: Saturday 11TH February 2017

Time: 1300 – 1600 hrs

Location: Griffith Aero Club, Remembrance Drive Griffith NSW, just prior to the entrance of Griffith Airport.

Contact Details: FLTLT (AAFC) Michael Borg - Commanding Officer

Phone: Monday nights (School Terms) 0421 878 259
