
Meeting:Joint LD, PSI and MH Executive Meeting

Venue: Marconi Building, Lincoln

Date: Tuesday 25th September 2012

Time: Refreshments at 10 am for a 10.15 start


Gail Mclachlan Gray Stacey Gillot Barry Fippard Richard Collins Lisa Holmes Katie Ablewhite

Wendy Adams Sarah Deighton Joe Nash Jo Minchin Liz Winn Lorraine Abbott

Mark Robertson Emma Krasinska Coralie Cross

Karina Beitmann Ward Cllr Oxby Navigation reps

Wes Shelborne Sandie Wilkinson


Richard Eccles (RE) Pauline Mathers (PM)

Judith Burnett (JBu) John Tear (JT)

Linda O’Hara (LOH) Iggy Patel (IP)

Shaun Breen (SB) Andrew Harrison (AH)

John Gurney (JG) Jayne Marsh (JM)

Sharon Kidd (SK) Joanne Brennan (JB)

Hilary Boone (HB) Deb Hussey (DH)

Ross Orford (RO) Helen Oliver (HO)

Rob Hewis (RH) Glen Garrod (GG)

Ben Fawcett (BF) Cllr Oxby (C, O)

David Bean (DB) Marie O’Sullivan (MOS)

Shell Arliss (SA) Therese Lord (TL)

Iggy Patel – Chair

Shell Arliss – Minutes

/ Actions from last meeting
/ At the last meeting it was suggested the Assistant Director of Children’s Services be invited to attend future meetings. This was voted on and agreed.
(Meredith Teasdale, AD Children's Services, responsibility for Children with Disabilities has been invited as a member of the Exec meetings as this work is not within Stuart Carlton’s area of work – actioned 26/09/12)
We talked about how much money there was available for the Board meetings, venue hire, refreshments etc. for the year
We talked about high ip people not attending meetings. This also happens at Mental Health meetings. It was suggested we need to ask for people to join these meetings.
RE asked how Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) would be involved with the Boards. It was suggested working together on issues could be used.
Having bi annual meetings was discussed, voted on and agreed. For these meetings it was suggested individual groups involved in the bigger meeting talk with their own groups to feed in the information like ideas for development, projects worked on etc. throughout the year. These meetings could take the form of a conference with speakers and a joint plan for the years’ work could be developed at these meetings.
To identify what issues are important for groups it was suggest all groups send in their ‘TOP TEN’ things to work on in the next 12 months.
  • SA to ask the Assistant Director to be invited to attend meetings
  • IP to ask EK for information on available money for meetings, venue hire etc.
  • IP and TL to put together a paper of issues to go to LCC to get their commitment to meetings. The ToR can also be used with them signing them to show their commitment.
  • IP to ask EK if funding is available for Bi annual meetings.
  • IP to start work on the Bi annual meetings if there is funding available.
  • All groups to send in their TOP TEN issues for the next year so these can be collated and used in the ACTION PLAN.
  • SA to send out links to the Action Plans on the websites for all groups to update their part and send in to SA.

/ Accessibility- a presentation by Board Reps:
The video the reps made was shown. This can be found at xxxxxxxxxx.
This showed accessibility issues around the Allenby Industrial Estate, Lincoln.
It was said by people at the meeting that whist this is a private landlord the issues are the same across Lincolnshire.
It was felt there is not enough disability awareness work done, and this leads to ignorance during planning stages. Enforcement in planning decisions is not happening to try and change this.
Wheelchair Services being involved was discussed as they had been approached but not taken up the offer. It was suggested the Board can be involved in quality checking of this, and other services as well as looking at accreditation, staff training etc.
It was suggested that these such issues could be included in groups TOP TEN issues if they felt so strongly about trying to change things re accessibility. If this is an issue for lots of groups then we could have a working group to look at the issues.
  • SA to make the Navigation Management aware that ultimately they are responsible for the welfare and safety of people accessing their services.
  • IF Reps want support to challenge the Landlord TV can support in this, SA to work with group and support if appropriate. IP to support if the landlord does not take reasonable adjustments.
  • Group to look at if there is currently an accessibility group in Lincolnshire that we could become involved in to influence planning and check accessibility. This is to be done through Iggy writing to local Councils to make enquiries and in roads.
  • RE to take the non-participation/co production of wheelchair services back to the NHS and ask them to contact this group so we can work together on issues
  • IP to write a letter stating the Boards concerns when he has looked at associated legislation

/ Terms of Reference (ToR)
AH asked if on the ToR instead of writing DISABILITY we write (Dis) Ability. TL said she had noted this and this could go in the mission statement.
TL talked the Board through the ToR and explained it is in draft because they want everyone’s input in this. She asked if people can talk to their groups and respond so everyone’s ideas can be included.
The group are to send back comments for sign off at the December meeting.
RE suggested the ‘Health’ box is deleted, and may be have a box to link in the Health Commissioning Board explaining how the Board links to this Commissioning Board and suggest that they come to this Board with issues they need help on.
  • SA to resend ToR information to members
  • All members to consult with their groups and send back responses to SA by Thursday 18th October.
  • SK, LW, TL and SD to progress the ToR (and anyone else who wants to be involved) towards the end of October.
  • RE to advise how and where we can feed in to the Health Commissioning Board

/ Glenn Garrod: Questions and Answers about Glen and White Paper Draft Bill Questions
This session was videoed and can be found at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Additional questions not asked where forwarded to Glenn for him to comment on.
Glenn did say he was committed to attending 4 meetings a year.
  • SA to forward additional questions to GG
  • SA to send out GG’s responses to all members and to put on website when received.

/ Telecare – Debs Shepherd
Debs explained about Telecare and that it had started from personal alarms and grown to look at the problems people have and the things there are to help people with these issues.
Debs showed various new products they were trialing in the area and asked for people to try them out at home.
One system prompts on a computer like screen when it is time for medication to be taken, when people are due to visit, when appointments are made etc. This can be programmed and changed easily. The screen has a picture and wording prompt. The user then presses to say it has been done and a text is sent to a named person if this is not done and completed by the user, so they can verbally prompt
A system called ‘Just Checking’ can also be used to show where people are in the house so you can see if they are getting up at night, if they are in the kitchen at meal times etc.
Another system is based around Tele Health which allows blood pressure and other things to be monitored from home rather than attend the GP surgery. This can be accessed through the GP or Health Visitor.
To access some of these systems you have to be eligible for ASC or have moderate disabilities.
  • SA to share Debs Shepherds contact details.
  • Members to contact Debs if they want her to explain systems to staff or if you have volunteers to trial the system.

/ Any other Business
RH gave an update on HealthWatch (HW). He advised:
Consultation has been carried out about ways forward and the priorities for HW in this area. It is thought HW will be the umbrella to link both groups and issues together (like this Board and HW). This group will be another voice for people and a way to get direction to and from services and information.
The consultation report has been finished and is being checked, it will then be sent out publically. An easy read version will then follow. After this a transition Board will be created with the LInK, and other Organisations.
RH to send report to SA for her to forward to members.
/ JG asked that the minutes be sent out as quickly as possible for information sharing purposes.
SA to action as soon as possible.
No Questions from Visitors
/ Date and time of next meeting: