StrengthsFinderBased on the Gallup study of over two million people

Strength…consistent near perfect performance in an activity

  1. Must be able to do it consistently…predictable part of your performance
  2. Excellence comes from maximizing strengths
  3. Focusing on weaknesses only reduces the probability of failure
  4. Excellent performers are well rounded is a MYTH…they are sharp
  5. The key to building a strength is to identify dormant talents and refine them with

knowledge and skills

  1. “we become all that we can…by not ‘fixing our flaws’, but by ‘enhancing our

strengths’ Tom Peters (Sixth Annual Worldwide Lessons in Leadership Series, 2001) 34 Themes of the StrengthsFinder

Achiever- great drive and satisfaction being busy and productive

Activator- make things happen by turning thoughts into action

Adaptability- flexible and able to respond to the demands of the moment

Analytical- like data…search for patterns and connections

Arranger- manage the variables into productive configurations

Belief- altruistic, spiritual, value responsibility and high ethics

Command- takes charge…like to share opinions…candid

Communication- explain and describe things to bring them to life

Competition- need to compare…like measurement…compete to win

Connectedness- considerate, caring, accepting…bridge builder of people

Context- look back to understand the present…sense the underlying structure

Deliberative- vigilant, sense the risks, serious, plan ahead, cautious

Developer- see potential in others, help others experience success

Discipline- impose structure, set up routines, focus on timelines, precision

Empathy- sense the emotions of others, understand, hear unvoiced questions

Fairness- balance is important, treat people the same, draw attention to privilege

Focus- clear destination, set goals, efficient, keep to the point

Futuristic- inspired by the future, dreamer of what could be

Harmony- seek areas of agreement, see common ground, don’t rock the boat

Ideation- fascinated by ideas, discover things below the surface, conceptual

Inclusiveness- can make people part of a group, believe all are equally important

Individualization-intrigued by unique qualities of each person, focus on difference

Input- a collector, keep acquiring and compiling and filing things away

Intellection- like to think, mental activity, enjoy time alone, reflection

Learner- drawn to the process of learning, thrive on new projects

Maximizer- search out strengths, discriminating, capitalize on gifts

Positivity-generous, enthusiastic, celebrate every moment

Relator-enjoy deep relationships, work hard with friends

Responsibility- obsession for doing things right, dependable,

Restorative- fixing things, good at identifying and solving problems

Self-Assurance-know that you are able, confident in your judgment, aura of certainty

Significance- want to be recognized, independent, move to excellence

Strategic- sort through clutter and find the best route, play out alternative scenarios

Woo- love the challenge of meeting and winning new people over, enjoy breaking the ice

Buckingham, M. & Clifton, D. (2001) Now, discover your strengths.

Clifton, D. & Anderson, E. (2002). StrengthsQuest: Discover and develop your strengths in academics, career and beyond.

Rich Feller, Colorado State University rich.feller@.colostate.edu