StrengthsFinderBased on the Gallup study of over two million people
Strength…consistent near perfect performance in an activity
- Must be able to do it consistently…predictable part of your performance
- Excellence comes from maximizing strengths
- Focusing on weaknesses only reduces the probability of failure
- Excellent performers are well rounded is a MYTH…they are sharp
- The key to building a strength is to identify dormant talents and refine them with
knowledge and skills
- “we become all that we can…by not ‘fixing our flaws’, but by ‘enhancing our
strengths’ Tom Peters (Sixth Annual Worldwide Lessons in Leadership Series, 2001) 34 Themes of the StrengthsFinder
Achiever- great drive and satisfaction being busy and productive
Activator- make things happen by turning thoughts into action
Adaptability- flexible and able to respond to the demands of the moment
Analytical- like data…search for patterns and connections
Arranger- manage the variables into productive configurations
Belief- altruistic, spiritual, value responsibility and high ethics
Command- takes charge…like to share opinions…candid
Communication- explain and describe things to bring them to life
Competition- need to compare…like measurement…compete to win
Connectedness- considerate, caring, accepting…bridge builder of people
Context- look back to understand the present…sense the underlying structure
Deliberative- vigilant, sense the risks, serious, plan ahead, cautious
Developer- see potential in others, help others experience success
Discipline- impose structure, set up routines, focus on timelines, precision
Empathy- sense the emotions of others, understand, hear unvoiced questions
Fairness- balance is important, treat people the same, draw attention to privilege
Focus- clear destination, set goals, efficient, keep to the point
Futuristic- inspired by the future, dreamer of what could be
Harmony- seek areas of agreement, see common ground, don’t rock the boat
Ideation- fascinated by ideas, discover things below the surface, conceptual
Inclusiveness- can make people part of a group, believe all are equally important
Individualization-intrigued by unique qualities of each person, focus on difference
Input- a collector, keep acquiring and compiling and filing things away
Intellection- like to think, mental activity, enjoy time alone, reflection
Learner- drawn to the process of learning, thrive on new projects
Maximizer- search out strengths, discriminating, capitalize on gifts
Positivity-generous, enthusiastic, celebrate every moment
Relator-enjoy deep relationships, work hard with friends
Responsibility- obsession for doing things right, dependable,
Restorative- fixing things, good at identifying and solving problems
Self-Assurance-know that you are able, confident in your judgment, aura of certainty
Significance- want to be recognized, independent, move to excellence
Strategic- sort through clutter and find the best route, play out alternative scenarios
Woo- love the challenge of meeting and winning new people over, enjoy breaking the ice
Buckingham, M. & Clifton, D. (2001) Now, discover your strengths.
Clifton, D. & Anderson, E. (2002). StrengthsQuest: Discover and develop your strengths in academics, career and beyond.
Rich Feller, Colorado State University rich.feller@.colostate.edu