Network News

3176 A Via Buena Vista

Laguna Woods, CA 92637



Every day as we open our Harvestime email accounts, we receive requests from national Christian leaders around the world for the training materials produced by this ministry. These believers are willing and ready to reap the spiritual harvests of their nations. All they need is the proper training and the spiritual tools to enable them to do so.

We are able to respond positively to these requests with a resounding--"Yes we can!"--because of you, our faithful partners in prayer and financial support. Let's take a peek at some of the requests we are presently processing....

PHILIPPINES: "I am very blessed by your ministry. I want to join your group inproclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to volunteer myself and the church I pioneer. Please send me the resources and materials that can help me to do my mission in this earth. I am the senior pastor of Kingdom of the anointed Messiah International registered in the Philippines. We want to establish a school of theology which is free for all those who are chosen and called to be harvesters." -W.E.

GHANA: "I have a vision of training and raisingup rural ministers for the end-time harvest. As I was going through the Internet, I happened to come upon your web-site. What a blessing! Please--I would like you to help me with the necessary materials and curriculum to set upthe school." -S.J.

"I just viewed your website and it's really great! Keep up with the good work. Currently I have 24 local churches around the nation and I am challenging the youth to go out for the Lord in the end-times." -J.K.A.

TRINIDAD: "Iam from Trinidad and I am currently overseeing a groupof newmissionaries and evangelists.I am responsible for their preparation and training for ministry and missions.Could you please send meyour Immediate Institute? It would greatly help in this task." -W.M.

JAMAICA: "Please send the materials for starting a Bible College in Jamaica."-L.C.

UGANDA: "I am a pastor in Uganda and I am working with local pastors and leaders from various denomination to equip them with sound Biblical training in order to fulfill their callings in these last days. We are envisioned by God togrow this work into a local Bible college, and are working towards launching the college as soon as we complete the necessary setup. I am writing to your office to support us with the tools needed for establishing the schools, including the training materials. Please provide us with the necessary guidelines."-O.S.

LATIN AMERICA: "We sent the Spanish version of Harvestime curriculum to the Amigos de Fe missionaries in Mexico and they have been using the materials with great gratitude.Now, they have requested an English version too as they would like to be able to teach the material to the English speaking people. Denzil and Rebeca Hood have done a great work in Mexico and in Panama. They have over 60 Churches and over 600 home groups that they have planted and oversee." -G.S.

LIBERIA: "Hello,I am a pastor in Liberia and the founder of Overcomer Chapel Soul Winning Ministries. We believe it was by God's divine direction that we were able to get in touchwith Harvestime. It is our desire to have Harvestime ministry fully established in Liberia " -J.M.

SOUTH AFRICA: "Please send me information on how to start my own Bible Institute.I would like to use the material of Harvestime Institute.I live in Cape Town, South Africa." -G.P.


That is the answer we are able to give to the many requests we receive from around the world for the Harvestime materials. The courses are distributed free of charge through our Internet website and many other related websites. The courses also go out on flash drives, SIM cards,CD ROMS, and as email attachments--every way possible to reach those who are desiring to harvest the souls of lost men and women.

We want to thank you for your continued commitment to this ministry that enables us to fulfill this vision. Around the world and through the Internet--24/7--your ministry of Harvestime is reaping the spiritual harvest of the nations of the world.

Yours for the harvest,

Argis and Patricia Hulsey