Spring, 2017 - ASSIGNMENT 1


31282 – Systems Testing and Quality Management (STQM)

Assessment 1 questions, submission style & marking criteria

DUE DATE: All assessment tasks must be submitted as a zip filevia Turnitin by5:00pm Wednesday Sept 6th.Penalties for late or incorrectly named submissions apply. Two points will be deducted per day late (or part thereof) commencing5:01pm Wednesday Sept 6th. Your tutor may request a hard copy in addition to the soft copy, if this happens, please supply the hard copy at tutorial 5:00pm Wednesday Sept 6th.


  • All Assessment questions must be answered –this assessment is worth a maximum of 20 marks or 20% towards your final result.
  • The expected workload to complete this assessment task is 20 hours
  • The name of each supplied file must contain your student number.
  • The footer of each document must contain your student number and name.
  • Sending a submission without attachment is treated in the same way as a late submission.
  • Each submission must have a completed UTS Assignment submission form scanned and included with the answers. The form must contain your tutorial, tutor name, student name & student number.
  • Tutors will address questions about the assessment tasks.
  • Tutors will mark their student submissions and submit their results to the lecturer for validation.
  • Marks will not be released until all assessments have been marked and validated – this is to ensure the same level of marking across tutorials.
  • University rules and severe penalties apply for plagiarism, copying and other academic misconduct.
  • Use lecture notes, the subject text book (Managing the Testing Process), supplied templates and other Quality management texts when preparing your answers and reference all texts in the bibliography.
  • Any problems or issues must follow University protocols and will be dealt with by the lecturer in accordance with University rules.
  • Any problems or questions related to this assessment must be reported to the lecturer.
  • Your tutor will distribute marks and feedback and address any marking questions
  • All communications must use your UTS e-mail account – other e-mails may be ignored.
  • You must use the templates provided.
  • Ensure your read this entire document including the marking criteria and comply with all conditions.
  • Use of up to 3 colours in spreadsheets and documents is acceptable provided they are used to improve the presentation and understanding by the reader of the information and there is no instruction to the contrary.

Marking Criteria

Please refer to the Subject Outline for information about the assessment tasks. This assessment task addresses Subject Objectives ‘a’ through ‘g’.

The following criteria will be used to mark individual System Testing & Quality Management assessment task 1. The 'assessment weighting' below will be used to allocate the marks.

Criteria / Comment / Assessment
Accuracy and completeness of answer / Addresses the question correctly and completely / (max 16 marks)
Professional & consistent presentation / Neat and tidy presentation. e.g. Cover page for assignments containing the student name, number and date; clear separate documents for each section or question. Use of the same style throughout all answers. e.g. same font and font size for headings, subheadings, reference diagram titles, paragraphs and text. / (max 2 marks)
Spelling, grammar, bibliography, templates & appropriate use of language according to the target audience / Explains the points simply, using plain language, no unexplained acronyms, no IT jargon etc. Uses the templates provided. e.g. use of spreadsheets or IEEE standard documents / (max 2 mark)
Total / (max 20 marks)

Assessment 1 Questions

There are three questions for this assessment task, all have the same weighting.

Questions 1 and 2 require the use of the Business Requirements in Appendix 3. The templates for both questions are provided in the same folder as this question paper – these are the same as used during the tutorial exercises.




  1. Prepare a Static Analysis using the Business case/requirements summary and the Static Testing Excel template provided.
Your answer should contain at least 40 defects. / Able to evaluate and analyze requirements and identify issues using standard Static Testing techniques.
Complete all cells for each defect row
  1. Prepare an FMEA Quality Risk Register (FMEA QRR) using the Business case/requirements summary and the FMEA template provided.
Your submission will have at least 30 detail lines (i.e. lines describing the risk) using the FMEA spreadsheet template provided.
You must have a minimum of six risk groups with a minimum of 5 risks in each group.
Complete all cells in a row for at least 30 risks. (Note: Section headers are NOT risks). / To apply understanding of the business requirements and apply that by identifying quality risks.
To demonstrate the student remembers and can use of static testing techniques to derive clear measurable tests from business requirements.
To show the student understands risk groups and can organize specific tests into logical groups.
TOTAL ASSIGNMENT MARKS / 20 Marks – see marking criteria

This is an individual task – NOT A TEAM TASK.

Template notes

Question 1

Use the Static Test spreadsheet template (“Part 1 Blank Static test template.xlsx”) available through UTS Online. Rows 5 and 6 have embedded comments that explain the use and content of the columns – please read them if you are unsure. Columns A to E must be completed for each static test defect, columns G to K must reflect the reason(s) for raising the defect.

Note - the test domains in column B can only be selected using the dropdown list - ensure you select the most appropriate domain for each defect.

Question 2

Use the FMEA spreadsheet template (“Part 2 Blank FMEA-Quality-Risks-Analysis.xlsx”) – this is available through UTS Online. Please note that rows 3 through 9 contain comments to assist in the correct completion of the spreadsheet. Note - the Quality Risk category (column B) of the template is normally a test domain.


Please include a bibliography on a separate page at the end of the Test Case document using the format described in Appendix 1 if you have referenced any external texts or web sites.

Appendix 1

Bibliography rules

A bibliography is a list of all the resources you have used in writing your assignment. Bibliographical references need to be cited in two places:

1. Where a document is referred to in the assignment

2. In a list at the end of your assignment, arranged alphabetically by author then by date.

Bibliography references for books, magazines, newspaper articles and other printed materials are formatted as follows:

1. Author’s surname, initials. (full stop)

2. Year. (in brackets) (full stop)

3. Title of book. (underlined OR italics) (full stop)

4. Publisher, (comma)

5. Place of publication. (full stop)

For example…

Smith, P. (1999). How to write good assignments. Penguin Books, Ringwood.

Bibliography references for world wide web with an author are formatted as follows

1. Author’s surname, initials. (full stop)

2. Year. (in brackets) (full stop)

3. Title (underlined OR italics)

4. [Internet]. [in square brackets] (full stop)

5. Publisher, (comma)

6. Place of publication. (full stop)

7. Available from: <URL> [accessed date].

NOTE: If there is no author start at point 2. If there is no date write n.d. (no date) after the author’s name. If there is no publisher or place of publication skip steps 5 & 6 and finish with step 7.

For example…

Holland, M. (1996). Harvard System [Internet]. Bournemouth University, Poole. Available from: [Accessed 1 September 2016].

Appendix 2

For the FMEA (if required) the business departments involved in the project are:

Accounts & Finance – control all budgets and expenditure

Distribution – responsible for delivering product to customers

Computer Service Management – manage service staff and rosters

Sales & Marketing – responsible for all sales and marketing activities

Human Resources – Responsible for all staff matters

ICT Server Ops – responsible for all internal IT Infrastructure & security

ICT Development & Implementation – responsible for the developmentand implementation

Quality Management – responsible for all quality and testing matters.

Appendix 3

Business case/requirements summary


A group of young people have established an on-line retail business called Rainbow. The business plan aims to leverage the price differential between China, Hong Kong and other Asian suppliers and the retail price in Australia. Their market research indicates that the average Australian is willing to buy goods on-line but is very wary and does not trust overseas sellers.

The first efforts have been focused on small goods and software which has proven the business case – Rainbow made over $100,000 profit in the first 6 months. This however was delivered mainly through manual back end systems. This is not just time consuming and expensive it is prone to error and there is very little business information to enable Rainbow to refine their offerings.

Rainbow want an automated sales system that leverages cloud offerings – SaaS/IaaS, it must include…

  • A membership function so that all customers record their personal details
  • The shop front will group products into categories and sub categories which can be placed on any number of pages
  • There will be a search facility to enable the customer to locate goods by any key word
  • The shop system must have a ‘cart’ feature allowing customers to purchase as many things as they want in one transaction.
  • Purchasing activity must interact with a workflow function so that new stock can be ordered when current levels drop too low.
  • Payments for goods will be through PayPal only – the current credit card payment facility will be discontinued.
  • There must be maintenance facilities for staff within Rainbow to manage products
  • Stock items must be tracked across multiple warehouses and locations within warehouses as well as through outstanding order tracking.
  • All system transactions – sales orders, payments, disputes/credits, returns, must be logged with the date, time and user credentials
  • Back-office functions supported by automation using integrated flexible work-flow.
  • Automated facility to provide GST tax invoices to anybody requesting one
  • Built in price margins so that goods are sold with at a specified markup and take into account the purchase price, shipping costs, customs & excise duty and GST.
  • Full General Ledger system with the ability to automatically produce GST, Profit/Loss and ad-hoc reports as and when required.
  • An analytics tool that allows standard tabular reports as well as drill-down, slice/dice, dashboard, daily/exception reporting and other advanced business intelligence features.

The expectation from the founding members of Rainbow is to see real and demonstrable improvements in sales volume and value as well as flexible reporting data to enable marketing decisions. No budget or time-overrun will be tolerated.

Functional Requirements

The table below summarises the Functional Requirements of the proposed solution.

ID / Functional Requirement Title / Description / Feature
DC001-0 / Customer registration / Before anybody can shop they must register their credentials, these will be validated by an e-mail. A customer may have one account only; the system will identify duplicate applications and prevent the creation of duplicate accounts.
DC002-0 / Password reset / A web function will allow users to reset their password, this will be done using the authenticated customer e-mail address.
DC003-0 / Shop front menu page / The shopfront page will display product categories based on the customer profile (i.e. the categories where purchases had occurred plus other categories that have been visited by the customer
DC004-0 / Product search facility / This is a free text search across all products and will return a list to the customer,
DC006-0 / Stock level management / As items are purchased the stock level will be reduced automatically by the system; this will include a contingency for multiple customers placing the same goods in their basket at the same time.
DC007-0 / Stock level critical level maintenance / Internal staff will be able to set two limits on stock levels, one for reordering and one for ‘out of stock’. The system will monitor stock levels and recommend values for both reorder and out of stock limits. Failure to set a manual limit will result in the calculated limits being imposed. When stock drops below the lower limit sales will be stopped.
DC008-0 / Product maintenance / Users will be able to maintain any aspect of existing stock items, this includes the addition of new items or the removal of old ones.
DC009-0 / Stock re-ordering / The system will produce a daily report and automated stock re-order file to enable staff to replace stock. The process will take into account delivery lead times based on previous purchases.
DC010-0 / Product categories / Users will be able to maintain three levels of categories in the system. Level 2 categories may be assigned to one or more level 1 categories; similarly level 3 categories can be assigned to one or more level 2 categories. A stock item can be allocated to any number of categories at any level.
DC011-0 / Shopping cart / The shopping cart will collect and maintain customer orders during their visit to the shop. The customer can add or remove items from the basket at any time. The customer may also change the quantity of any purchased item without needing to revisit the product page. All items in the shopping basket will be priced in accordance with the sale price and include additional delivery costs.
DC012-0 / Payment process / Payments will be via PayPal – once payment is acknowledged the good will be sent to dispatch for picking, packing and delivery.
DC013-0 / Audit trail / All transactions at all stages will be recorded by the system including the credentials of the person carry out the transaction.
DC014-0 / Workflow / The system will have a workflow process that will allow any manual process to be automated. Messaging to users will be via e-mail and will contain hyperlinks for them to complete the task. Transactions that are not complete within tolerance will be escalated to more senior managers.
DC015-0 / Workflow maintenance / Internal staff must have a simple, intuitive method of building and maintaining the workflow processes; this includes validation of the process to ensure it does not go into a loop.
DC016-0 / Dispute processing / Customers will have a facility to register problems and claim refunds. It is envisaged such transactions would be processed through workflow.
DC017-0 / Tax / The accounting functions within the solution will produce all required legal, accounting and taxation reports (including GST BAS statements, customs & excise reports, etc.
C018-0 / General Ledger functions / The solution will have a fully functional General Ledger system integrated with Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll Fixed assets, Inventory, and Stock Control.

Non-functional requirements

The table below summarises the Non- Functional Requirements of the proposed solution.

ID / Requirement / Description
Performance & Capacity
1 / Total number of products / 2,000 products with capacity to increase 100% every 6 months.
2 / Maximum concurrent users – read-only
3 / Maximum concurrent users – making purchases / 3
4 / Self-service view/read only Web transactions / 1-2 seconds
5 / Self-service - update/input Web transactions / 1-4 seconds
Growth and Scalability
6 / Expected customer growth by year / Aprox 50% year on year
7 / Self-service / Self-service functions will be rolled out immediately. Additional accounting and search functions will be delivered within 6 months; performance & costs will be monitored before any additional functions are implemented.
Reliability & System Availability
8 / Operations support / The system will be maintained by the a Cloud web hosting company – the Service Level Agreement (SLA) will be tested by the business during UAT.
9 / Availability within scheduled service hours / 24x7 - 99.999%
10 / Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) / The Cloud provider will address this as part of their contract,
User Registration & Authentication
11 / Authentication credentials / Customers will have access to their own information only using a secure user name and password.
12 / Privacy requirements / All data stored within the system will only be available to authorised and authenticated users;
No personal or sensitive data will be exposed to unauthorised persons;
Audit and
Management Reporting
13 / Input data transactions / All transactions will be logged and made available to authorized business staff only;
14 / Data retention / Data retention Transaction logs will be kept on the system for 1000 days
15 / Data / Sales data will be kept securely within the system;
Back-up and off site data will be encrypted
16 / Data visibility / Customers will only be able to see their own information and must be registered & authorised for that service;
Management will determine which functions and data will be exposed through the self-service function(s).
Internal staff accessing the system will be able to access all information
17 / Passwords / Password formats must meet internal standards
Minimum length=10;
must contain letters, numbers and special characters; spaces are not allowed;
Internal user’s passwords have a 30-day life;
18 / Hardware / All servers and server infrastructure will be provided by the hosting company;
Scalability will be part of the SLA.
19 / Internet bandwidth / All internet infrastructure will be provided by the hosting company;
Scalability and network growth will be part of the SLA.
20 / Back-up & recovery / System and database back-up associated with the portal will be provided by the hosting company.