Shrewsbury Town Council

Recreation & Leisure Committee

Meeting held at Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury

At 6.00pm on Wednesday 11 December 2013

PRESENT – Councillors J Tandy (Chairman), K Pardy (Vice-Chairman), A Bannerman, Mrs H Fraser (substituting for Mrs B Baker), I Jones, M Kenny, A Mosley, Mrs K Owen and K Roberts.

IN ATTENDANCE – Ben Lawrence, Dave Mansfield (Shropshire Council), Helen Ball (Town Clerk), Gary Farmer (Operations Manager), Mike Cox (Outdoor Recreation & Assets Manager) and Rebecca Oliver (Committee Clerk).



Councillor Jones declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 47/13 as he is a member of the World War One Commemorations Working Group.


The minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on 16 October 2013 were submitted as circulated and read.


That the minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting held on 16 October 2013 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Re Min 32/13 (vi) – Monkmoor Recreation Ground – Councillor Kenny asked if netball facilities could be provided at this recreational ground, a suggestion that came from the Local Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Kenny would take this up as a local member by finding out the demand for netball facilities, looking into using the tennis courts already available and applying for financial support from Sport England or a similar body to fund the setup costs.

Re Min 33/13 – Christmas Lights – Councillor Bannerman sought clarification on the Christmas lights. The Town Clerk advised that the Invitations to Tender had been published and that the brief from members had been included in the information pack. The deadline date for the submission of tenders was 28th February 2014 and it was expected that the favourable tenderers shall give a presentation to the April meeting of the Recreation & Leisure Committee.


The meeting was joined by Ben Lawrence (organiser) and Dave Mansfield (Traffic Engineer – Shropshire Council).

(i)  Cycle Grand Prix – The Cycle Grand Prix is scheduled for Sunday 25th May 2014. This will comprise of three cycling races for different categories; ladies only, amateurs and professionals with around 50 cyclists in each race. The event is expected to attract some nationally recognised cyclists and the route takes in the town’s narrow and tight streets. The fastest section enables cyclists to reach speeds of around 40mph and the Square will be the start and end of the races. Here there will also be lots of stalls, a podium, pit stop for the bikes and a PA system to announce the winners. Prior to the three races, it is intended that families will be able to cycle the route led by professional cyclists and local schools will be invited to get involved too.

A copy of the actual route was distributed.

Councillor Bannerman welcomed the event and thanked Ben and Dave for the work they have completed so far. He hoped it will be a very popular event attracting lots of visitors to the town, benefitting the local businesses. He urged Ben to ensure both businesses and local residents are kept informed of the plans to ensure their cooperation and support on the day.

Councillor Jones expressed concern about the spectators’ safety particularly where the streets and pavements are narrow. Ben explained that the safety of the cyclists and public is paramount to them. Barriers and hay bails will be used on some sections of the course, the town centre will be closed off to vehicles and the event organisers have walked the route several times, identifying potential problem areas.

The British Cycling Association will be sanctioning the event upon receipt of a comprehensive plan detailing the safety measures.

Mike Cox recalled that keeping access to the Church on High Street had been difficult in the past but Ben has had discussions with those concerned and services will be held at an alternative church on this day.

Councillor Roberts fully supported the event which would help put Shrewsbury on the map and trusted Ben and his team to organise a safe family event. Ben explained that the route does not take in the Quarry because there is too much gradient which would make the race dangerously fast.

Dave, Ben and Robert Handley were all thanked for their efforts and contributions so far, the members fully support the event and hope it is a great success.

(ii)  Shrewsbury (Half) Marathon – Dave Mansfield provided an update on the changes to this event which will be held on 22nd June 2014. The route will be 13 miles long, beginning and ending at the Shrewsbury Show Ground and will take in both rural and urban scenery. There will only be one lap of the circuit and the event is expected to be finished by lunchtime. The disruption to the town will be less than last year.

A copy of the route was distributed.

The Mayor welcomed these changes, showed his and members’ support for the event and hoped it is as well supported and attended as this year.


(i)  Butcher Row Toilets - The Town Clerk reported that this project was progressing at a pace now following a meeting she and the Responsible Financial Officer had with the architect and developer. The focus is currently on the exterior of the building with the hope that the hoardings can be removed before Christmas.

Due to some additional structural works to the basement and changes to the criteria for a Changing Places facility, there is likely to be an overspend of around £15k, not £100k as reported in the Shrewsbury Chronicle & Shropshire Star.

The Town Clerk received daily progress reports from the architect. The project is expected to be completed mid January 2014.

Councillor Bannerman sympathised with the Officers following the misinformation in the papers which has caused unnecessary complaints and poor feeling from the public but said the overrun is considerable and has affected neighbouring businesses whose trade has dropped. The Town Clerk explained the delays have been due to the developers personal problems and were unforeseen and out of their control.

The Town Clerk praised the developer who has worked conscientiously, keeping the footways clear and clean and the hoardings impeccable on what is a restrictive and difficult site to manage.

Councillor Jones also sympathised with the businesses for the inconvenience caused but said they shall benefit when the project is complete as the footfall to this area is likely to increase.

(ii)  Weeping Cross Depot – Gary Farmer had that day visited site and reported that the project was progressing well. It was hoped the Town Council will take ownership in the New Year. Officers have met with Mr Blackledge, the neighbour, and discussed landscaping and fencing requirements, of which most of the works required would be done in-house.

(iii)  Countryside Transfer – The Town Clerk reported that discussions were on-going and she would report back as soon as there were developments.

(iv)  Success of the Bonfire Policy – It was reported that the plan for dealing with unauthorised bonfires established between the Town Council, Severnside Housing, the Police and Fire Service had been a huge success this year. This was due to the collaborative working, efficient response to the two fires reported which were dealt with successfully and the improved signage. Gary Farmer reported that the Fire Service was outstanding.

Councillor Jones asked if more signage could be added to the Kynaston Road site. Gary Farmer noted this request.


At the last meeting, Councillor Bannerman requested the support of the Council to convert an area of St Michael’s Recreation Ground into carparking for residents. Since then, the Officers have made further investigations with Shropshire Council regarding the covenants on the land, considered options of providing a hard standing area without damaging the trees and investigated if there was a need for additional carparking spaces.

It had been observed that there was between 3 and 6 empty spaces on the car park with further 1 to 3 spaces available on the overflow car park, suggesting there is no demand for additional parking spaces.

The hard standing would be achieved by fixing interlocking paving grids which are durable, porous and require no digging to be fitted, and then filling them with soil and grass seed. The extensive tree stock would therefore remain unharmed and the area would remain as a green lawn. This system would cost around £16,500.

Members were grateful to Gary Farmer for conducting the survey and decided there was not enough demand for spaces to justify the cost of creating the hard standing area.


That the Town Council does not proceed with this work but the local member continues to monitor the situation, especially after double yellow lines are added nearby, to see if the demand for spaces changes.


Shrewsbury Town Council have been asked to make the annual review of the Shrewsbury Place Plan and Officers were commended for the process conducted last year. The Town Clerk proposes that the same method is followed this year and has emailed the document to members.


That the Town Clerk proceeds with updating the Place Plan making recommendations to the Full Council in January 2014. The Town Clerk will also report to Town & Unitary Councillors later in the month.

44/13 TREES

The Town Clerk provided a general update of the tree works planned throughout the town. All work is essential because the trees are either unsafe or diseased and planning approval has been sought for all work as they are in conservation areas or have tree preservation orders on them.

Councillor Roberts asked that the local people are liaised with by Officers so they understand the timescales of the proposed tree works.

The Mayor asked about the budget available for such works which Gary Farmer explained and added that the trees on the Highways have to be their priority.

Councillor Jones asked how the avenue of lime trees in the Quarry are being managed and raised concerns about the loss of a valuable visual amenity when they all require felling at the same time. The Town Clerk explained that £8k - £10k is spent annually on surveying and maintaining these trees, two of which will be felled this week. They are both diseased and the stumps will be left in situ for a time to show the public that the trees had to be felled. Officers are aware of the valuable vista they provide and Steven Shields is looking at long term plans of how to manage and maintain this aspect. Members will be kept informed.

45/13 QUARRY

(i)  Events in the Quarry – a list of events for 2014 was tabled although some bookings are still provisional. The Winter Severn Loop Race has been cancelled and the River Festival was now being organised by Clive Talbot. Mike Cox confirmed that there will be a three day concert in the Quarry in 2014 and more details will be available by the next R&L meeting in February.

(ii)  Initial Report from the Quarry Depot Working Group - Notes from the Quarry Depot Working Group meeting were distributed together with ideas of greenhouses/orangeries used elsewhere, a plan of the current land usage and a structural report of the existing buildings.

Councillors Pardy and Bannerman reported back following their walk around the site where they observed the current staff working conditions, the extent of the land and the existing facilities.

It became apparent that the existing building is beyond economic repair but the potential opportunities on this site are worth exploring. The toilets and Warden’s lodge are functional but in need of upgrading, the old greenhouse site is in need of redevelopment and the Quarry lacks good public facilities such as a café/tea room.

Initial ideas for physical and social public facilities were considered as well as the essential facilities needed for staff. The Councillors thought it beneficial and interesting to tell the horticultural story to the public who would be amazed at what goes on behind the scenes. The members were not adverse to moving the greenhouse but wish to retain some of the character and ironmongery of the existing infrastructure. Some members preferred one big multi-use building and Councillor Bannerman asked for play facilities for older children to be considered.

Councillor Pardy concluded that this is a very exciting project with huge potential depending on what is financially affordable. Councillor Bannerman agreed and said it could raise Shrewsbury’s Horticultural status too. Mark Bowen, Horticultural Foreman was praised for being an expert in his field of horticulture.

The redevelopment project may see the Queen’s Mother’s Garden moved but Shrewsbury Town Council understands its significance and will be retaining the garden.


That the working group proceed to looking at the options in more detail and preparing a brief for an architect to draw up initial plans.