30, 1December 2013 * Visit to Elizabeth by Mary

St. Joseph Maronite

Catholic Church

3 Appleton Street, Waterville, ME 04901-6630

Office:Phone: 207-872-8515


Pastor: The Rev. Larry Jensen

Deacon: Rev. Mr. Peter P. Joseph 872-2225

Subdeacon: Steve Crate 872-9257

NEW Web Site Address

“The Eastern Rites are the Treasure of the Catholic Church” Pope John XXIII

Liturgies:Saturday 4:00 p.m., * Sunday 10:00 a.m. * Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. in the St. Jude Chapel

The Miraculous Medal and the St Jude Novenas are on Tuesday following the 9 a.m. Liturgy

Sick Calls:To receive the Eucharist and/or the Anointing of the Sick, Please call Fr. Larry.

Confessions:A Half-hour before all scheduled Liturgies, emergencies, and by appointment.

Baptisms:Call the Office

Marriage:Call the Office 6 months before you finalize a date for your wedding and book your reception.

*Suggested donation for the Sanctuary Candles, St. Jude Chapel $20, St Joseph Church $20, for the Altar Bread, $25, and the Wine, $25.

Suggested offering for Liturgies: $10 for weekdays - $15 for weekends.

Choir Director:Fefa DeebSacristans: Yvonne Nemer, Theresa Nemer& Laurie Nale

Teachers DRE:3-5thLenore Boles K-1stRosanna Joseph2nd Jane Lee

Parish Council: David Elias, Frank Griffin, David Lee, Gerald Joseph, Rosanna Joseph, Kevin Michaud,

Lowell Hawes, Aaron Rowden, Lisa Grard & Elizabeth Wilson

Ex-officio: Deacon Peter Joseph, Subdeacon Steve Crate, Lenore Boles DRE, Paula Mitchell, Rosary Sodality, Larry Mitchell, Knights of Columbus.

Luke 1:39 During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, according to his promise to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

After the angel told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was with child, she rushed to visit her. It could be that Mary felt alone in the knowledge of her received miracle and thought the perfect person to share all that she was pondering would be Elizabeth. Miracles attract miracles, faith shares faith. The experience of a deep encounter with the Holy Spirit draws us to share with others this experience.

The second discovery in this Sunday’s Gospel is that a child in the womb leapt for joy because his mother heard the greeting of Mary. No unborn child can be safer and happier than having a mother who is listening to a greeting from the one who carried and fed the Savior of the world from the essence of her very self. Science has proven that a child within the womb is affected by the temperament and responses of their mother’s reactions to daily life events.

This first human to believe that the promised Messiah, the Son of God was now among us, was Mary. The first person named in Scripture believing that Mary was blessed among all generations and the mother of our Lord is Elizabeth.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, she knew her child was the Son of God and because of that all ages now will call her blessed. The Apostolic Churches, both Catholic and Orthodox, are often accused of worshiping Mary instead of Jesus by others. To be profoundly moved by what has happened, professed, and proclaimed between Mary, Elizabeth, and John is not worshiping them, but our joy filled faithin the Holy Son of God being shared with them toward the Savior.

Mary proclaims the greatness of God, she rejoices in her Savior. In our lowliness God loves us and lifts us up. When God makes us great, it is not arrogant and self-centered fame, but a humble love toward the ones the prestigious and haughty reject. Those that hunger for richestend to be tempted to want to send away and ignore. The Spirit of God guides the believer to good things. The hungry are fed.

Pope Francis daily makes news with his understanding of the Gospel, proclaiming what Mary proclaimed about the plan of God. This is not the sermon of prosperity preached on TV. Prosperity among Christians is not condemned but one would be naive to think it is 100% immune from greed and taking advantage of the poverty and ignorance for its own personal gain.

The only way any of us can know mercy is if we are taught and experience mercy. The hungry can only be filled with good things when there is an accurate understanding of whatgoodness is and it is shared. Who can convert and change the arrogant if it is blocked by a mindset of superiority rather than the virtue of humility as expressed in today’s Gospel?

When Mary says that the rich will go away hungry, this is not a universal statement. Giving fills the spirit, satisfying the very character of the one who is generous. This is to address the danger of “loving money” more than God and contributing to a culture destroying the dignity of others and of ones moral and physical environment. Aboona

Thank you Everyone!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Christmas Bazaar another success. We had a great time working and enjoying the fellowship. The food was great and the booths had many crafts and items for people to browse over and find something of interest to take home with them. The Hall looked especially beautiful with the lights, newly painted, and remodeled. And again, the Christmas tree is absolutely beautiful.

Liturgy Helps:

Be sure your cell phone is off or silenced

2ndCollection:12/1 Maronite Patriarchal Charities

12/8 School Subsidy

Liturgy: Visitation to ElizabethHymn Pg. 38

Entrance chant: Pg. 40, Creed: Pg. 748,

Anaphora ofSt. PeterPg. 774

Sat304:00 p.m.

†Edmond G. Pare (1 year Anv.)

By Suzanne M. Pare

Sun110:00 a.m.

†Sam Maroon Family

By Freda Nassar & Judie Lynn Nassar

When the servers go to the side altar, those who will be carrying the gifts may go at this time.

Mon2Father’s day off for prayer,

reflection, and relaxation

Tue39:00 a.m.

†Intention Available

Wed49:00 a.m.

†Intention Available

Thu59:00 a.m.

†Intention Available

Fri69:00 a.m.

†Caroline Nale

By Mark & Laurie Nale

Sat74:00 p.m.

†Ida George

By the Sturtevant Family

Sun810:00 a.m.

†Raymond & Georgette Veilleux

By Larry & Paula Mitchell


Heal Your servants, who are sick,

O Lord, and send them help

And comfort from Your holy place.

Those who seek our prayers: Theresa Clark, Dianne Fjeldheim, Herb Jabar, Albert Joseph, Betsy Joseph, Alice Lachance, Theresa Lee, Brent Maroon, Kendra Maroon, Hope Murphy, Anita Peeault, Tala Poulin,Virginia Poulin.

Be sure to let Aboona know if you would like a name added or removed.

TO PROTECT THE LITURGICAL BOOKS we are asking that you place them on the pew instead of using the book-rack because of the tight fit it makes them difficult to remove and return.Please handle them carefully and respectfully. If you have a child that might mishandle them, be sure to provide another item for them to be entertained with.

Food Pantry - December

Cake mixesSoup

Canned ravioli mix Jelly or Jam

Thank you for caring!

December Devotions

Sanctuary Candles
St. Joseph 14 day Sanctuary Candle
ForJohn and Margaret Joseph Family

By Rosanna Joseph

St. Jude 7 Day Sanctuary Candle
ForJohn and Margaret Joseph Family

By Rosanna Joseph

Altar Bread:

ForShackie and Rose-Marie Joseph

By Rosanna Joseph

Altar Wine:
ForShackie and Rose-Marie Joseph

By Rosanna Joseph

Birthdays in December

2 / Norman Jabar / 19 / Sadie Pendexter
2 / Frank Bouchard / 20 / Heather Mitchell
3 / Melvin Nale / 20 / Heidi Mitchell
4 / David Elias / 20 / Andrea Trinward
5 / Janet Mitchell / 21 / Susan Webber
8 / Mike Jabar / 22 / Sierra Lee
10 / Anika Elias / 25 / Rosanna Joseph
10 / Hanson Weed / 26 / Larry Mitchell
11 / Bethany Mitchell / 26 / Emily Rowden
11 / Jeanne Thomas / 26 / Joe Ferris
13 / Hope Murphy / 27 / Milton Pendexter
13 / Gregory Bard / 27 / Phillip Roy
18 / Joseph Jabar Jr. / 28 / Brittney White
19 / Linda Weed / 28 / Sara Taddeo
19 / Thomas Nale Sr. / 30 / Alfred Joseph
19 / Geraldine Nimon / 30 / Philip Joseph

Anniversaries for December

21 / Jody & Rochid Elias

Manger Square Christmas Fair: Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, 61 Pleasant Street, Waterville.

Saturday, December 7; 8:00 am to 2 pm. Beef Stew & Chili Luncheon 10:30 – 2:00, Fish Chowder and Baked Beans to go. Books, silent auction, baked goods, white elephant items, handmade crafts and gift items.

See someone new? Make them feel at home, and hopefully they will call it their home. There is no such thing as outsiders.


Visitation of the Virgin to Elizabeth

Ephesians 1:1-14Luke 1:39-45

4 p.m. Nov 30Lila Hallowell

10 a.m. Dec1 Mary Jo Hodgkin

Birth of John the Baptist

Galatians 4:21-5:1Luke 1:57-66

4 p.m. Dec7Lenore Boles

10 a.m. 8Lauraine Mansur


Wed46 p.m. Parish Council Meeting

Thu56 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Sat7Bean Supper after Liturgy

Sun8Rosary Sodality Christmas Party

Thu126 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Sun15Religious Ed Christmas Party

Wed186:00 p.m. Finance Committee

Thu196 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

Tue243:35 p.m. Christmas Program

4 p.m. Christmas Eve Liturgy

Wed2510 a.m. Christmas Liturgy

There are Coffee and donuts served each Sunday after the 10 a.m. Liturgy.

Muffins will be served the second Sunday of each month.

Dec. 1: Sharon Crowe & Elizabeth Wilson

Dec. 8: Larry Mitchell & April Mitchell

Religious Education Schedule

12/15 – 1/5 -2/2 – 3/2 – 4/6 - 5/4

MYO Schedule

12/15 Liturgy & Christmas party, 1/26 Lenten Discussion, Super Bowl Breakfast preparation, 2/2 Super Bowl Breakfast, 3/2 M’jadra dinner, 4/13 Hosanna Sunday Celebration.

Last Week’s Collection

Regular Collection$2,060.00

God bless you for your generosity.

If you are not receiving envelopes and would like to start, please let the office know.

BLESSING OF THE CRECHE: Did you know St. Francis of Assisi created the first crèche using real people, a real manger, a real ox and donkey, and real shepherds? Francis called it a “Crèche”, the French word for Cradle.

In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.

~David Steindl-Rast


Opening Hymn Pg. 38

Entrance Chat (Syiac)Pg. 40

Glory: Al Majdu

Al majdu leel lah feel o 'la. wa a-lal-ar dee salam. War ra-ja u ssa-leh lee ba neel ba-shar

HYMN: Arsal Allah

Arsal Allah ebnahoo al-wa-heed nooran. Lel-oo-mam. What-ja ba fee ha-sha mar-yam. Ol-ba-tool wa-men-ha ta-jas-sam.

Ash-ra nag-moo-hoo fee hoo-dod fa-res ka-ma ‘al- bel-‘ha-m Wa-ana-ra l’ma-joos/fa-ha-ma-loo eli-hee/ ha-da-ya l’ik-ram.

Ha-lel, Ha-lel, Ha-le-loo-no.

Transfer of Gifts: Your Body is Our Food:

Refrain: Your body is our food indeed O Lord. Your blood is our drink indeed, O Lord. blessed are they who partake of them both.

1. I am the vine, said the Son of God. You are the branches joined to me. Be as true branches and dwell in me, That you still may fruitful be. Refrain

2. Like those who go through a desert place. Looking for water everywhere. So does my heart also lean on you. You who watch with tender care. Refrain

3. He who has eaten the bread of life. Who has partaken of God’s wine. Gains for himself everlasting life. Finds in this world joy divine.

Incense Hymn: Ik Bal

Iq-bal ya wad da tayeebeen bih noo hil-mak wa’thooba-tak al-ba khoor al moo-qaddam lak Min-al moomeenee ab-na bee’a tak bi-dee ar-bab-eel kah-noot lee-ree-dak re-ba-na, (w)ra-hat la-hoo-tak.

Wa-ka-ma qa-bil-ta bee-ra-see toor qoorban I-br-heem kha-lee-lak (w)shib(ha) ma lath-that-lak (too)(yoob) Ha-roon ka-hin sha’-bak, ya-lath-thoo lak rab-ba-na ba khoor-na war da ‘an-naMowla-na bee-(w)-foor rah-ma-tak.

Peace HymnsGift of Peace

Refrain: His peace he gives to us, his peace he leaves with us not for us alone but that we might give it again to all.

1. Mother giving birth to her child knows pain, But when she sees the child her joy

returns again, so we recall. Refrain.

2. Man all alone on a street is afraid. But when he finds a friend, his hope returns again, so we recall. Refrain.

Anaphora Parts when Sung

Cong:We remember Your death! We proclaim Your resurrection! We await Your coming!

Cong:Have mercy on us, Almighty Father, have mercy on us.

Cong:We praise You! We bless You! We worship you, Hear us, O Lord.

Hymn after the Intercessions: A-ya Rab-boo rooh-mak

wash-feq'a li-na. Waq-bal qa-ra-bee-na-na ya ra-heem. Wa-ha zeez-za-bee-ha ta'-lool kha-ta-ya. Ka-ma-qad ra-sam-ta bee-fad-len 'a-meem. Ka-ma-qad ra-sam-ta bee fad-len 'ameem.

Closing Hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

1, O come, O come, Emmanuel. And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear.

Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel!

2. O come, O wisdom from on high. Who order all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show, and teach us in her ways to go. Refrain:

3. O Come, Thou Day-spring from on high, and cheer us by your drawing nigh. Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death’s dark shadows put to flight Refrain


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Lawrence D. Griffin, MBA

“The Catholic Church, East and West, breaths as two lungs in the same body”

Church Etiquette

Refrain from long and loud conversations, no food or drinks in church, no leaving of pews during the reading of the Gospel and the Consecration of the Bread and Wine. Check to see if your cell phone is off.