Total quality management
1. Information about the program
1.1 University / Babeș-Bolyai University1.2 Faculty / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
1.3 Department / Management
1.4 Field of study / Accounting
1.5 Program level (bachelor or master) / Bachelor
1.6 Study program / Qualification / Accounting
2. Information about the discipline
2.1 Subject title / Total quality management2.2 Course activities professor / Conf. dr. Emil Lucian Crișan
2.3 Seminar activities professor / Conf. dr. Emil Lucian Crișan
2.4 Year of study / III / 2.5 Semester / II / 2.6 Type of assessment / C / 2.7 Discipline regime / Op.
3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester)
3.1 Number of hours per week / 3 / out of which: 3.2 course / 2 / 3.3 seminar/laboratory / 13.4 Total number of hours in the curriculum / 36 / out of which: 3.5 course / 24 / 3.6 seminar/laboratory / 12
Time distribution / Hours
Study based on textbook, course support, references and notes / 16
Additional documentation in the library, through specialized databases and field activities / 6
Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports / 8
Tutoring / 2
Assessment (examinations) / 4
Others activities ......
3.7 Total hours for individual study / 36
3.8 Total hours per semester / 72
3.9 Number of credits / 3
4. Preconditions (if necessary)
4.1 Curriculum / Firm management4.2 Skills / NA
5. Conditions (if necessary)
5.1. For course development /- The students shall participate to the classes with their mobile phones switched off;
- The delay of student to the classes shall not be tolerated.
5.2. For seminar / laboratory development /
- The deadline for the seminar folder shall be established by the teacher, in accordance to students’ wishes. Delays shall not be considered unless serious reasons exist.
- For each day delayed 10% of the folder value shall be diminished.
6 Acquired specific competences
Professional competences /- The development and the implementation of organizational strategy and policies, in detail:
- The analysis of the reasons for establishing a quality policy at firms’ level;
- The analysis of different quality policies established by different firms;
- Making proposals for quality policies for a real or virtual firm.
- The development and the implementation of firm’s managerial system and its subsystems (resources allocation and activities implementation), in detail:
- Developing a quality manual which shall ensure the implementation of quality management according to the quality policy previously established;
- The impact analysis regarding quality management implementation and quality costs;
- The identification, the selection and the usage of planning, organizing, coordination and control methods, in detail:
- Establishing a plan for the implementation of a quality management system;
- Developing a plan for organizational improvement using quality management improvement tools;
- Applying the principles, the norms and the values of professional etic within own work, professional and responsible, in detail:
- Adopting correct principles concerning organizational improvement, as what is measured can be improved;
- The planning of quality at organizational level, as systemic improvement and not individual effort.
Transversal competences / •The development of research skills, as research, documentation, developing a review, or a research article;
•The participation at scientific projects and the identification of alternative opportunities regarding future personal development.
7. Subject objectives (arising from the acquired specific competences)
7.1 Subject’s general objective / The course has as main goal the adoption of the main problems, theoretical concepts and practical solutions concerning total quality management.7.2 Specific objectives /
- The definition of quality concept considering its relativity;
- The adoption of the total quality management concept;
- The understanding of the main issues concerning quality management system implementation;
- The understanding and the usage of the main instruments related to quality management improvement;
- Realizing a quality costs analysis.
8. Contents
8.1 Course / Teaching methods / ObservationsDefining the quality concept / Lecturing / 1 meeting
Total quality management / Lecturing / 2 meetings
Quality management strategic planning / Lecturing / 1 meeting
The quality management system / Lecturing / 3 meetings
The ISO standards / Lecturing / 2 meetings
Quality prices / Lecturing / 1 meeting
Quality costs / Lecturing / 1 meeting
Tools and isntruments used for quality improvement / Lecturing / 1 meeting
- Beckford J. Quality: a critical introduction: Taylor & Francis; 2009.
- Brassard, M., Finn, L. and Ginn, D., The Six SIGMA Memory Jogger II: A Pocketguide of Tools for Six SIGMA Improvement Teams, Goal QPC Inc, 2002.
- Breyfogle FW, Cupello JM, Meadows B. Managing Six Sigma: a practical guide to understanding, assessing, and implementing the strategy that yields bottom line success: Wiley-Interscience; 2001.
- Breyfogle FW. Implementing Six Sigma: smarter solutions using statistical methods: Productivity Press; 2003.
- Dahlgaard JJ, Kristensen K, Kanji GK. Fundamentals of total quality management: process analysis and improvement: Routledge; 2005.
- Evans JR, Lindsay WM. The management and control of quality: South-Western College Publishing, 1999.
- Hoyle, D. and J. Thompson, ISO 9000: 2000: auditing using the process approach, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
- Ilieş, L., Crişan, E., Managementul calității totale, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2011.
- Kemp, S., Quality management demystified, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
- McCarty, T., Daniels, L., Bremer, M. and Gupta, P., The Six Sigma black belt handbook, McGraw-Hill New York, 2005.
8. 2 Seminar/laboratory / Teaching methods / Observations
The analysis of quality policies and quality manuals for different firms / Exercises / 2 meetings
The process map and operational procedures / Exercises / 2 meetings
Tools and isntruments used for quality improvement / Exercises / 2 meetings
- Beckford J. Quality: a critical introduction: Taylor & Francis; 2009.
- Brassard, M., Finn, L. and Ginn, D., The Six SIGMA Memory Jogger II: A Pocketguide of Tools for Six SIGMA Improvement Teams, Goal QPC Inc, 2002.
- Breyfogle FW, Cupello JM, Meadows B. Managing Six Sigma: a practical guide to understanding, assessing, and implementing the strategy that yields bottom line success: Wiley-Interscience; 2001.
- Breyfogle FW. Implementing Six Sigma: smarter solutions using statistical methods: Productivity Press; 2003.
- Dahlgaard JJ, Kristensen K, Kanji GK. Fundamentals of total quality management: process analysis and improvement: Routledge; 2005.
- Evans JR, Lindsay WM. The management and control of quality: South-Western College Publishing, 1999.
- Hoyle, D. and J. Thompson, ISO 9000: 2000: auditing using the process approach, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
- Ilieş, L., Crişan, E., Managementul calității totale, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2011.
- Kemp, S., Quality management demystified, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
- McCarty, T., Daniels, L., Bremer, M. and Gupta, P., The Six Sigma black belt handbook, McGraw-Hill New York, 2005.
9. Corroboration / validation of the subject’s content in relation to the expectations coming from representatives of the epistemic community, of the professional associations and of the representative employers in the program’s field.
The discipline is always renewed considering the novelties in the field: new standards and practices concerning total quality management at international level. Similarly, the case-studies are related to reality, during seminars and courses several aspects are analyzed: quality policies, quality manuals, SOPs from Romanian companies, and local if possible. Organizational improvement and the usage of quality tools is presented considering the newest and the most relevant cases from international and local practice.10. Assessment (examination)
Type of activity / 10.1 Assessment criteria / 10.2 Assessment methods / 10.3 Weight in the final grade10.4 Course / Defining quality in at least three ways / Written examination
Debate / 40%
The knowledge of the main theoretical aspects regarding total quality management
The knowledge of the main theoretical aspects regarding strategic planning of quality management
Explaining the content of a quality management system
Knowing the maind theoretical and practical elements related to the ISO quality standards
The knowledge of the main international quality prices
The understaning of the main quality management costs
The knowledge of the main instruments and tools used for quality management improvement
10.5 Seminar/ laboratory / The knowledge of the main elements of a quality policy / Continuous evaluation – final portfolio / 30%
The knowledge of the main elements of a quality manual
Building a process map for a firm process
Developing an SOP for a firms’ activity
Presenting a real example of the usage of a quality management instrument for quality management improvement
10.6 Minimum standard of performance
- In order to pass the final exam, it is necessary to obtain at least 5 (five);
- In order to participate to the final evaluation, it is necessary to obtain at least 50% of the grade allocated to the seminar/ laboratory;
- The grading is made between 1 (one) and 10 (ten);
- The exam is a 120 minutes written exam;
- The knowledge of the main goal of total quality management at firm’s level;
- The knowledge of the contents of a quality management manual;
- Developing a process map for a firm’s process.
Date of fillingSignature of the course professor Signature of the seminar professor
13.03.2017 / Conf. dr. Emil Lucian Crișan...... / Conf. dr. Emil Lucian Crișan
Date of approval by the department Head of department’s signature
Prof.dr. Răzvan Liviu Nistor15.03.2017 ......
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty member.