37th Annual Johnny Lopez
2011 Knights of Columbus
State Golf Tournament
Brother Knights and Fellow Golfers,
Tournament Information:
The 37th Annual Johnny Lopez Knights of Columbus State Golf Tournament is being hosted by the Texas State Council and the KC Councils of west Houston. The tournament this year will be held the weekend of September 23, 2425, 2011 at Bear Creek Golf World in west Houston.
Bear Creek boasts three fine courses and we will be playing the two toughest, the Presidents and the Masters. The Masters will host the scramble tournament on Friday and tournament play will take place on both the Masters and Presidents.
Attached you will find a copy of the tournament registration form. Be sure to complete all the information requested, including council and membership numbers. Incomplete forms will delay your entry. For those of you who may have not ever played or have not played in one of K of C State Golf Tournaments within the past five (5) years, to establish a handicap for our tournament you will need to submit a copy of your club handicap card or two score cards from two separate rounds of golf on a 18-hole golf course. For those of you who have played within the past five years we will have a handicap on record for you.
The entry fee for the scramble is $60.00 per golferand the entry fee for the individual two day tournament is $120.00 per golfer. Bear Creek has offered us a special rate if you enter to play all three days with an entry fee of $165.00 All entry fees must accompany the registration form. Please make checks payable to: ‘K of C State Athletic Fund”.
***A special bonus this year is that Bear Creek has offered each golfer that signs up to play 4 free rounds of golf at any Arnold Palmer Course in the Houston or Dallas area. In Houston those courses include Bear Creek, Southwyck, Longwood, and Tour 18. Also included: 1 month player’s club membership, tournament rewards card and player’s club card. Some restrictions do apply.
If you need additional forms please feel free to make copies. Driving directions, mass schedule and tournament registration information will be sent with your golf confirmation letter. Entry deadline is August 26, 2011 or after the first 220 individual entries have been received.
Please pass along the word!
Daryl Entrop
State Athletic Chairman