3 | Page Council Meeting November 1, 2016
REGULAR MEETING THE HENEFER TOWN COUNCIL November 1, 2016 Council Meeting Room 150 W Center Street
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Henefer Town Council held November 1, 2016 in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.
Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Earleen T. Paskett, Dawn Soger, Joel Riches, Anthony Liger, Katrina Rees
Mayor Randy C. Ovard, opened the meeting at 7:00 PM, and Mayor Ovard offered the opening prayer. Joel Riches led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the October 4, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Kay H. Richins requested a correction on page one (1) paragraph six (6) deleting (a) in the first sentence. Brent G. Ovard requested a correction in the same paragraph to add to the wording that waste first dumps into a Manhole on Center Street and then into a Manhole in the field belonging to the Paskett’s. He also wanted clarification that it was in the small lift station that the pumps had been replaced several times since he had been in office, and it is the smaller lift station that is still having problems. Robin K. Riches made a motion to accept the minutes after the corrections were made. Brent G. Ovard seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: Randy C. Ovard (he did not attend the meeting) ABSENT: none
The first item on the Agenda was a discussion to give Scott Richins, and Christian Northrup a $200 bonus in appreciation of the work they do for the town. Both men put in a great deal of time doing their jobs, and also spend extra hours doing work they do not charge for. Robin K. Riches made a motion to give Scott Richins, and Christian a $200.00 bonus check. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none The Mayor and Council also requested that a thank you note be sent with the letter.
Mayor Ovard told the Council that Christian Northrup had been unable to borrow a compressor from Flare Constructin to blow out the water lines at the parks and the cemetery. Christian was able to rent the equipment he needed for $130.00. Mayor Ovard suggested that the town should plan on renting the equipment every year instead of trying to depend on Flare Construction for a loaner.
Robin Riches also told the town that she needs to get a tarp to cover the hand cart at the Heritage Park to protect it through the winter. Mayor Ovard told her to pick one up at Ace Hardware as the town has an account there.
The next item on the Agenda was a report from the Community Pride Committee. Robin K. Riches told the Council that they had a meeting to get ideas for activities and projects to inspire pride in Henefer community. Their motto is “We are proud of our past, we are proud of our community, and we have a vision of our future”. The Committee would like to help with the Town Christmas Party. It was suggested that the party this year be held at the fire station. Robin has made arrangements to reserve the building. The Committee will also take care of the decorations. The Town will take care of the hot chocolate (Brent G. Ovard) and donuts (Mayor Randy C. Ovard). The candy has already been arranged. Mayor Ovard has already booked Santa for December 3, from noon to 2:00 pm. Mayor Ovard will tell Santa to come to the Henefer Church, where he will be picked up in the fire engine, taken around town and brought to the fire station. A separate mailing will be sent out to make sure the community knows the date and that the location has been changed.
The Committee would also like to use the donated Nativity at the Heritage Park on Main Street. They will look into getting some inexpensive figures to use in it. They would like to have a Christmas Decoration competition judging the homes that have been decorated. They would like to make it an activity where people of the community register and then drive around, look at the decorations and then vote for their favorites. Businesses in the community could be asked to donate prizes for the winners, which would include a promotion for businesses. The Committee would also like to help with the Fourth of July Celebration. They would also like to have a “Henefer Days Celebration”, but not on the 24th as it is too close to the 4th. It could be a celebration that would celebrate the things that makes Henefer the special place it is. The Committee also suggested a “Paint the Town Day”, and other suggestions for activities that would bring the community closer. The Committee wanted to know what happened to the Christmas Music, and they were told that because it had to be turned up so loud to be heard over a larger area, people living near the park did not appreciate it nearly as much.
Mayor Ovard informed Brent G. Ovard, and Ryan K. Mosher that he would need help getting the Christmas lights ready for Rocky Mountain Power to put up.
Mayor Ovard told the Council that money for a RAP tax grant has become available and that the Town has applied for $25,000 to help with playground equipment. The application has been submitted and Mayor Ovard and Robin K. Riches will put together a presentation for the interviews. That will happen sometime towards the middle of November. Robin has done some research on equipment that could possibly be purchased, and will look into it further once the town finds out if we can get some funding.
The next item on the Agenda was the road in Courtney Richin’s subdivision. Mayor Ovard told the Council that it was a three phase project and there are now homes in all three of the phase locations. The Mayor and Council thought it would be best if the Town planned to push all of the roads in the subdivision, and would let Christian know that when it snows he will need to push the entire subdivision.
There have been several frightening incidents that have happened in Town this last week. Mayor Ovard told the Council that Merilee Murdock and Meredith West were frightened by a male lying in the rocks at John’s Park and making lewd comments to them. They contacted Mayor Ovard and he escorted the man to Echo Junction so he could continue on his way to Evanston. One resident had someone try to push his way into their home, and another had two men walk into their home without knocking. Mayor Ovard suggested that women do not walk or run alone, and people should lock their doors. He suggested that people make their neighbors aware.
Mayor Ovard also told the Council as a consequence of the new roads that have been made at the cemetery, the road going to the top near Edwin Boyer’s lot has been eliminated. This enabled another lot to be sold. Ralph and Cheryl Jones along with Mitzi Jones purchased the lot after the death of Brandon Jones this past month.
Mayor Ovard made the Council aware that the lot for sale on the corner near Larry Dearden’s home does not meet the requirements for a building lot. The gentleman who purchased Larry Dearden’s home and the lot wanted to sell it as a building lot, but it does not meet the requirements.
Robin K. Riches informed the Council that the County did a really poor job patching the road at 100 S and 300 W. The potholes are getting worse. Kay H. Richins told the Council that he is trying to get some asphalt from Geneva Rock to patch the potholes. The speed signs requested for the Council for 300 W have been placed.
Brent G. Ovard told the Council that he and Ryan K. Mosher are making arrangements to get the fire hydrant near Kerry Garfield’s home fixed. Some of the meters in town need to be checked as many of the meter readings were extremely high this month.
Kay H. Richins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor
BILLS ORDERED PAID: Ace Disposal, Inc., $217.21, Ace Hardware, $41.98, A Company Inc.-SLC, $186.22, A Company, Inc., SLC, $76.93, All West Communications, $200.46, Caselle, $525.00, Chemtech-Ford Laboratory, $13.00, Chemtech-Ford Laboratory, $291.00, Christian Northrup, $200.00, Christian Northrup, $62.86, Grumps General Store, $277.25, Henefer Irrigation Company, $535.00, KR Excavation, $912.00, Phillip Bristow, $150.00, Questar Gas, $92.84, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,534.02, Summit County Public Health, $60.00, Tractor Supply Co., $15.88, USA Blue Book, $$336.27, Weber Basin Water Cons. Dist., $7955.63, Zions Bank Credit Card, $298.23, Christian Northrup, $504.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, Earleen Paskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Robin K. Riches, $200.00, Ryan K. Mosher, $200.00, Kate Anne Schroeder, $9.00, Rozanne F. Staples, $100.00