Week of March 27, 2017

Lessons covered Week of March 20, 2017

Language Arts

“Why Live Near a River”

Genre: non fiction

Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas & supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea.

Writing: Opinion: Introductory words and phrases

Worked on Scholastic Class Book

Took SMARTER BALANCED ELA Interim Test (Practice)


Topic 14 Area

14-2 Areas and Units

14-3 Standard Units

14-4 Area of Square and Rectangle

14-5 Area and The Distributive Property

14-6 Solve a Simple Problem


-Collaboration Days, Wed, Mar. 22. 2 p.m. Dismissal.

-Minimum Day Friday, March 31

-Year Book Order Forms are due April 1 if you want to order one.

-Spring Break April 3 to 7

-SMARTER BALANCED Test Dates: April 25, 26, 28, May 2, 4, 5. Please avoid any absences on these dates.

-SMARTER BALANCED Practice Test link:


-Open House Wed. May10. More information to come

Razkids students accounts are set up for students. This does not replace the 30 minutes nightly AR reading.

-Reading website: www.bookadventure.com is a great site that provides comprehension tests to check if your child understands what he/she read. This is a free site. Parents need to sign up. This does not REPLACE THEIR AR QUIZZEs.

Week of March 27, 2017

Lessons covered Week of March 20, 2017

Language Arts

“Why Live Near a River”

Genre: non fiction

Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas & supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea.

Writing: Opinion: Introductory words and phrases

Worked on Scholastic Class Book

Took SMARTER BALANCED ELA Interim Test (Practice)


Topic 14 Area

14-2 Areas and Units

14-3 Standard Units

14-4 Area of Square and Rectangle

14-5 Area and The Distributive Property

14-6 Solve a Simple Problem


-Collaboration Days, Wed, Mar. 22. 2 p.m. Dismissal.

-Minimum Day Friday, March 31

-Year Book Order Forms are due April 1 if you want to order one.

-Spring Break April 3 to 7

-SMARTER BALANCED Test Dates: April 25, 26, 28, May 2, 4, 5. Please avoid any absences on these dates.

-SMARTER BALANCED Practice Test link:


-Open House Wed. May10. More information to come

Razkids students accounts are set up for students. This does not replace the 30 minutes nightly AR reading.

-Reading website: www.bookadventure.com is a great site that provides comprehension tests to check if your child understands what he/she read. This is a free site. Parents need to sign up. This does not REPLACE THEIR AR QUIZZEs.