INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out the entire Section IV Response Form, (which comprises the Statement of Assurances and the Questionnaire) and submit as your official response. DO NOT include additional marketing materials. The following includes minimum requirements needed to be considered further as a qualified Proposer.

Type out all responses - except required signatures. Please organize your response packet as follows:

1.Statement of Assurances

2. Questionnaire response

3. Other attachments (such as resume, etc.)

4. Contract Mark-up (if you propose revisions)


Solicitation Number LCP-2015/16-01

Proposer's Name:

Proposer offers to provide the required services in accordance with the requirements of the Request for Proposals (RFP) stated above and the enclosed proposal. The undersigned Proposer declares that the Proposer has carefully examined the above-named Request for Proposals, and that, if this proposal is accepted, Proposer will execute a contract with the County to furnish the services of the proposal submitted with this form.


  1. Proposer attests that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of the personal knowledge of the person signing this proposal, and that the person signing has the authority to represent the individual or organization in whose name this proposal is submitted.
  1. By execution of this Form, the undersigned Proposer accepts all terms and conditions of this Request for Proposals except as modified in writing in its proposal. Proposer agrees that the offer made in this proposal will remain irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days from the date proposals are due.
  1. By execution of this Form, the undersigned Proposer acknowledges that its entire proposal is subject to Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.410–192.505), and may be disclosed in its entirety to any person or organization making a records request, except for such information as may be exempt from disclosure under the law. Proposer agrees that all information included in this proposal that is claimed to be exempt from disclosure has been clearly identified either in the Proposer's Statement, or in an itemization attached hereto. Proposer further acknowledges its responsibility to defend and indemnify the County for any costs associated with establishing a claimed exemption.
  1. By execution of this form, the undersigned Proposer states that Proposer has a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in providing health care services for arrestees and inmates in a correctional setting.
  2. By execution of this form, the undersigned Proposer states that Proposer has experience in the management of health care programs in facilities of average daily population between 300-700 inmates.
  1. By execution of this form, the undersigned agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and requirements related to the RFP and performance of any resulting Contract, including but not limited to those referenced in this RFP.
  1. By execution of this form, the undersigned Proposer agrees that Proposer will meet the insurance requirements included in the proposed Contract included in the RFP and agrees that such coverage will be kept active during the entire term of the Contract, if awarded.
  1. By execution of this form, the undersigned Proposer agrees that this Proposal will irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days from the deadline for receiving proposals under this RFP.


  1. By execution of this document, the undersigned Proposer certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, neither it nor any of its principals:
  1. Are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible from submitting bids or proposals by any federal, state or local entity, department or agency;
  2. Have within a three (3) year period preceding this offer, been convicted or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performance of a public (Federal, state or local) contract or subcontract; violation of Federal or state antitrust statues relating to the submission of offers; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statement, tax evasion, or receiving stolen property;
  3. Are presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity with, commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 28.2 of this certification;
  4. Have within a three (3) year period preceding this offer, had one or more contracts terminated for default by any Federal, state or local public agency.
  1. By signing this Proposer's Certification form, Proposer certifies that:
  1. Proposer is _____is not _____ (check one) a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120.
  2. Proposer has not discriminated and will not discriminate against a subcontractor in awarding a subcontract because the subcontractor is a minority, women, or emerging small business enterprises certified under ORS 200.055 or a business enterprise that is owned or controlled by or that employs a disabled veteran, as defined in ORS 408.225.
  3. This proposal is made without connection or agreement with any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity making a proposal for the same services, and is in all respects fair and free from collusion or collaboration with any other proposer.


Proposer has received and considered, in the accompanying proposal, the terms of the following addenda:

The undersigned, by signature here, acknowledges, accepts, and certifies to the Proposer's Statements and Certifications as stated above.

1. Company

As registered with the State of Oregon:

Company’s Full Legal Name: ______

City and State of Company Headquarters: ______

2. Contractor Authorized Signature:

Name: Title:

Signature: Date:

3. Office that would service Lane County:


Phone: Fax:

Email Address:

4. Contractor’s RFP contact for this project:

Name: Title:

Phone: Email Address:

Office Address:

Page 1

If you would like additional contacts to be alerted to courtesy emails regarding this RFP, please include here:

Name: Email Address:

Name: Email Address:

Name: Email Address:

QUESTIONNAIRE (Attach to Exhibit E)


  • Please type responses directly into this page. You will be returning only Section IV RFP Response Form, which includes this questionnaire, and any other materials requested (e.g., resumes, spreadsheets, etc.), to be attached at the end of the questionnaire. DO NOT include marketing collateral. An unnecessary amount of such material may result in rejection of the RFP process.
  • Proposers should fully answer each question, giving complete information regarding current and relevant references.
  1. Provide the date (and number of years) your company organized to provide medical services in institutional and correctional facilities in the United States and provide the same data separately for world-wide services (if applicable).
  1. Describe briefly your corporate background.
  1. Provide gross sales volume and number of employees for medical services provided in institutional and correctional facilities in the United States and provide the same data separately for world-wide services (if applicable).
  1. Please provide a list of all medical services contracts with correctional facilities that your firm has had in the last five (5) years and include the number of years serving those clients.
  1. Identify those contracts in the last five (5) years that your company did not retain, and please provide a brief summary of why your contract was not renewed for non-current clients.
  1. Please include a list of litigations or class action law suits filed against your organization in the last five (5) years that were either financial settled or judgment resulted against your organization.
  1. Is your firm licensed to do business in the State of Oregon? Provide the full legal name of your business as registered with the State of Oregon.
  1. What unique qualities or perspective (competitive edge) would your company bring to this engagement?
  1. Provide 1 or 2 examples of how your organization improved a new client’s efficiencies by replacing their existing medical services operation. Describe the biggest roadblocks, how you and your client approached them, and the outcomes.
  1. Please provide a staffing plan (with a list of proposed wages, salaries, and benefits for each position) and an organizational chart for providing medical service in compliance with these specifications (Attach to Exhibit C).
  1. Include a staffing (a compensation) plan needed for the following inmate jail population levels (or similar totals):

1) 1 to 237 Jail Beds

2) 238 to 281 Jail Beds

3) 282 to 355 Jail Beds

4) 356 to 437 Jail Beds

5) 438 to 507 Jail Beds

  1. Discuss a plan to include sufficient back-up staffing.
  1. Please identify the key positions you deem to be necessary to manage Lane County’s account, and the minimum requirements needed to fill each position. Be sure to distinguish between primary contacts and secondary or back-up representatives.
  1. Additionally, describe any needed cooperation and interactions from client staff with these positions in order to successfully perform their jobs.
  1. Submit resumes of any current individual(s) who would fill any of the key positions, along with an overview of their qualifications, experience in the industry, notations of professional licensing/certifications, and any unique skills they bring.
  1. Please provide job descriptions of all key staff and sub-contractors assigned to this Contract.
  1. Provide your plan toward maintaining health and sanitation requirements within the medical, dental and mental health sections (contract cleaning company, hazardous and medical waste disposal, etc.).
  1. Describe employee training plans for managers, supervisors, and employees starting with your company, to include (if any) the number of training hours, the method of training (internet, classroom, documents, etc.), location of training, etc.
  1. Describe employee training plans for any positions you intend to hire specifically for Lane County’s account, to include (if any) the number of training hours, the method of training (internet, classroom, documents, etc.), location of training, etc.
  1. Describe your plan to successfully retain employees hired to Lane County’s account.
  1. Describe your standard expectations of professionalism for your staff and how you train your staff to meet these standards. Discuss consequences for non-compliance.


a. Medical / Lab / X-Ray Services:

1) Describe in detail how your company intends to provide this service within the requirements listed in Exhibit B of the Sample Personal Services Contract (Scope of Services), Section C (Medical Services) and Sections H (On-site Services), and J (Off-site Referrals) as applicable.

2) Include descriptions of key positions (other than managers described in B2 & 3 above) needed, and minimum requirements for any individual who will fill these positions.

3) Discuss your plan to provide x-ray and laboratory services and equipment/space needs.

4) Provide your company’s criteria for medically rejecting inmates prior to the jail accepting them into custody.

b. Nursing Services:

1) Describe in detail how your company intends to provide this service within the requirements listed in Exhibit B (Scope of Services), Section D (Nursing Services), Sections H (On-site Services) and Section J (Off-site Referrals) as applicable.

2) Include descriptions of key positions (other than managers described in B2 & 3 above) needed, and minimum requirements for any individual who will fill these positions.

c. Pharmaceutical Management Services:

1) Describe in detail how your company intends to provide this service within the requirements listed in Exhibit B (Scope of Services), Section E (Pharmaceutical), Section H (On-site Services) and Section J (Off-site Referrals) as applicable.

2) Include descriptions of key positions (other than managers described in B2 & 3 above) needed, and minimum requirements for any individual who will fill these positions.

d. Dental Services:

1) Describe in detail how your company intends to provide this service within the requirements listed in Exhibit B (Scope of Services), Section F (Dental Services), Sections H (On-site Services) and Section J (Off-site Referrals) as applicable.

2) Include descriptions of key positions (other than managers described in B2 & 3 above) needed, and minimum requirements for any individual who will fill these positions.

e. Mental Health Services:

1) Describe in detail how your company intends to provide this service within the requirements listed in Exhibit B (Scope of Services), Section G (Mental Health Services), Sections H (On-site Services) and Section J (Off-site Referrals) as applicable.

2) Include descriptions of key positions (other than managers described in B2 & 3 above) needed, and minimum requirements for any individual who will fill these positions.

3) Describe your company’s plan in providing Director’s Holds and Evaluations / Hearings for Oregon State Hospital commitments.

2. Quality Control:

a.Explain your quality control methods and standards.

  1. Include a discussion of your methods for identifying and preventing deficiencies in service quality before the level of quality becomes unacceptable.

3. Computerized Tools:

a.Describe in detail any computerized medical management systems used to create schedules, inventories, clinics, or statistical reports.

  1. Provide a detailed description of any computerized hardware or software systems required to provide medical services to Lane County as described in this document.
  1. Include configuration diagrams which must also denote whether the Contractor or Lane County is responsible for providing each component of the system. Please pay particular attention to document any data interfaces to existing Lane County software systems, Internet access requirements and/or VPN requirements.
  1. Lane County will provide computer workstations to access our Jail Management System to obtain inmate head counts, lodging assignments and inmate information.

1) The workstation will not be available for loading Contractor software.

4. Inventory:

  1. Include your plan for accounting for and security of all equipment and supplies.

5.Unusual Circumstances:

a. Include a contingency plan to provide for services in the event of unexpected interruptions of the normal working conditions; i.e., power failure, fire, inclement weather, riot, lock-down, labor strikes or acts of God that would preclude normal expectations.

b. Explain your methods for insuring uninterrupted service in the event of a labor dispute with your employees.

6. Transition Plan:

  1. Include a detailed, transition plan to assume provision of Medical Services within 45 days of signing a contract. If this timeline is not feasible, please suggest an appropriate transition time.
  1. Include the hiring and training of employees and subcontractors for this Lane County account.
  1. Include information about all current managers and supervisors who will be in charge of the transition, how long each person will be on-site during the transition, and what they will be in charge of overseeing.
  1. Include any plan to retain current medical, dental and mental health service employees, if applicable.


  1. Explain procedures for monthly billings and include sample forms.
  1. Please provide a detailed explanation to ensure accuracy and quality control of all invoices billed to the Sheriff’s Office.

8. Contract:

  1. Contract - Included in this RFP as Section III is a “Sample Personal Services Contract”, which is substantially similar to the contract that will be signed by the successful Proposer for this project.
  1. Please have your legal counsel review and mark-up proposed modifications for the “Sample Personal Services Contract” and the “Scope of Services” found on Exhibit B. Proposers requesting any significant modifications to the contract should state such changes on the sample contract and attach at the end of the response packet.
  1. It is not necessary to note granular, insignificant changes.
  1. For the purpose of the Proposal, the County is interested in hearing from you about clauses or sections that you see as a chief concern before signing this contract, how you would change them, and why.
  1. You may either use MS Word Track Changes for this purpose, OR you may simply include a paragraph below the clause you are discussing, OR you may insert comments into the clause. The key is to ensure your intended changes are easily identifiable and communicated.

Note: Proposer should assume a 2 year contract with an option for

the County to renew for an additional 3 years.

  1. COST PROPOSAL (scored)

Using the 2014 data on Page 13 and 14 as a guide (326 housed inmate capacity), and your understanding of the RFP requirements, provide your company’s fixed price “Proposed Total Cost First Full Year”. The proposal should address the “Scope of Services”, Exhibit B.

Proposer should expect that the “Proposed Total Cost First Full Year” will be used to compare against actual cost of Lane County Jail current medical services programs.

In the cost proposal category, proposals will be scored according to the amount of savings to be realized by Lane County – the higher the potential savings, the higher the number of points to be awarded in this category.

Considerations will be given to proposers who can show cost savings programs utilizing technologies such as Tele-Med or similar abilities for tele-conferencing with off-site providers for services (i.e., EKG’s, X-rays, and consults with physicians) which could lead to less off-site transfers for services.

Additional consideration will be given to proposers who do not require an aggregate cap model on any of their cost proposals. However if proposer includes an aggregate cap, any cap on outside medical costs cannot include medical costs associated with a claim against the proposer for conduct they are otherwise liable for.

The following costs should be included in the Contractor’s proposal(s) price:

  • Labor cost for Contract medical service employees to include sick time, vacation time, training time, and benefits which include medical, dental, vision and prescription
  • All overhead charges, equipment, equipment repair and associated supplies
  • Insurance cost, license and permit fees
  • Uniforms for medical service employees
  • Medications and supplies
  • Janitorial supplies, office supplies and equipment
  • Procurement cost, delivery cost, training cost and background investigation cost
  • Vehicle costs and fuel charges

Please note: The County may, at its discretion, choose to consider proposals with the selected Contractor for the following outside of this RFP Proposal: