Online Resume 406-549-4128

Bruce A. Russell Ph.d.

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY BA Eng., MA Ed

Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA Ph.d. H&HS w/dissertation in Historical Sociology-Dimensions of Alienation

Instructor; Visiting Prof.; Upward Bound; American Society, Intro to Sociology, Social Problems. UofMT, Missoula, MT

Instructor:Lang. Arts, Dull Knife Memorial College, MT

Professor: Introduction to Sociology, MSU, Billings MT

Prof. of Criminology at Rocky MT College, Billings MT

A&S Dean & VP for Acad Affairs of CCU, Missoula MT

Lecturer in Soc. of Work, Intro to Sociology, Social Pbs., Qualitative Methods, & Statistics at Sydney University, NSW, Australia


Bruce Russell

1345 S. 2nd W Apt. 1, Missoula, MT 59801 406-549-4128

Professional Positions:

Missoula County Public Schools: Hellgate, Sentinel, Big Sky H.S., To ‘05 Eng &S.S.

Columbia Commonwealth University, Missoula, MT VP for Academic Affairs ‘01, ebook sales on the internet, director/author, Missoula, MT ‘99-’01

Missoula & Frenchtown Schools;Billings Public Schools, MT '92-’04 Eng & Soc Sci.

Mountain States Social Research, Director, Missoula, MT ‘94-’04

DPHHS of MT (or SRS)--visual education for the blind, Missoula, MT '93-95

Rocky MT College, Soc. Dept., Billings, MT 1990, Criminology

Eastern MT College, Soc. Dept., Billings, MT 1989, Sociology

Northern Cheyenne Schools at Busby, MT 1986-91, Soc Studies & Eng.

Dull Knife College, Lame Deer, MT 1989 Winter, Composition Class

Lodge Grass High School, Lodge Grass, MT 1985-86, Language Arts

UofM Upward Bound, Missoula, MT 1985-88 Summers, Journalism, Microcomputers

Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia, lecturer in research, soc.

U of Montana, Missoula, MT 1975-76, Adult Ed. to Deer Lodge, MSP prisoners in soc.

Corvallis High School, Corvallis, MT 1975-75, U.S. History and Psychology

U of Montana, Missoula, MT Sociology Dept., 1972-4, Instructor in Sociology

Madison High School, Rochester, N.Y. 1965-66, Language Arts and Soc. Sci. Intern


Week-long ASA Conferences: Chic 99, D.C. 00, L.A. 01, Chic 02, Atlanta 03, SF 04

Two Day Conferences of MT Ed. Association: Missoula 1994; Missoula 1999

Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, CA 1990-92, Advanced degree in H&HS, Soc.

U of Montana, Missoula, MT 1970-73, '76 Sociology credits, Ed.Admin., Journalism

St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas 1969, Social Research (census tracts)

Baylor University, Waco, Texas 1969, Social Work/Psych--credential in psychometrics

MFSS, Brooke Army Medical Center, FSH, TX 1969, Interviewing credentials

MTC, Fort Sam Houston, TX 1968 EMT training for U.S. Army Service

U of Rochester, Rochester, NY 1961-66, B.A. Eng., and M.A. education


“ASA Conference Review” for Humanity and Society, 2001,2002,2003,2004

A Primer of Technology Change for Baby-Boomers, ‘00 book, MSSRbooks

“Psychoanalytic and Sociological Alienation:Means for Resolving Problems of

Psychohistory,” paper & course curriculum, 1992

“Alienation: Residuum of the New World Order,” paper & course curriculum, 1992

Dimensions of Alienation, book, 1992 University Microfilms Internat., Ann Arbor, MI

Strategies in Native American Education, book, 1989. Offered to MT OPI, Helena

“The Story of A Desktop Yearbook,” in MATELA's 1988 MT Eng. Journal

Community Action :

Great Decisions Foreign Policy Presentations: Internat. H20, Global,

Human Rights, U.S. Role in the World, Foreign Trade, & Africa Issues 1996-04;

U.S. Election Forum convener w/speakers from UofM & Helena; & memberships in:

Missoula Symphony Chorale, United Nations of MT, Assoc. for Humanist Sociology