RELOADING PM3 OS and software
Preparationof theSDCard:
1.Insert theSDCardinthe card readeron yourdesktop. Formatit in FAT32
2.Copy in the root directoryof yourSDCard the followingfiles:

3. And all thefollowingdirectories:

4.Insertthe SD cardin the ProMark3RTK.

Reloading theboot, OSf/wGPSandF/W
Turn on PM3
Double click theUtilities iconand launchAUTOLOADER
In the new window, select the fileEBOOT.TXTandclickOK
At the endof the load, close the window"Loading ...Success"
Selectthe fileFOS216.TXT andclickOK
At the endof the load, close the window"Loading ...Success": thePM3rebootautomatically.
Double click theUtilities iconand launchAUTOLOADER
In the new window, select the fileandclickOKP011.TXT
At the endof the load, close the window"Loading ...Success": PM3 will rebootautomatically.
When PM3hasrebooted, doaRestore FactorySettingby pressingkeysLOGIN ++MENU

Reloading ofsurveyingapplication/MMapping
Copythe file"PM3EUV214.TXT" in the root directoryof yourSD card.
Copythe directory \PM3EUV214(entire directory and not its content) on theSDCard
start AUTOLOADER, select the filePM3EUV214.TXT

reloadingFastSurveyv2.1.3(PM3 specific):
1.Insert theSDCardinthe card readeron yourdesktop. Format it in FAT32
2.Copythe file"FastSurvey.CAB" in the root directoryof yourSD card.
3.Copythe directoryGrids (entire directory and not its content) on theSDCard
4.Insertthe SD cardin the ProMark3RTK.
5.On ProMark3RTK, double click theUtilities iconand runInstallFAST Survey.
6.Make surethe box "FAST Survey" is checked in the window.
7.check(if any)all gridsyou want to use
8.Pressthe Install buttonandlet the unitcomplete the installation.
9.At the endof the load, close the window"Loading ...Success" by clicking OK. The loadingof the gridwill starts
10.At the endof the load, close the window"Loading ...Success"

11. Do a reboot of PM3 in order to change the Desktop icon and display FAST Survey on the main menu.

validation of different RTKand FastSurvey Codes
Double-click the Utilities icon
Double-click on UnlockRTKoption
Clickon the bottom rightof the screento bring upthe virtual keyboard
Enterthe code corresponding to PM3 serial number
At the endof the process, close the window"RTK isunlockedwithsuccess..." Click OK
Double-click on UnlockFAST Survey
Enterthe code for theserial numberof thePM3
At the endof the process, close the window"FAST Survey isunlockedwithsuccess..." by clicking OK