Dear Judge Zobel,
Do people whom suffer from mental illness become self-aware? Is it possible for a person to be cured or to develop treatment to phaze out the affliction? I know that as a teenager I made up many lies which turned troublesome. Pulling fire alarms, claiming to have seen a drowning, seeing ghostly guns at school, and also buying fighter jets, bomb debries in the Quincy Quarry, scuba diving off the Cape Cod coast and a televised interview where I bought parts of a bomb. Hadn't I found psychological help the next stories might've included Jimmy Hoffa or John Kennedy. How can anyone pick and choose which statements are true or false. None of them were reliable and even years later having recovered the fact I couldn't have possible made the purchase of the Radio Shack components, being that the law enforcement, ATF, or Prosecutor submitted a fraudulent piece of evidence, a Radio Shack receipt which was to coincide with my obvious bogus statement, we now find was in a more profound way a phantom receipt. It doesn't exist on the computer operated system of Radio Shack. Its serial #, its purchase info, is all fraudulent which then leads a person to believe that the testimonies of anyone connected to Radio Shack,especially an immigrant on a Green card would surely feel intimidated bythe Federal Government. By his own boss of who I cheated with that same
man's lover. And to top it off, the Radio Shack manager is not only a person who despises me because I slept with his young lover, but Mr.Nightingale is also roommates with Ed Carrion of whos testimony youaccepted even though he told you he'd been sleeping with me since I was 15years old. So AUSA gives Carrion immunity for his pedophilia, Nightingale pressures Armbrister or he'll lose his job and the Government will ship him back to Jamaica or Hait, and the RadioShack receipt is found to bebogus, a phantom created to coincide with my televised lies.
In your recent denial of Alfred Trenkler's 2255, you stated I'm not credible. Now in this letter I'm proving to you that I wasn't, but I amnow.
Can a person change. Can a person be cured, does treatment work? yes.
But now I am proving to you that the Government used ill tactics to make their case, and that is a violation of my civil rights, and that is newevidence! What's the time line your honor on justice when one or two ofthe so-called good guys goes bad? What is the time line on justice beingserved?
Your Honor,
In 1998, Attorney Kettlewell and Weinman not only lied to me in their coersion tactics to get me to plead guilty, but they also used a higherpaid position, or partnership, holding it over Atty Amy-Baron-Evans headif I would plead guilty.
Atty Baron-Evans no longer works for them. I believe in my heart she was forced to accept the plea IDEA after all her hard work to get me a newtrial.
Your Honor,
I didn't commit conspiracy with Alfred Trenkler or anyone for that matter. I plead guilty on the advice of my attorneys Kettlewell and Weinman evenafter having told them I am innocent. I also stipulate to you that myattorneys knowingly lied to me, telling me that by pleading guilty, it inno way implicated Alfred Trenkler.
Your Honor,
Your a darn good judge. You have a hard enough job to do when people are guilty. But what happens when you find yourself in a position to trulyknow in your heart that innocent men went to prison for something theydidn't do?
I can only pray, and pray hard I will that you will see the deceit and lies that swam in your courtroom to bring a faulse sense of justice to acity that was obviously looking for closure.
Is it too late for justice? Is it too late for Officer Hurley, Foley or Corbett?
Is it too late for Alfred Trenkler or myself?
Can justice be served?
Each day Alfred Trenkler serves in prison, I promise you, is an atrocity to all the people who believe in, or created the criminal justice system. He surely is someone who fell through the cracks and crevices of a systemthat does make mistakes, has knowingly killed people, or placed them inprison, there to die, or 30 years later be saved.
The truth is the truth your Honor. Every day, every day you can make a difference. It's never too late. But please act now.
I knew Alfred Trenkler not as a friend or a lover and for less than 8 hours. Alfred Trenkler, just a good Samaritan who helped me with a fewrides home from a club is in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Alfred Trenkler never gave me his phone #. I tricked him into giving it to me.
Your Honor, do you beleive in God? Well, I do. And my lies put an innocent man in prison, and I'm trying to save my soul.
What will it take from you, your honor, from me, for your to know that I as God is my witness am telling you the truth?!
You have always encouraged me your honor.In that spirit and for the past ten years I have been working towards the past two years where I can moveforward.
Please your honor. Please see that justice is not blind for all the so many victims in this case.
May God bless you and guide you in your soul searching and divine assessment of this situation.
Thomas A. Shay /s/
Thomas Shay 19193-038
Unit Delta-B
P.O. Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38134