3Part 3: Forms
3.1Identification of the tenderer
Name and first name of the tenderer or name of the company and legal formNationality of the tenderer and of staff (if different)
Domicile / Registered office
Telephone number and fax number
National Social Security Office registration number or equivalent
Enterprise number
Represented by the undersigned (*)
(Name, first name and function)
Contact person (telephone number, fax number, possibly e-mail address)
If different: Project manager (telephone number, fax number, e-mail address)
Account number for payments
Financial institution
Under the name of
(*)The tenderer shall include in his tender proof that the party/ies signing the tender is/are mandated to do so. The following are considered proof of evidence: an official document (statutes, declaration before a notary, etc.) certifying that the person signing is accredited to do so in the name of and for the account of the entity/joint enterprise/consortium.
Original hand-written signature(s):
3.2Tender Form - Prices
By submitting this tender, the tenderer commits to performing this public contract in conformity with the provisions of the Tender Specifications Bxl 1691 and explicitly declares accepting all conditions listed in the Tender Specifications and renounces any derogatory provisions such as his own general sales conditions.
The unit prices offered for participation to the framework agreement are the following, given in euros and exclusive of VAT:
Lot 1 / Expert in policies and strategies for sustainable social and economic development and responsible entrepreneurship (profile 1)Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 2 / Expert in Business Development Services and support mechanisms to investments (profile 2)
Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 3 / Expert in professional insertion and in initial and continued vocational training (profile 3)Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 4 / Expert in value chain promotion (profile 4)
Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 5 / Expert in strategic and operational marketing (profile 5)Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 6 / Expert in rural finance and the development of financial products destined for MSMEs (profile 6)
Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 7 / Expert in business development and management (profile 7)Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 8 / Expert in the economic empowerment of women (profile 8)
Working language: English
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 9 / Expert in policies and strategies for sustainable social and economic development and responsible entrepreneurship (profile 1)Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 10 / Expert in Business Development Services and support mechanisms to investments (profile 2)
Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 11 / Expert in professional insertion and in initial and continued vocational training ((profile 3)Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 12 / Expert in value chain promotion (profile 4)
Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 13 / Expert in strategic and operational marketing (profile 5)Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 14 / Expert in rural finance and the development of financial products destined for MSMEs ((profile 6)
Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Lot 15 / Expert in business development and management (profile 7)Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Lot 16 / Expert in the economic empowerment of women (profile 8)
Working language: French
Name, first name of the expert proposed:
…………………………………………………………………… / Unit price (exclusive of VAT)/day
In euro
Field assignment / €
At domicile / €
At Enabel’s head office in Brussels / €
Applicable VAT rate / %
Certified true and sincere,
Original hand-written signature(s):
Name and legal form / Address / Registered office / Object3.4Integrity Statement for the tenderers
Concerns the tenderer:
Domicile / Registered office:
Reference no. of the public contract:
To the attention of Enabel,
Hereby, I / we, acting as legal representative(s) of above-mentioned tenderer, declare the following:
- Neither members of administration or employees, or any person or legal person with whom the tenderer has concluded an agreement in view of performing the contract, may obtain or accept from a third party, for themselves of for any other person or legal person, an advantage appreciable in cash (for instance, gifts, bonuses or any other kind of benefits), directly or indirectly related to the activities of the person concerned for the account of Enabel.
- The board members, staff members or their partners have no financial or other interests in the businesses, organisations, etc. that have a direct or indirect link with Enabel (which could, for instance, bring about a conflict of interests).
- I have / we have read and understood the articles about deontology and anti-corruption included in the Tender Specifications and I / we declare fully endorsing and respecting these articles.
I am / we are also aware of the fact that the personnel of Enabel are bound by the provisions of a Code of conduct, which states that: ‘In order to ensure the impartiality of personnel, staff members are not allowed to solicit, demand or receive gifts, bonuses or any other kind of benefits for themselves or third parties, whether in exercising their function or not, when said gifts, bonuses or benefits are linked to that exercising’. Note, that what matters most here is not so much the enrichment resulting from accepting gifts, bonuses or benefits of all kinds, rather than the loss of impartiality, which is required from the staff member when exercising his/her function. Privately, staff members do not accept any financial or other bonus, gift or benefit for services rendered”.
If above-mentioned contract is awarded to the tenderer, I/we declare, moreover, agreeing with the following provisions:
- In order to avoid any impression of risk of partiality or connivance in the follow-up and control of the performance of the contract, it is strictly forbidden to the contractor of the contract (i.e., members of administration and workers) to offer, directly or indirectly, gifts, meals or any other material or immaterial advantage, of whatever value, to staff members of Enabel who are concerned, directly or indirectly, by the follow-up and/or control of the performance of the contract, regardless of their hierarchical rank.
- Any (procurement) contract will be terminated, once it appears that contract awarding or contract performance would have involved the obtaining or the offering of the above-mentioned advantages appreciable in cash.
- Any failure to comply with one or more of the deontological clauses may lead to the exclusion of the contractor from this and other public contracts for Enabel.
- The contractor of the public contract commits to supply, upon the demand of the contracting authority, any supporting documents related to the performance conditions of the contract. The contracting authority will be allowed to proceed to any control, on paperwork or on site, which it considers necessary to collect evidence to support the presumption of unusual commercial expenditure.
Finally, the tenderer takes cognisance of the fact that Enabel reserves the right to lodge a complaint with the competent legal instances for all facts going against this statement and that all administrative and other costs resulting are borne by the tenderer.
Signature (preceded by the handwritten note "read and approved by":
including the name and function)
Place, date
3.5Expert profile table
3.5.1Profile 1: lots 1 and 9
Profile 1: Expert in policies and strategies for sustainable social and economic development and responsible entrepreneurship / Lot:Name, first name of the expert:
Minimum requirements set: / Explain how the expert fulfils the minimum requirements:
1. Higher education degree in economic and social development.
2. Confirmed expertise in elaborating and implementing economic development policies. This expertise is acquired through long-term employment (three years minimum), and/or following long-term backstopping assignments (two assignments of minimum > 1 year) and/or more than eight short-term assignments (> 15 days). The principal aim of the employment/assignments was to directly or indirectly contribute to the elaboration and implementation of economic development policies;
The job description (long-term employment), the terms of reference of the assignments (medium and short-term) and the deliverables (publications, manuals, tools...) provide proof of knowledge in the following domains:
Foundations and principles of economic and social development policies,
Foundations and principles of ongoing decentralisation / deconcentration policies in several Sub-Saharan countries, including the implications in terms of roles and mandates of public institutions,
Strategies, mechanisms and tools for implementing economic policies at the national or local level.
Public-Private Partnerships for managing and maintaining public infrastructure, as well the delegation of service management of infrastructure to user committees.
Organisational and institutional assessment methods and tools.
3. Provide evidence of practical experience in the course of the past six years in the following domains:
Experience in delivering assessments and studies analysing the economic potential within a sector or region, including an analysis of the potential to contribute to agricultural value chains.
Experience in supporting the elaboration and implementation of Economic and Social Development Plans,
One experience at least of putting in place and/or evaluating mechanisms and tools supporting public investments for social and economic development, in particular through community support funds,
Experience in organisational and institutional capacity development of actors promoting economic and private sector development.
4. Provide evidence of minimum one formulation experience of an economic development support project for a development agency.
5. Professional experience in Sub-Saharan Africa (a long-term assignment of minimum 6 months or 4 short assignments of 15 days).
6. Perfect knowledge of English (Lot 1 to 8) or French (Lot 9 to 16).
In case it is not the experts’ native language or the language in which they graduated (high school and or higher education), proficiency is demonstrated:
-By means of certificates delivered by recognised institutions of learning – requiring C1 (Europass assessment grid) level.
-And/or by providing evidence of more than three years of residence in a country where the language required is the language used.
-And/or by listing minimum 8 deliverables (strategy papers, articles, training materials or knowledge-building documents) written in the language of the lot.
3.5.2Profile 2: lots 2 and 10
Profile 2: Expert in Business Development Services and support mechanisms to private investments / Lot:Name, first name of the expert:
Minimum requirements set: / Explain how the expert fulfils the minimum requirements:
1. Higher education degree in economic and business development,
2. Confirmed expertise in developing financial and non-financial mechanisms and tools to promote the creation and development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Such expertise is proved by long-term employment (three years) in an institution promoting businesses and/or by two long-term backstopping assignments (>1 year) and/or eight short-term assignments (> 15 days) in institutions developing such mechanisms.
The job description (long-term employment), the terms of reference of the assignments (medium and short-term) and the deliverables (publications, manuals, tools...) provide proof of in-depth knowledge in the following domains:
Knowledge of non-financial mechanisms and tools to support and accompany private operators for creating and/or developing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (local economy desks, economic development agency, business incubators...)
Knowledge of financial mechanisms and tools allowing public institutions to support the creation, development or take-over of enterprises (assistance to investment, interest relief, equity participation...).
3. Provide evidence of practical experience in the course of the past six years in the following domains:
Experience in delivering assessments and studies analysing the offer of financial and non-financial services to enterprises; at the level of a sector or region,
Experience in backstopping to public institutions for putting in place institutional mechanisms to promote economic development.
One experience at least of putting in place and/or evaluating mechanisms and tools supporting private investments, in particular through competitive funds,
Experience in organisational and institutional capacity development of actors accompanying the creation and development of enterprises.
4. Provide evidence of minimum one formulation experience of a project promoting financial and non-financial services to enterprises for a development agency.
5. Professional experience in Sub-Saharan Africa (a long-term assignment of minimum 6 months or 4 short assignments of 15 days).
6. Perfect knowledge of English (Lot 2) or French (Lot 10).
In case it is not the experts’ native language or the language in which they graduated (high school and or higher education), proficiency is demonstrated:
-By means of certificates delivered by recognised institutions of learning – requiring C1 (Europass assessment grid) level.
-And/or by providing evidence of more than three years of residence in a country where the language of the lot concerned is the language used.
-And/or by listing minimum 8 deliverables (strategy papers, articles, training materials or knowledge-building documents written in the language of the lot concerned.
3.5.3Profile 3: lots 3 and 11
Profile 3: Expert in professional insertion and in vocational training (Lots 3 and 11)Lot: / Lot:Name, first name of the expert:
Minimum requirements set: / Explain how the expert fulfils the minimum requirements:
1. Higher education degree in economic and social development,
2. Proven expertise in developing strategies, mechanisms and tools to promote employment by the better match of training with the needs of businesses and the market. This expertise is acquired through long-term employment (three years), and/or following long-term backstopping assignments (> 1 year) and/or eight short-term assignments (> 15 days). The aim of the employment/assignments was to directly or indirectly contribute to the elaboration and implementation of strategies, mechanisms or tools aiming to promote the use of economic development policies in an institution promoting employment and/or improving vocational training.
The job description (long-term employment), the terms of reference of the assignments (medium and short-term) and the deliverables (publications, manuals, tools...) provide proof of in-depth knowledge in the following domains:
Knowledge of the different forms of public-private partnerships in vocations training (learning and continuous training), and the organisation, contracting, management and control of quality (including certification).
Knowledge of the financial mechanisms and tools in support of promoting of alternating and continuous vocational (such as sector training fund, vocational training fund, fiscal and semi-fiscal advantages, training levy and training grants...).
Knowledge of training–employment matching, development of competences for the job market and economic development and professional insertion (employment / self-employment / entrepreneurship).
3. Provide evidence of practical experience in the following domains:
Practical experience in elaborating, developing and managing learning systems (Work Based Learning), it financing and its organisation.
Experience in elaborating, developing and managing continuous training systems (labourers and employees), its financing and its organisation/management of the continuous training system (including certification, quality control and the definition of the needs).
Experience in developing and managing professional insertion tools, including the creation and management of job promotion systems (funds, fiscal advantages…)
4. Provide evidence of at least one experience in formulating a project promoting employment by the better match of training with the needs of businesses and the market.