Test 2:

The Glass Castle

1. What does Jeannette expect her new grandparents to be like?

A. She has no idea what having a grandparent would be like.

B. Serious, like her father.

C. Cruel, because that has been her experience.

D. warm, nurturing, and fun

2. To where does the Walls Family move when they leave Phoenix?

A. Battle Mountain B. Texas

C. Welch, WV D. Los Angeles, CA

3. Why do the Walls children end up in special education classes?

A. Their mother tells the school that they cannot read.

B. The children tell the principal that they want to be in special education classes.

C. They cannot understand the principal and do not answer his questions correctly.

D. The teacher talks to them and decides they are not very intelligent.

4. How do the Walls children get along socially at their new school?

A. The other kids ignore them. B. The other kids want to befriend them.

C. The other kids fight with them. D. The other kids are jealous of them.

5. Who is Dinitia?

A. Rex’s girlfriend B. a cousin

C. Erma’s sister D. a school bully

6. How does Jeannette help Dinitia’s brother?

A. She plays with him when Dinitia will not.

B. She shares some of her lunch with him.

C. She give him money to get a drink.

D. She chases away a dog that is bothering him.

7. How do Jeannette’s grandparents feel about her friend from school?

A. They are relieved she has found a friend.

B. They are friends with the girl’s parents, so they enjoy having her around.

C. They do not approve because she is black.

D. They dislike the girl because they had a fight with her parents at one time.

8. Why do Rex and Rose Mary leave the children with the grandparents?

A. They want the kids to spend quality time with them.

B. Rex has a new moneymaking scheme in Texas.

C. They return to Phoenix to pick up their belongings.

D. They go on a second honeymoon.

9. What event precipitates the argument/fight between Erma and Lori?

A. Erma tells Lori that her father is a bum.

B. Brian gets upset when Erma does not pay attention to him.

C. Erma believes Jeannette stole money from her purse.

D. Jeannette catches Erma trying to molest Brian.

10. What punishment does Erma give the children for fighting with her?

A. She does not allow them out of the basement.

B. She makes them go to the neighbor’s house to live.

C. She makes them sleep in the shed outside.

D. She makes them sleep in the backyard.

11. How do Rex and Rose Mary react to the children’s story about the fight between

Erma and Lori?

A. They pretend they do not hear what the children say.

B. They are enraged with Erma.

C. They side with Erma, saying the children should have behaved better.

D. They beat the children for lying.

12. What is the new house like that the Walls Family moves into when they leave


A. It is a mobile home. B. It is run-down, one bedroom, and no plumbing.

C. It is small, but clean and modern. D. It is old-fashioned with lots of room.

13. What is the children’s sleeping arrangement in their new home?

A. They finally have their own rooms.

B. The children sleep together in the same bed.

C. They sleep together in the shed.

D. They sleep in one room with beds made of rope and cardboard.

14. For what purpose do Jeannette and Brian start digging a large hole in the backyard?

A. to hide their secret possessions B. to help Rex with the foundation of the glass castle

C. to go to the bathroom in D. to dump trash into

15. What ends up happening to the hole the children dig?

A. The family uses it for their trash. B. The family uses it as a bathroom.

C. It caves in. D. Rex builds the glass castle in it.

16. What does Rose Mary tell the children when they complain about their living conditions?

A. That many people on their street have worse situations that theirs.

B. That they need to go out and get jobs to help the family.

C. That they are lucky that they have their siblings.

D. That if they are unhappy they should leave.

17. Why do the other children look down on the Walls children?

A. They lack clothing and food. B. They are not originally from Welch.

C. They are the teachers’ pets. C. Their mother doesn’t have a real job.

18. What does Brian do when some neighborhood kids break a window of the house?

A. He chases after them and throws rocks at them.

B. He ignores them.

C. He tells his father, who goes to talk to the other kids’ parents.

D. He sits on the porch and cries.

19. What do the children discover that Rose Mary is doing while they have no food in the


A. She is using drugs. B. She is taking money to gamble.

C. She is hoarding candy bars. D. She is stealing food from the store.

20. Where does Jeannette find food during the family’s first winter in the new home?

A. She takes food from a neighbor’s garden.

B. She trades homework answers for food from her classmates.

C. She steals from her teacher.

D. She takes it from the trash can at school.

21. How did the Walls Family heat their home during the winter?

A. They steal kerosene and coal from neighbors.

B. There is no way to heat the house.

C. They have space heaters.

D. They gather wood to burn.

22. How does Lori get burned?

A. She lights the fire and the kerosene explodes.

B. She plays with matches and catches her dress on fire.

C. One of the children from school starts a fire in the yard.

D. She tries to cook dinner.

23. Why does Rex leave home and disappear for several days following the death of his


A. He goes to stay with another woman.

B. He is embarrassed that he has lost another job.

C. He gets upset at his family for not respecting his mother’s funeral.

D. He gets into a big fight with Rose Mary about money.

24. When Jeannette is sent to get her father, where does she find him?

A. at a bar B. at his mother’s house

C. at the Green Lantern D. passed out on the side of the road

25. Why does Jeannette become upset at the man who gives her and Rex a ride home?

A. He makes an inappropriate comment to her.

B. He refers to her father as “the town drunk.”

C. He tells her that she won’t ever be anything.

D. He offers her money for food.

26. Where do the children go to shower after there is no longer any bathroom in their house?

A. a public restroom B. their friends’ houses

C. their grandparent’s apartment D. a swimming pool

27. What is the condition of the Walls’ house when spring comes?

A. The house has been burned down.

B. The house is deteriorating with mold everywhere and no front door.

C. The kids paint the outside and fix up the yard, but the inside is still in bad shape.

D. The family has added onto the house, so there is more room for the children.

28. Why does Jeannette begin to refuse to go to her uncle’s house?

A. She is afraid to leave her siblings at home.

B. He tried to molest her.

C. She is mad at her grandfather, who also lives there.

D. She wants to help her mother instead.

29. What do Jeannette and Brian find when they forage in the woods?

A. a camera B. a diamond ring C. a set of golf clubs D. a fur coat

30. What does Rose Mary do with the object from question #32?

A. She keeps it because it “raises her spirits.”

B. She gives it as a gift to a friend.

C. She loses it before she can sell it.

D. She sells it to a neighbor for less than it’s worth.

31. What does Jeannette try to talk her mother into doing to make hers and the children’s lives


A. move back to Phoenix B. get a better job

C. get Rex into rehab D. leave Rex

32. What does Jeannette tell her parents about the social worker visiting the house?

A. That she told her to go away.

B. That they need to do something to help keep the family together.

C. That she told her the truth about what goes on in the home.

D. That she hopes she takes her to a new home.

33. What does Rose Mary reluctantly do to help keep the family together?

A. She gets the children into a good private school.

B. She decides to move the family back to Texas.

C. She gets a job as a teacher.

D. She makes plans to leave Rex.

34. What does Jeannette do when she decides she needs braces for her teeth?

A. She makes homemade braces out of rubber bands.

B. She tells her parents that she wants them for Christmas.

C. She tries to get a job at a dentist’s office so that she can get braces.

D. She starts saving money from her part time job.

35. Where does Maureen spend most of her time?

A. with her teachers B. at a friend’s house

C. at her grandpa’s place D. in her bedroom, alone

36. What is Brian doing as he enters adolescents?

A. He has left home, and the family has not heard from him.

B. He is getting into trouble and is frequently involved in fights.

C. He is doing better in school and planning for graduation.

D. He stays in his room alone and does poorly in school.

37. In 7th grade, Jeannette finds a sense of belonging by:

A. getting a full time job in a nursing home.

B. becoming closer friends with Dinitia.

C. working for the school newspaper and a small local paper.

D. finally finding a group of friends.

38. How does Jeannette handle the family’s finances while her mother is out of town?

A. She wastes some of it on things for herself and is ashamed but buys food with the rest.

B. She gives money to her father when he asks, even though she knows she shouldn’t.

C. She hides all the money and doles it out sparingly.

D. She spends it all on food to last the entire month before her father can get to it.

39. How does Rex put Jeannette in a potentially dangerous situation?

A. by letting her stay out all night

B. by leaving her home alone

C. by having her “entertain” a “friend” of his

D. by giving her alcohol

40. Where does Jeannette get a job?

A. a supermarket B. a nursing home C. a jewelry store D. a cafeteria

41. Why does Jeannette steal from her place of employment?

A. to buy food for the family B. to get even with her boss

C. she feels she deserves it D. to give her mother a gift

42. What does Jeannette do with the stolen item from her job?

A. She sells it. B. She gives it to her father.

C. She returns it after just one day. D. She tells Lori what to do with it.

43. Why does Jeannette confront her mother and say she acts like a child?

A. Rose Mary has been staying out late every night.

B. Rose Mary has been spending money by gambling.

C. Rose Mary quit her job again.

D. Rose Mary is angry with Lori and ignoring her.

44. What incident helps cement Jeannette’s conviction to leave her family?

A. Her father punishes her for yelling at Rose Mary.

B. She gets into a fight with another girl at school and no one helps her.

C. She catches her father with another woman.

D. Her sister runs away.

45. What happens to the money that Lori and Jeannette save?

A. Rex breaks their piggy bank and steals it.

B. They decide to give it to their parents.

C. They lend it to Brian, who does not pay them back.

D. They spend it on a school trip.

46. How does Jeannette help Lori get to New York City?

A. She gets her a babysitting job and a bus ticket.

B. She agrees to send Lori money to help her if she moves there.

C. She agrees to stay and help the family if they will let Lori go.

D. She helps her apply to college there.

47. What is the high school guidance counselor’s advice to Jeannette?

A. to graduate high school and find an in-state college

B. to keep her aspirations low, considering her background

C. to get married and not worry about school

D. to find a vocational school and live at home

48. What does Jeannette decide to do with her life?

A. to stay at home but drop out of school

B. to wait for graduation then move back to Phoenix

C. to move to New York City even before graduating

D. to apply to top-notch schools

49. What does Rex tell Jeannette when he takes her to the bus station?

A. That once she leaves, she is no longer welcome in the home.

B. That she is making a huge mistake and will not be able to get along without family.

C. That she is always welcome to change her mind and come back home.

D. That he knows she will be a huge success.

50. How do Jeannette’s views of her parents’ behaviors change as she develops into a


A. She can no longer make excuses for their actions, as she did as a small child.

B. She becomes resentful towards them.

C. She starts to make excuses for them and finds ways to justify all that they have done.

D. She understands more why they have done what they have, and she agrees with them.