Saturday 9 June 2012

At Solletico House, 6 Potters Lane, Wednesbury, WS10 0AS

Present: Seyi, Chair; Hilary Treasurer: Karen, Secretary, Rosemary GSR Stroud

Apologies: Rosy (Shrewsbury)

Agenda Item: / Action
1. Moment of silence followed by the Traditions
2. Check in
3. Chairpersons Greeting
4. Secretary voting
Karen left the room, vote taken; Karen voted as secretary and commenced taking minutes.
5. Home Group Update
Stroud – there are 3 or 4 in the core group with an influx from a rehab centre, but numbers from centre seem to have dropped off. Canvassing has been taking place at doctor’s surgeries.
Birmingham – In February numbers seemed to have dropped off and group went through a low faze. This seems to have picked up with 11 at a recent meeting. Meeting is now thriving and a literature order is due to go off to America. Money is in the bank. Premises do not have wheelchair access, but building has other strengths. Two people are sharing the GSR position. This position was updated fairly recently.
Daventry–Discussed sharing guidelines – this was put forward to AOB. Four members attending, meeting started in December 2011 and meet on a Saturday morning at 10.45am. Service positions explained, they also have a newcomer’s greeter and go for coffee afterwards. Visitors have attended. Chair invited 3rd Saturday of the month. Step group also in place.
Offer to host a social event – see item 10 CMRC Future
I statement when sharing – see item 12 AOB
6. Group Contact Update
Proposed and accepted to divvy up after summaries.
Rosemary is group contact for Stroud.
Hilary is contact for Worcester, Bromsgrove and Shrewsbury.
Worcester - hasn’t managed to get there yet. Hilary understands the meeting is large, doing well. They founded the Bromsgrove meeting. Meeting is at WorcesterRoyalHospital in nice premises; just time-consuming to get to.
Bromsgrove – Visited in February, 7 people present but usually only 3 or 4. Unfortunately this meeting has now closed. They tried to find a new location, but this didn’t work out and meeting didn’t make it onto the website.
Shrewsbury – step meetings started in January 2012 and take place every month on a Sunday. Step 6 & 7 will be on 17 June and 8 & 9 in September .Premises are central and close to railway station and there is parking. A couple of members want to start a meeting in Stoke on Trent. Meeting is now growing thanks to the step group meetings and have made donations to the Midlands Regional Meeting.
Seyi looks at Birmingham Daventry & Stroud
Birmingham–Not very much feedback on announcements for the committee, no enquires on how people can get involved, has been down to not having a GSR for a long time. Events are well supported with help on the door and meeting and greeting etc. There is interest, but no direct interest recently.
No email address as a group would be helpful to have one, as there is a struggle to get people to do service. Midlands Region is on Seyi’s phone and has been checked regularly.
Daventry–Visted by Seyi and Hilary on the 26 May 2012. Reason for the visit was to put a face to the name as members are more likely to then go to socials.
Stroud – Seyi not able to visit yet, it is quite a distance to travel to. Suggestion put forward as to how a meeting can be arranged as difficulty getting to Stroud for an evening meeting. Saturday is off peak for rail travel and Gloucester would be nearer.
7. Treasurer’s Report – Hilary
Overall View
Not a lot has happened since last November – a committee of 2 doesn’t have the energy to make lots happen.
However at this stage of our development this is just a temporary setback. There are numerous signs of growth and expansion within the region, and we have continued to receive some donations which will be put to use in the future, I’m sure.
Also I’ve attended the CoDA AGM, and Step Study Meetings at Shrewsbury, as well as a regular meeting at Bromsgrove regrettably now closed; also visited Daventry.
Seyi and I have also met informally every 6-8 weeks, to keep focussed on the region.
My turn of office on this committee has been 2 years and will come to an end this November. Our systems are quite simple and straightforward. I will be happy to explain them to anyone considering to put themselves forward as the next Treasurer & to sponsor that person. Rosemary expressed possible interest in this.
I’ve produced an events summary sheet and propose that we use this for future events, as a guide to what works or doesn’t (attached). I suggest that we need an evaluation form and would welcome suggested formats.
Thank you to all colleagues.
See attachment for CoDA Midlands Region Finances at 06.06.2012
8. Matters arising from previous minutes
  1. Stroud request for speaker to do a share – Seyi has been in touch with Richard as he is looking for speakers on experience, strength and hope.(see page 2 in previous minutes). Seyi has raised with the NSC the idea of someone compiling a national list of speakers willing to travel to other groups. NSChas stated it is a good idea but everything requires service. The Shares Committee on NSC will be asking each group if anyone wants to write their own story and it will be put on the website and can be read out at meetings. Needs people with willingness to come forward to check and edit them. Everyone welcome to submit their story – all groups to be informed.
  2. How LSERC organise events– Karen to get in touch with London Secretary to find out how they organise events particularly socials. .
  3. Method and cost of travel to respective groups– any travel needs to be by cheapest method. If driving can claim 28p a mile. If public transport cheapest will be paid that instead. Hilary stated that she needs to know in advance if anyone attending needs to be reimbursed as this needs to be costed out in advance. Requested £15.50 to top up cost of trip to Daventry from CMRC funds. Agreed.
  4. Regional list of speakers– see 8.1
  5. Event checklist attached.
/ Karen to email outcome
Seyi to speak to Matt + Seyi, Hilary, Karen and Rosemary to research
9. Literature
Recovery from Co-dependence is a new leaflet which is now available on and is free to reproduce. Put together for newcomers and can be photocopied.
NSC is currently discussing the possibility to self print the Big Book and Work Book at £5.00 each. They are also looking at signing contracts which is imminent and will be completed by the end of the year. Books to be sold at cost (5th tradition).
10. CMRC future– Discussion over Daventry’s offer to host a social event. Suggested that there be the usual morning meeting, ask if they are willing to hold a workshop in the afternoon and a social event in the evening. Various ideas discussed such as calling the day a ‘Retreat Day’ and have a ‘spiritual spa’ in the afternoon. A committee is needed if this is going to go ahead, and need to know how they can assist. Need to avoid the summer months. Committee need to meet 2 or 3 weeks before the event. November suggested. / Karen to discuss with Daventry meeting
11. Dates for 2012: Committee meetings and events– AGM will beSaturday 10 November 2012, 1.00 – 4.00pm, and venue to be confirmed.
12. AOB– Seyi travel accepted at £3.80
Sharing and I statement – problem discussed. Encouragement given to give this time and to be gentle with each other, have faith that we are getting there. It will come. We are looking for progress not perfection.
13. Close with Serenity Prayer