The Coordinating Research Council is developing plans for the 26th CRC Real World Emissions Workshop. The objective of the workshop is to share information about recent and ongoing research on real world emissions. The main topics of interest are:
Call 678-795-0506 with questions.
- Emissions Modeling
- Improving the Emissions Inventory
- Particulate Matter Emissions
- Measurement Methods: Improvements and New Techniques
- Unregulated Emissions
- Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) and OBD
- Fuel Effects on Exhaust Emissions
- Off-Road / Nonroad Emissions
Call 678-795-0506 with questions.
Researchers from sixteen foreign countries participated in the 2015 workshop, which was co-sponsored by the U.S. EPA, CARB, NREL, and SCAQMD.
If you want to make an oral presentation or present a poster at the workshop, please returnthe attached application and an abstract to CRC for review by the Organizing Committee. The deadline for applications isOctober 27, 2015. If you would like to present a demonstration at the workshop, please request ademo application (which will also be available at
Acceptance of abstractsis judged on the basis of content, originality, and relevance to the workshop topics. Presentations can describe works in progress or even planned work if the project is of sufficient scope and relevance.Preference is given to talks containing new research results. Technical presentations on new instruments relevant to the workshop are encouraged; however, presentations should not be of a marketing or promotional nature.
Further instructions for preparing an abstract will beavailable at The Coordinating Research Council assumes the right to publish or reproduce the abstracts and presentations givenat the Real World Emissions Workshop on the CRC website, conference proceedings, and to summarize these materials in articles for other publications.
This year's Workshop will feature a special competition for posters presented by students. If the abstract pertains to research performed predominately by a student researcher, please indicate so in the abstract and on the abstract application. Students authoring posters that have been accepted for the Workshop competition, that will still be in school during the Workshop, will qualify for a discounted registration fee of $150 plus an additional $25 for the networking dinner.
If you do not plan to present a paper or poster,but would like to attend the workshop, you can register by completing the attached registration form. Online registration will availableat shortly.A preliminary agenda is expected to be available on our websitebyearly January 2016.
Call 678-795-0506 with questions.