24thAustralasian Mining History Conference1
My abstract title
Bill G. Author1 and Margaret A. Author2
1School of Mining History, University of Timbuktu, Timbuktu, Mali
2Historian, 96 Oxley Street, Bourke, NSW, 2840, Australia
Start typing the text of your extended abstract here after inserting title, author/s and address above. Abstracts should be up to a single A4 page prepared in this template as camera ready.
Please use this document as a style guide and template. Just type in your details and textby placing th cursor at the start of, or in, the appropriate text and then erase the example bits. Your abstract should then have the correct settings and style. If you paste material in make sure you select the destination or merge setting, not the source setting.
Submission date
Extended abstracts must be submitted by no later than the official deadline (see Conference Notice or AMHA Website for details)
Layout and font
Abstracts will be typeset in Times New Roman (as in this template) on an A4 page with borders set to 2.0 cm top, bottom and right and 2.5 cm on the left.Title should be 14 point bold, author names 11 point, presenter underlined, affiliations/address 10 point, all centredas shown.
The body text will be 12 point, single line spacedand fully justified (aligned left and right). Insert a single line spacing between paragraphs with no indent.Headings may be used in 12 point bold with no line space after. Subheadings 12 point bold italics with no line space after.
Figures and tables
You may include figures and tables. Figures may use the whole column (15.5 cm width) or half a column (7.75 cm). Captions should be 10 point, justified, above the figure, with source information below the figure..
Figure 1: Location map of the Eldorado-Bonanza Mine. Source: Shyster et al., 1894.[1]
Tables may use the whole column (15.5 cm width) or half a column (7.75 cm), with Times New Roman 10point font. Captions should be 10 point, left justified, above the table, such:
Table 1:Production figures and dividends from the Nil Desperandum Mine, Source: Annual Reports of the New South Wales Geological Survey for 1896-1898.
Year / Ore mined (tonnes) / Gold produced (ozs) / Profit (£) / Dividends paid (£)1896 / 3,000 / 8,100 / 14,300 / 10,100
1897 / 6,331 / 3,165 / 496 / 5,000
1898 / 1,123 / 340 / 0 / 0
You may include referencesin a footnote using the format of the Journal of Australasian Mining History. Use Insert Footnote to place an Arabic numeral at the appropriate position in the text. The reference can then be added in the footnote using Times New Roman 10 point font.
Please examine a copy of the JAMH for the correct reference style.[2]See examples below.
7-13October 2018, Cromwell, New Zealand
[1] Al Shyster, Henry Hoodwinker and Horatio Boomer, Prospectus of the Endless Reef Gold-mining Company Ltd. Liars Press, Sydney, 1894, 2 pp.
[2] Anon., Style Guide –Journal of Australasian Mining History, 2016, 6 pp.