Worsthorne Primary School CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: Year 5

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Title / Victorians / WWII / Decades + Space / Space / Water / British Isles
English / Stories by well known authors
Victorian Diary / Classic stories
Poetic Style
Letter home from the front line / Recounts
Stories form other cultures
Newspaper article re Hajj (pilgrimage) / Fables, myths and legends
Advertisements / Persuasion
Film narrative / Narrative poetry
Choral Poetry
Mathematics / Place value, place value (decimals), Written + and – including problems, Geometry (angles), Geometry and measures (perimeter), Addition and subtraction (statistics) / Mental x and ÷
(factors, multiples), Division including problems, Fractions (compare, order, equivalence), Multiplication and measures (area),
Statistics and measures (time) / Place value, Roman numerals, counting incl. negative numbers, Addition and subtraction including problems, Mental and written multiplication, Measures (length, mass and capacity), Geometry
(reflection and translation), Geometry (angles) / Mental and written division, 2D and 3D shape incl. sorting, Calculating with fractions, Measures (area and volume), Statistics and measures / Place value, Fractions, Measures (time) and statistics, Geometry, Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division / Place value, Written calculations, Fractions, Measures (mass, volume and capacity), Area and volume of shapes
Science / Keeping our body healthy
Recycling / Sun, Moon and Earth. / Properties of materials / Science – Reversible changes
Irreversible changes / Life Cycles - Frog, insect and human
History / What it was like living in Victorian Britain.
The Mayans / Atlas and map work (World).
Main events of WWII / Decades – Key events.
Key figures re space (Yuri Gagarin, Helen Sharman) / Atlas work – Major Rivers in Britain, and the world’s oceans and deserts, Life of a river
Drought and flood, Comparing and contrasting locations, Atlas work (Local level), How water was used in different periods of time.
Art and Design / Design Technology / Charcoal drawings
Still drawings of artefacts / Chalk drawings
Design and make model of a shelter -Anderson/Morrison
Use tools to make a Torah Scroll / Pastel drawings
Design and make rockets / Artist study – Kandinsky
Designing and making clay beasts – Link to literacy unit / Printing
Computing / Powerpoint presentation: key events of a particular decade / Modelling, research, spreadsheets / Software used for Printing.
Music / Cyclic Patterns / WWI and Xmas sons / Roundabout / Journey Into Space / Songwriter / Summer Production
PE / Football
Gymnastics / Football
Gymnastics / Cross-country
Circuits / Cross-country
Team games
Dance / Athletics
Invasion Games / Athletics
Ball Games
RE / Judaism - The Torah / 5 pillars of Islam / The Bible / The Bible
French / Revision of previous work / Talking about people / School life / Food / Directions
Enrichment / Gawthorpe Hall
Recycling Centre
Queen St Mill / Imperial War Museum / Jodrell Bank
Jodrell Bank / Walk to reservoirs / Forest School