246th Meeting of SRC

02nd-04th June, 2013





Consideration of Court Cases- Volume-01

No / Code /



Name of the Institution

Remarks of SRC
APS03826 / APS0828/ APS05474 / B.Ed/ M.Ed/ D.Ed / KSS College of Education, Davanagere District / KA /
Ask Lawyer to get ‘stay’ vacated and also move for dismissal of petition.
APS02383 / B.Ed / Sunitha Mahila Mandali’s Gurukul College of Education, Mysore. / KA /
Ask Lawyer to fie an appeal. (Cite the recent S.C. Orders)
APS03222 / D.Ed-AI / Shreyas Teacher Training Institute, Kolar District / KA /
1. Ask Lawyer to file an appeal against the H.C.Order; cite the S.C. order prescribing a rigid time-schedule.
2. Subsequently, process the case relating to the basic D.Ed course for derecognition.
APS02187 / B.Ed / Sree Krishna College of Education, Tumkur District / KA /
The date of examination is over. Let us await final orders of the High Court.

As per Decision of the SRC 243rd Meeting decision of the following files are put up for consideration –Vol-01

No / Code /



Name of the Institution

Remarks of SRC
APS06314 / B.Ed-Al
D.T.Ed-Al / Amman College of Education, Dindigul District / TN /
Resubmit with a revised comprehensive comparative chart covering all 4 courses in the 247th meeting.

Consideration of Appeal Cases – Voulume-02

No / Code /



Name of the Institution

Remarks of SRC
SRCAPP937 / D.E.C.Ed / Sri Vidya Vihar College of Elementary Education, Rangareddi District / AP /
APS04570/ APS04572 / B.Ed/
D.T.Ed / G.K. College of Education
and G.K. Teacher Training Institute, Thiruvannamalai District / AP /
1. Permit closure of D.Ed as requested. Withdraw recognition for D.Ed w.e.f. 2013-14.
2. Withdraw recognition for B.Ed, with ref to the deficiencies cited; w.e.f. 2013-14

Consideration of New Application (2013-2014) – Volume-03

No / Code /



Name of the Institution

Remarks of SRC
SRCAPP1901 / B.Ed-AI / MASS College of Education,
Thanjavur District / TN /

1. Reject application for B.Ed-Al w.r.t. the deficiencies cited.

2. SRO to examine & put up the cases of B.Ed., M.Ed., D.Ed., D.Ed-Al-1 and D.Ed-Al-2 in a comparative tabular format.
SRCAPP1810 / B.Ed / Sre Ramana College of Education Trust, Dharmapuri District / TN /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP1862 / B.Ed / PGP College of Education, Namakkal District / TN /

1.They have already B.Ed (100), B.Ed-Al (100), M.Ed (25) and M.Ed-Al (10). Total enrolment will exceed 300 if the present application is allowed. The application is rejected for the deficiencies listed.

2. SRO should process and put up for other courses also in the 248th meeting.
SRCAPP1971 / B.Ed / Kanchi Shri Krishna College of Education, Kanchipuram District / TN /

1. Reject for the deficiencies listed.

2. Examine the D.T.Ed case and report in the 248th meeting.
SRCAPP1832 / B.Ed / C.M. Annamalai College of Education, Thiruvallur District / TN /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2008 / B.Ed / V S K College of Education, Pudukottai District / TN /


SRCAPP1908 / M.Ed / P S R College of Education, Virudhunagar District / TN /

Reject w.r.t the deficiencies listed.

SRCAPP1807 / B.Ed / Mother Gnanamma Catholic College of Education, Kanyakumari District / TN /


SRCAPP40 / B.P.Ed / Sai Deepthi College of Physical Education, Guntur District / AP /


SRCAPP220 / D.El.Ed-AI / Nova D.Ed College, Krishna District / AP /

1. Reject, for the deficiencies listed.

2. Examine the cases relating to the other courses and put up in the 248th meeting.
SRCAPP1952 / B.P.Ed / Dhanalakshmi College of Physical Education, Guntur District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2009 / B.P.Ed / Gurukulam College of Physical Education, Kadapa District / AP /


SRCAPP140 / D.El.Ed / Asifia College of Education, Rangareddi District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2006 / B.Ed / MRK College of Education, Rangareddi District / AP /


SRCAPP52 / B.P.Ed / Roja College, Kurnool District / AP /


SRCAPP2053 / D.El.Ed / Fathimunnisa College of Elementary Education, Nalgonda District / AP /


SRCAPP2030 / M.Ed / Yogivemana University, Kadapa District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP48 / D.P.Ed / Sahasra College of Physical Education, Hyderabad District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP205 / B.Ed / Vidyaniketan College of Education, Kadapa District / AP /


SRCAPP207 / D.El.Ed-AI / Nova College of Elementary Education, West Godavari District / AP /


SRAPP134 / B.P.Ed / Hasini College of Physical Education, Mahabubnagar District / AP /


SRCAPP2084 / B.P.Ed / SRVBSJBMR College of Physical Education, East Godavari District / AP /


SRCAPP177 / B.P.Ed / Sirnivasa Ramanujjan College of B.P.Ed, Warangal District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP35 / B.P.Ed / Vijaya College of Physical Education, Krishna District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2033 / B.P.Ed / Sri Lakshmi B.P.Ed College, Kurnool District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2118 / B.P.Ed / Sri YVS and Sri BRM College of Physical Education, East Godavari District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP2141 / B.P.Ed / Kakatiya Educational Society, Kadapa District / AP /


SRCAPP2101 / M.Ed / Moghal College of Education, Hyderabad District / AP /


SRCAPP92 / D.El.Ed / Holy Path College of Education, Khammam District / AP /


SRCAPP2091 / B.Ed / Jadcherla College of Education, Mahabubnagar District / AP /

Cause Inspection

SRCAPP1882 / B.Ed / Dusi College Education, Tiruvannamalai District, / TN /


SRCAPP1968 / B.Ed / Thailammai College of Education, Dindigul District / TN /


Consideration of LOI /Formal Recognition Cases- Volume-04

No / Code /



Name of the Institution




Remarks of SRC

SRCAPP601 / D.El.Ed-AI / Gokul College of Elementary Teacher Education, Guntur District / AP /

Inform the Applicant that, in view of the S.C. order, after 3rd March 2013, we can not issue Formal Recognition for any period earlier than 2014-15.

SRCAPP1023 / D.El.Ed / SRKM D.Ed College, Adilabad District / AP /

Formal Recognition for 2014-15

Consideration of Show Cause Notice Reply- Volume-05

No / Code /



Name of the Institution




Remarks of SRC

APS05442/ APS05255 / D.T.Ed/ B.Ed / A.S. Teacher Training Institute and A.S. College of Education, Madurai District / TN /

1. Permit closure of D.T.Ed as requested. Withdraw recognition for D.T.Ed w.e.f. 2013-14.

2.Process the case for B.Ed w.r.t. approved staff list,etc., and put up in the 248th meeting.
3. Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims
APS03635 / D.T.Ed / Sri Vidya Lakshmi Teacher Training Institute, Vellore District / TN / Reject the application for shifting. Withdraw recognition of both B.Ed and D.T.Ed for the deficiencies listed.
Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims
APS03809 / B.Ed / P.D.Rajan College of Education, Dharmapuri District / TN /

Reject the application for shifting.

Withdraw recognition for B.Ed w.e.f. 2013-14.
Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims
APS00237 / B.Ed / Scholars College of Education, Mahabubnagar District / AP /

Permit shifting

Consideration of Other Items-Volume-06

No / Code /



Name of the Institution




Remarks of SRC

APS09612 / B.Ed / Vishwadarshini College of Education, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala / KL /

Withdraw Recognition

APS01861 / D.Ed / Bhagwan Buddha Social and Educational Society, Malavalli, Mandya District / KA /

Withdraw recognition w.e.f 2013-14

Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims
APS01862 / B.Ed / Bhagwan Budha College of Education, Malavally, Mandya District / KA /

Withdraw recognition w.e.f 2013-14

Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims

APS01646 / D.Ed-AI / Bharathi Teacher Training Institute, K.M. Doddi , Mandya District / KA /

1.Permit closure as requested. Withdraw recognition for D.Ed-Al w.e.f. 2013-14.

2. Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims.
3.Process and put up the D.Ed case in the 248th meeting.
APS01905 / B.Ed / Digvijaya Rural College of Education, Tumkur District / KA /

Withdraw recognition w.e.f. 2013-14.

Return FDRs of D.T.Ed after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims

Consideration of Agenda Items- Volume-07,Court Cases

No / Code /



Name of the Institution




Remarks of SRC

APS08321 / B.Ed / Ponkaliamman College of Education, Karur District / TN /

Ask Lawyer to pursue for getting the ‘stay’ vacated.

APS09462 / M.Ed / Gold Field College of Education, Bangarpet / KA /

Ask Lawyer to pursue for getting the ‘stay’ vacated.

APS02320 / B.Ed / Vijayanagar College of Education, Vijayanagar, Bangalore / KA /

Withdraw recognition, inform the lawyer accordingly to submit the position to the Court.

Return FDRs after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claims.

As per Decision of the SRC 244th Meeting following files are put up for consideration

No / Code /



Name of the Institution





SRCAPP803 / M.P.Ed / Tamilnadu Physical Education & Sports University, Kanchipuram District / TN / Cause Inspection subject to payment of inspection fee and submission of FDRs.

Appeal Cases

No / Code /



Name of the Institution





APS03166 / D.T.Ed / Thanthai Hans Roever Teacher Training Institute for Men and Annai Angel Teacher Training for Women, Perambalur District / TN / Noted
APS05948 / B.Ed / Annai Terasa Teacher Training Institute and Annai Terasa College of Education, Salem District / TN / Noted

New Application -2013-2014

No / Code /



Name of the Institution




Remarks of SRC

SRCAPP1920 / D.E.C.Ed / Thiruvalluvar Teachers Education College, Cuddalore District / TN / Rejected
SRCAPP1861 / B.Ed / Shree Raamachandra College of Education, Vellore District / TN / Reject application for B.Ed for the deficiencies cited.
Re-examine D.T.Ed-Al and put up in the 248th meeting.
SRCAPP2026 / M.Ed / Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education, Kanchipuram District / TN / Reject application for M.Ed for the deficiencies cited.
Re-examine the cases of B.Ed & D.T.Ed and put a comparative tabular chart.
SRCAPP1892 / B.Ed / Adiparasakthi College of Education, Dharmapuri District / TN / Reject
SRCAPP1930 / B.Ed / Chandra College of Education, Cuddalore District / TN / Rejected
SRCAPP1900 / B.Ed / Arul College of Education, Vilupuram District / TN / Cause Inspection
SRCAPP1875 / B.Ed / E R K College of Education, Dharmapuri District / TN / There are 3 institutions – B.Ed/B.Ed (Women)/H.S.School. Resubmit with a composite comparative chart.
SRCAPP1969 / B.Ed / Mangalam College of Education, Thiruvallur / TN / There are 2 institutions – D.T.Ed/D.T.Ed-Al Resubmit with a composite comparative chart
SRCAPP1943 / M.Ed / S Preethi M.Ed College for Women, Sivagnaga District / TN / Cause Composite Inspection

Other Items

No / Code /



Name of the Institution





APS04359 / B.Ed / Sri Balaji College of Education for Women, Tirunelveli District / TN / Resubmit properly in the format given by SRC for Deficiency Letter reply cases-covering both B.Ed and D.T.Ed.
APS07263 / B.Ed / KET College of Teacher Education, Kozhikode, Kerala / KL / Extension of time not given.
Withdraw recognition w.e.f. 2013-14
Return FDRs after ensuring settlement of all faculty/staff claim


Members: Prof. Dorasami, Dr. M.P. Vijayakumar Prof. Sandeep Ponnala , Prof. M.S. Lalithamma

