Appling County Middle School Media Plan
Appling County Middle School
School Year 2010-2011
Committee Members: Melanie Howard, Dr. Lynn Overstreet, Sue Hayes, Jeannie Sikes, Suzanne Herrington, Jerrie Ann Bowen, Donna Wheeler, Melody Walker, Kristin O’Steen
ShortRange Goals:
1. To continue to promote literacy through the Accelerated Reader program and other special literacy events.
2. To seek alternate funding sources as time permits.
•Satilla REMC Smart Grant (11/16/2010) $1325.00
3. To continue to develop the ACMS Web site in order to make it more functional and relevant to the needs of the school.
4. To provide the opportunity for students to participate in the Georgia Book Awards process by acquiring current nominees.
5. To assist teachers in the full implementation of current technology and software.
•Teacher Web page workshops, ACTIVExpression training, Study Island training
6. To provide access to county and school library media services through utilization of the union Web catalog and inter-library loan.
7. To equip all classrooms and computer labs with modern computers, ACTIVboards, digital projectors, and other needed hardware and software.
•Title VI, Title I, and Special Ed. funding
Long-Term Goals
- To participate in a county, district, and state-level media festival.
2. To equip the media center with a digital projector and screen.
- To continue to promote student reading through the purchase of current titles.
Appling County Middle School Media Program
Service Priorities
School Year 2010-2011
•Library media center orientations given annually at the beginning of school year and as needed during the school year.
•Library skills instruction as requested/needed.
•Training of staff and students in new technology acquisitions.
•Student assistance with production of materials, individual research activities, and computer-related skills such as word processing and using electronic encyclopedias.
•Assistance in teacher production of materials as needed.
•Bibliographies and coordination of materials with instructional units as requested by teachers or individuals.
•Bookfairs scheduled twice each year--spring and fall.
•Maintenance and repair of equipment as needed.
•Updates on new arrivals in the media center, upcoming training sessions at RESA, new technology, new products, etc.
•Updates to staff concerning media plan, as well as media policies and procedures.
•Media committee meetings as needed.
•Information provided to new teachers concerning copyright and services available.
•Continual reevaluation of the collection, especially the nonfiction section.
Weeding and purchasing of up-to-date resources will be a continuous process.
•Participation in the Georgia Book Awards voting process.
Appling County Middle School Media Program
Budget Priorities
School Year 2010-2011
Media Budget Items:
• Library Circulation Program Support and Subscriptions (InfoCentre/WebMarc)
Book Fair Funds
• Supplies including office supplies, book processing and repair, camera batteries, television/VCR remote batteries, recordable CD-ROMs, etc.
- Newspaper subscription (Baxley News-Banner)
- Books per student/teacher requests/interests
• GA Book Award Nominee Titles (as many as possible within budget limits)