23955 Chief Lake Road

Prince George, BC V2K 5L1

Phone: 250-967-4314 Fax: 250-967-4307

Newsletter #3 “A GREAT PLACE TO BE” October 7th, 2015


There is nothing more beautiful than Nukko Lake in the fall! The explosion of brilliant colors, combined with the warm sunny weather this past week created a great backdrop for the many activities at our school. The cross-country running team was out on the Bear Trail, students and parents walked the halls during open house, viewing the many interesting displays and sampling delicious treats provided by PAC, and we gathered in a special assembly to say thank you and wish a happy retirement to Richard and Clara of the Nukko Lake Store. Richard and Clara and the store have been a constant presence in our community for many years, and they have been unfailing in theirgenerosity, friendship, andsupport. Several generations of families have passedthrough the doors of the Nukko Lake Store, all benefiting greatly from their time spent with Richard and Clara. Richard and Clara, you will be greatly missed. We wish you all the bestin your retirement! 


In the coming weeks, teachers will be phoning parents or sending informal reports home to update you on your child’s progress so far this term. If you have any questions about your child’s learning and progress, please contact his or her teacher.


Nukko Lake runners have been very busy this past week! Grade 4-7s have participated in the Heather Park and Ecole Lac Des Bois meets, impressing everyone with their determined effort and sportsmanship. The Grade 2/3 runners are looking forward to competing in their first race at the Pinewood meet this coming Thursday, Oct. 8. Go, Nukko, Go!


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Nukko Turkey Trotters will once again be running for turkeys and pies generously donated by our amazing PAC. This year, weather permitting, we’re hoping to use the Bear Trail for this very popular event. The Turkey Trot, sponsored by Student Leadership, will take place during lunch hour on Wednesday, Oct. 7 and Friday, Oct. 9. Participating students will receive tickets for the laps they run, and these tickets will be entered in a pie and turkey draw that will be held at the end of the day on Friday, October 8.


October 26, 2015 is the 9th anniversary of the BC Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) challenge. DEAR started as a small challenge between school libraries in 2007 and has since grown to involve many participants across the province. The simple, but powerful idea of DEAR is to promote the importance of literacy by having as many students and adults as possible read at the same time on the same day.

The goal for October 26, 2015 is to have EVERYONE in BC put down their work,

turn off their computer screens, pick up a book, magazine or newspaper and read for 20 minutes. You are invited to join Nukko teachers and students, along with others throughout B.C. on October 26, 2015 as we Drop Everything And Read!



All children have been given a $6 planner. If you haven’t already sent in your child’s planner payment, please have them bring it to the school to give to their teacher. Thanks!


Our office is a very busy place, and we place and receive many phone calls throughout the day. From time to time, students need to contact parents for urgent or important reasons and are given permission to do so. Phone use will not be granted for non-urgent matters, such as calling home to set up play dates after school, or requesting non-essential items be brought to school. We appreciate you reminding your children about this.


Newsletters will be sent home with the youngest child of each family. If you would prefer other arrangements, contact Mrs. M. Matthews ().


We now need all volunteers to sign in and out at the office. This allows us to confirm criminal record checks have been done as well as in case of an emergency we know who is in the school during that time.


Picture orders are due by Oct 9th and retakes are booked for November 6th in the morning.


Strong Start, an early learning program for 0-5 year olds, is once again under way under the guidance of Mrs. Dewane. If you are not yet registered, and wish your child to participate in this program, please contact the school. Important note: Strong Start hours have changed – the program will now run from 8:45 -11:15am every Wednesday morning.

Visitors to School

We are delighted to have you at school. If you are visiting the school, please come to the office first and sign in. If you would like to visit your child’s classroom please make an appointment with the classroom teacher. As well, please contact us in advance to arrange an appointment if you have an issue you would like to discuss. This will ensure we can put aside sufficient time for a discussion.


Please call the school at 967-4314 if your child will be absent or late for any reason. We will attempt to contact families whenever there are unknown absences. There is aschool answering machine available, so please feel free to call and leave a message.


… must be done by all volunteers interacting with any children in the school or on school field trips. The office has forms to be picked up and taken down to the RCMP Detachment to be processed. If you are not sure if yours is current please stop in at the office to see Mrs. Matthews and she can check for you.

If you need your child to go home on another bus or if someone is coming to pick him/her up at school, please ensure you send a written note with your child to the office, or an email to A confirmation of email received will be sent back to you. The earlier the office receives these changes of plans the better we can ensure your child gets where he/she needs to go. If there is no note from you, the parent, we will send the child home on his/her regular bus.

Parent Advisory Council

Welcome back, we hope you all had an awesome summer!! The Nukko Lake Parent Advisory Council is off and running already this year having elected a new executive board as well as committees members. The 2015-16 executive members are:

Chair: Brandy

Vice Chair: Lisa-Marie Madhok

Treasurer: Natalie Bartlett

Secretary: Jennifer Gerwing

Next PAC meeting: Friday, November 6, 2015 at 9:00am

Popcorn days

The kernels are back and popping!! All students received a free bag of popcorn 2 weeks ago to welcome them back to school. Popcorn was available for purchase today at 50 cents a bag. If you wish to send $5 with your child they can buy a punch card to be used over the coming months. Popcorn is available every two weeks during lunch hour.


Resources for Parents and Kids

Looking for worthwhile information and resources with a social-emotional and learning focus for you and your children? Linda Campbell, a school counselor with extensive experience in K-12 education, provides a variety of tips and website links on many topics related to children, learning, parenting, wellness, and positive mental health.

For more information, check out the link below:

Next Newsletter: Wednesday, October 21th, 2015