
Measurement and Data: Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Standard: 1.MD.1

Cluster: major (m)

Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

Physically aligning objects to each other (not using a tool to measure)

Essential Skills/Concepts / Teaching Notes/Strategies / Resources
-Undertsand that length is measured from one end point to another end point
-Know how to physically align objects
-Understand length and width are measurements of lengths
-Express which measurement of length is being measured (length or width)
-Understand comparative vocabulary: taller, shorter, longer, higher (bigger/smaller are too vague; ask for student to explain)
-Order objects by length
/ -Vocab Chart for comparisons
-Board Math
Direct Comparisons: Students can order three items by length, for example:
• Three students by height,
• Pencils, crayons, and/or markers by length,
• Towers built with cubes, ordered from shortest to tallest,
• Three students draw line segments, and then order the segments from shortest to longest.
Indirect Comparisons: Students make clay “snakes”. Given a tower of cubes, each student compares his/her snake to the tower. Then students make statements such as, “My snake is longer than the cube tower, and your snake is shorter than the cube tower. So, my snake is longer than your snake.” / Pencils/clips/crayons (things to measure)

Measurement and Data: Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Standard: 1.MD. 2

Cluster: major (m)

Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.

Essential Skills/Concepts / Teaching Notes/Strategies / Resources
-Begin measuring with a ctual standard units (versus using non standards methods for measurement, such as paperclips)..use multiple inch cut outs (manipulatives) instead
-Show the importance of not creating any gaps in between each manipulative and/or overlapping them when measuring an object (gaps and overlaps will give an inaccurate measurement
-Know how to align object to the tool used to measure
/ Note: Not all objects will measure to an exact whole unit. Students will need to adjust their answers to this fact and choose the closer number.
-Group Exploration with measuring
-Measure classroom/playground objects
-Class book of measurement / Inch/centimeter cutouts
Objects to measure
Color tiles
Inch Paper

Measurement and Data: Tell and write time.

Standard: 1.MD. 3

Cluster: additional/supporting (a/s)

Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Essential Skills/Concepts / Teaching Notes/Strategies / Resources
Time Concepts:
-Within a day, the hour hand goes around a clock twice (the hand moves only in one direction). We start a day with both hands pointing up.
-When the hour hand of a clock points exactly to a number, the time is on the hour
-Time on the hour is written in the same manner as it appears on a digitalclock The hour hand on a clock moves as time passes, so when it is half way between two numbers it is at the half hour
-There are 60 minutes in one hour; so at halfway between an hour, 30 minutes have passed
-Half hour is written with “30” after the colon
/ -Partner practice
-Color the clock at different times
-Every transition in the class, tell time
-Choose stick for student to tell current time
-Board Math
-“Time of the Day” (ex. At every half hour get up and do jumping jacks) / Clock manipulative
Board Math Frames

Measurement and Data: Represent and interpret data.

Standard: 1.MD. 4

Cluster: additional/supporting (a/s)

Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.

Essential Skills/Concepts / Teaching Notes/Strategies / Resources
-Students use addition, subtraction, comparative language and symbols to intrepret graphs and charts
-Know how to collect data (3 categories)
-Classify and categorize data
-Know how to represent data: picture graphs, tally charts, bar graphs
-Undertsand how to interpret data
/ -Groups and Individual students construct graphs to analyze
-Students collect data: eye color, shoe size, age etc
-Survey Station:
A group of students work at the Survey Station. Each student writes a question, creates up to 3 possible answers, and walks around the room collecting data from classmates. Students then organize into a graph and interpret data
-Classroom charts
-Classroom Book of Favorites
-Post it notes (for surveying)
-Link to opinion Writing / Poster paper
Clipboards (for surveys)
Color utensils