(23) Verbs and the Category of Voice

(Active, Mediopassive, Passive; Formal and Functional Description; Restrictions in Passivisation)

(23.1) Grammatical Categories of Verbs

[see (19.1)]

(23.2) The Category of Voice

(23.2.1) The Active Voice

[see (18.1.2)]

(23.2.2) The Passive Voice

[see (19.4.2)]

(23.2.3) Verbal Complexes

(a)phrasal verbs: [V + PREP] + [OBJECT] > preposition stranding

-the PREP stranded to the end with the verb: the doctor should be sent for at once

-CZ: absent > equivalent is a subjectless passive clause: mělo by se ihned poslat pro lékaře

(b)phrasal verbs with an object close to the adverbial

-[V + PREP] exchangeable with transitive verb => passivisation possible, PREP stranded

-sleep in a bed = use a bed: nobody slept in the bed > the bed has not been slept in

(c)phrasal verbs with an adverb particle: the offer was turned down

(d)phrasal verbs with an adverb particle and a preposition: the losses have been made up for

(23.2.4) Double Object Structures

-CZ: impossible to passivise an indirect OBJ > one possible passive structure

-E: an indirect OBJ can be passivised after re-structuralisation > two possible passive structures, depending on the FSP

-John [Theme] has been awarded the 1st prize [Rheme] x the 1st prize [Theme] was awarded to John [Rheme]

(23.3) Mediopassive

-E: mediopassive = an active form with a passive meaning: the door closed

-CZ: reflexive passive: dveře se zavřely

-the subject of the mediopassive structure = the Patient

-with some action verbs with direct OBJ without PREP, in present or past simple

(a)general characteristics

-periphrastic structure1: it is (not) easy to + infinitive (it is easy to wash the clothes)

-mediopassive: the clothes wash easily

-periphrastic structure2: be easy / hard + infinitive (it is easy to believe a thing like that)

-mediopassive: that is easy to believe

-a change of meaning: mediopassive: his poems do not translate well x passive: his poem are not translated well

(b)modal possibility

-periphrastic structure: can (not) (the door can / can’t be locked)

-mediopassive: the door doesn’t / won’t lock; the lid shuts

(c)individual characteristics

-he is counted among the best > he counts among the best

-the dress is buttoned down the back > the dress buttons down the back

(23.4) Restrictions in Passivisation

-passivisation targets the direct object: only direct objects can be passivised

-E: direct object = the nominal complex immediately following the verb (syntactic criteria, based on distribution)

-CZ: direct object = the one in ACC (morphological criteria, based on the case category)

(a)*intransitive verbs

(b)subject must have the semantic role of Agent

-he received a good education > *a good education was received by him

(c)*(transitive) copula verbs

-have, get seem, appear, cost, measure, weigh, resemble, hold, lack, contain, etc.

-have = a copula V with the meaning of possess: he has a book > *the book is had by him

-get = with the meaning of receive, i.e. the subject is Patient: he got a watch = he was given a watch > *the watch was got by him

-x have / get passivised in infinitive: there was nothing to be had / to be got

-the measure phrases: close to copula verbs, their object is close to an adverbial and is not an animate Agent

(d)*verbo-nominal structures

-take courage > *courage was taken by him; have a nap, make a mistake

(e)*reciprocal / *reflexive / *infinitive / *gerund / ?some clausal objects NOT passivised

-he excused himself > *he was excused by himself

-he loves to read > *to read is loved

-he admitted loving her > *loving her was admitted

-he suggested that such a case exists > ?that such a case exists was suggested > it was suggested that such a case exists