Position DescriptionsExisting Staff PositionsUA Careers
Our practice has been that temporaries, students, 6070 employees, adjuncts and faculty did not have formal position descriptions (PD) like regular and term staff positions do. However, PageUp builds job postings from the information stored in position descriptions. Thus, for every temporary, student, 6070, and adjunct PCN, a template position description was created. The staff position descriptions were transferred from UAKJobs. Faculty positions had no position descriptions to transfer and no template was created. When recruiting for a faculty position (term or tenure track) a PD will need to be created.
Please see Creating a Temporary Job Posting for further instructions on how to use temporary template position descriptions.
Existing Staff Positionssee New Staff or Faculty Positions on page X
Do this if you are getting ready to recruit from an existing staff position and/or wish to reclassify an existing staff position (upgrade, down grade, and/or change job family). Also do this if you are making corrections to an existing PD where all the data did not transfer from UAKJobs (not reclassifying or changing the duties significantly).
Enter Page Up from Click on myUA Recruitment Module. From the bubble page or the ‘hamburger’ dropdown, select ‘Manage position descriptions and create a new requisition.’
Click on the Clear button to clear all the search fields.
Enter the PCN into the Position Number field. Hit the Search Button. Your position should be listed below the search area.
If no existing PD was listed, and you are certain one should exist, contact your HR consultant. The PD may exist but your user account doesn’t have sufficient or correct access. Also, the PD may have old department information from UAKJobs that may require a quick update to correct. Please do not create a new PD until these things have been checked.
Use ‘Copy position description’ ONLY if you are creating a NEW similar position that will need a new pcn number from Budget.
You may View the PD to make sure this is the one you want. Most likely you will want to click on Edit. You will not be able to make changes until you scroll all the way to the bottom of the Position Information panel and click on the UPDATE button:
Begin completing the fields
Choose the most applicable option from the drop down menus.
Some fields will have binoculars and eraser icons. Partial information may be entered, then click the binoculars. This will return information that it finds based on your entry, or it will open a search box to assist you in finding the appropriate information for the field. Even if you entered the full information, click on the binoculars anyway so the system may complete its link to additional data shown beneath the field in yellow. The eraser icon clears the field so you may make another attempt.
Whenever you encounter date fields, select the date from the calendar after clicking the calendar icon.
Any field that has an asterisk * beside it is a required field and these fields cannot be left blank.
JUSTIFICATION: Please give a detailed explanation for updating/changing/reclassifying the PD in the Justification box. If reclassifying, clearly state the existing class title and grade and the new class title and grade, in a way that shows the position is moving from x to y. It is also helpful to include the incumbent name or use “Vacant” if the position is vacant.
POSITION number: The existing job family title will appear. If reclassifying, this won’t change until Banner is updated.
Make sure the MAU, Division, School, Department are correct for your business unit.
GRADE: If reclassifying the PD, the PD committee will change the grade to the new grade if an upgrade or downgrade is granted.
Grades for every employee type and geographical differential are found is this extensive list. If the field is blank and you click on the binoculars, a pop up window should appear. It often pops up behind your current window. “Grade” and a number such as 76 will display rates for the regular staff salary scale. To be sure you are using temporary rates, type in ‘temp’ with a grade number and select a temporary grade with the correct geographic differential.
/ Employee type / In Grade list as(type in search box):FR/FN / Non-union
FT / Adjunct
FW adjunct /
ST, SN / Student
GN, GT / Grad student
CR, CT / C&T, or Facilities
CLASSIFICATION: The existing job family name is displayed. If reclassifying the PD, the PD committee will change the classification title to the title if an upgrade or downgrade is granted.
JOB DUTIES: If reclassifying the job, you may edit the individual job parts. Click on the NEW button to create a new job part. HR will not accept one 100% job part. Do not edit the Job Duties if merely updating the PD due to the UAKJOb transfer
ADVERTISING Summary and Advertisement text: The Advertising summary is meant to be a brief description of the job to generate applicant interest. The Advertisement Text box is the full, detailed description of the job duties, qualifications and any other information you want an applicant to see. At your discretion, you may enter that information in the PD or wait until you create a job posting. The job posting will pull this information from the PD if it’s there. If you only enter advertising information to a job posting, it will not appear in the PD.
Search Committee – PPA/CCC’s should be included as a search committee member.
If you are just updating the PD due to the UAKJobs transfer, select UAKJobs PD. This will minimize the number of approvers and indicates to HR what action you are taking.
Select UAA Update/Reclassify PD for reclassify action. This will cause the PD to be approved by those designated in the spaces below this field. The HR PD Committee will review and determine the classification for the PD.
Rhoda Brown should always go in the #4 Budget spot so that she may update Banner NBAPOSN.
In some cases, you won’t have a One-Up Manager for the #2 spot. You may repeat someone’s name twice. They will have to approve twice.
The Notes Tab
Enter additional notes here. Select Notes from the Add drop down. This panel will also record e-mailed approvals.
The Documents Tab
No documents are required for an update to correct info from the UAKJobs transfer. An approved reorganization/layoff plan must be attached for any reclassification or major change to duties due to assignment reduction.
From the Select drop down, click on ‘Document from a file.’
Click on Upload file
Navigate to your file and click on Open at the bottom of the box.
Your documents will appear in a list:
Click on ‘Save as draft’to finish your work later. Click on Save or Save and exit to send the PD to the first approver.
While the PD is being approved you will not have access to it to make further changes. An approver could make changes or decline it so the posting returns to you for further edits. In that case, you would make changes and start the approval process again when ‘Save and exit’ is clicked on.
Revised November 15, 2018Page 1 of 5