20th. Put into 'Sports Lags' a copy of the 1969 Football Club AGM report.

13th Bert has now sent me the pile of documents that he has been hoarding for the past 36 years, they are mostly Spectrums from 1971 but there are one or two other interesting items. I shall gradually get round to putting the best of them on to the site. I have made a start in Lag-orabilia 4 with a bill for damage to the JCR addressed to Tim Whiteford and a programme, a menu and a pic from a Mad Extravaganza. Hope they bring back memories. Ta Bertie!


29th. I have finally got round to putting a song by college folk favourite Fred Wedlock on the site. It can be found in 'Musical Lags'. It may take a short while to load up depending on your computer.

Bert McLennan has been in contact and has said he will send me some Spectrums. As he was an editor I should imagine he has an almost complete set. It will be interesting to see. Obviously I will upload some of the material when I have had a chance to look through it.

22nd. I've added the two panoramic photos that I have, they can be found under Lags Panorama 2 & 3. Also added another gallery, Lags Gallery 12.

12th. Added Adrian Marsh's email to 'Contacts' so I guess he's expecting some of you to get in contact!

2nd. Just added Even More Memories to This Old Lag, recalling Art and Music from those long lost days.

1st. Just had an email from Pete Williams who noticed this in UWE's e-mag;

Gertrude Powell,1906-2007

Gertrude Louise Powell, the College of

St Matthias' oldest surviving student, has

died aged 101. Born in Frenchay, she attended

Fishponds Training College, later the College of St Matthias, 1925-1927. After a probationary year at Charborough Road School, Filton, Miss Powell joined the new school at Shield Road, staying there until she retired as deputy

headteacher in 1968. A parish and district councillor and school governor, she was involved locally in the welfare of elderly people, and in

amenity and conservation groups.


30th. I had an e-mail today from Jennifer Forrester asking me if I knew who Elsa Nunn was. Jennifer, like many others, lived in Elsa Nunn hall of residence without ever knowing who it was named after. I am sure somebody out there has an answer, please let me know. She also said the site stirred some nostalgic feelings and hoped I wouldn't let it fold. Can I reassure you all, even if I dont get any new material I have no plans to take it down. The visitor counter seems to imply that quite a few of you come back to it again and again.


Hi, just checking in to let you know Im still here. As I have said before, I have used all my St. Matts material apart form a couple of Spectrums so it is really down to you to send me anything new. Maybe we've all used up our pictures and memorabilia in which case this site can stay as a testament to all the good times we had.


1st. Hi, I can't wait for school to go back ,it'll be so peaceful being at home while all the little blighters are back at their desks! Just a quick note to let you know Sheila Kinton's email has changed, her new address is on the contact page.

JULY 2007

27th. Hooray, I am now officialy retired and am going off with my family camping, if I can find a piece of dry land to pitch my tent on. See you in

a couple of weeks.

6th. Nothing much for a couple of months and then Frankie sends me some reunion pics. They can be found on Reunion Pics 2.

JUNE 2007

2nd. Just put a widget on this page that enables this site to be emailed to a friend. Neat eh!

MAY 2007

29th. Graham Parsons has emailed some more photos plus one of himself. They can be seen on 'Lags' Photos 15' and 'Then and Now' I would welcome any names that you could give me.

22nd. John has been scribbling away like a latter-day Shakespeare and has now sent me an obituary for Geoff Dawes which is on the obituaries page. he has also kindly sent me a photo of a group of blokes that include Geoff and Frank Guard, this is on 'Lags' Photos 6'.

21st. I have decided to run an obituaries page on the site and to that end I asked John Jones if he would write something nice about Frank Guard. you can read his piece at 'Lags' Obituaries'.

18th I had an email from Pete Williams who was at St. Matts in the years 1968-70. I have put his address on the 'contacts' page.

Several Old Lags have been quite upset to learn of the death of Frank Guard, he was a well liked and decent chap. The funeral is on Thursday May 24th at 2.15pm. at a place called Blackmoor. If anyone out there has any photos of Frank I would be pleased to put them on the site.

14th. I learned today via John Jones that Frank Guard has sadly passed away. Frank was not a student at Matthias but to those who knew him he might just as well have been. Frank played rugby for college and spent a lot of time there and we enjoyed his company. He was a generous, big-hearted man who was softly spoken with a gentle west country burr. A lovely bloke and a sad loss.

I will update when I know more.

2nd. An email today from Daryll Caddick's brother who amongst other things tells me that Daryll is well and teaching out in Qatar where he looks after his daughter Danielle. Sadly his wife passed away shortly after the birth. He also informs me that Wynf Hill has also passed away. I don't have an email address for Daryll Caddick but if anyone wishes to get in touch I will pass on his bro's address.

APRIL 2007

23rd. I had an email from Graham Parsons today complete with three photos. See Lag's Photos 15

11th. David Hayward,(see 23rd. March entry), has been in touch again but I have had to tell him I have had no luck in tracing any of the people he was hoping to contact. If anybody out there knows any of the students concerned could you drop him a line?

10th. I have noticed that one or two unsuccessful attempts have been made to post a message on Lag's Memories recently. Remember you must give your message a title. If it is not working I would be grateful if you could let me know.

I've just uploaded a copy of Broadsheet from October 18th. 1968, it is on the menu and there is a link on 'What's New'.

MARCH 2007

29th. Then and now pics of Frank Sreeves, Dick Peppin and Pete Silcock have been added as well as a rather more flattering one of Jen Howson.

28th I have updated the Elsa Nunn Ensemble's page with new photos and aslo created a new Lags' Photos 14. Thanks to Frank Sreeves for the pics.

23rd. Had an email today from David Hayward who led the 1967 Commonwealth Overland Expedition to India which may have included members of Saint Matts. David is planning a reunion and would like to contact the following people:- Madelaine Aherne, Rosemary Jones, Jane Stevenson and Pam Whiteside. If anybody knows the whereabouts of any of these please let me know or email David at,

22rd. Received sad news today from Howard Westlake, Dai Davies, the college's first rugby captain has died apparently of a heart attack. Dai was a fantastic character who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Raise a glass to him when you next have a beer.

20th I have been, and still am, without an Internet connection so updating will be sporadic. I had a lovely letter from Frank Sreeves, (of the Elsa Nunn Ensemble) today and he has sent me some photos. So when I get back on line I will upload them.


20th. Right since nobody seems to have anything for the site I've uploaded a complete copy of the very last college Broadsheet, I'm not sure what year it is from. If any of you out there happen to know please get in touch. As usual there is a link on the side menu panel if you scroll it. The files are quite large so be patient while they load.

18th. I've got off my backside and uploaded another copy of the college newsletter, Spectrum, this one is from September 25th 1971. I hope it will bring back happy memories for some of you. I've listed it as a separate menu item. Enjoy (as they say in the US of A.)

14th Just checking in to let you know that there is nothing much happening at present, I didn't even get any Valentine cards, (except from my wife).


30th It is always bit quiet at this time of year so I was pleased to receive Tim 's latest Letter from America which I have posted, if any of you have college memories I would be pleased to put them on the site. In case you are wondering...the 2006 news is now available to download as a 'word' file

at the bottom of this page.

29th I handed in my resignation today, it felt a bit weird knowing that I would not be going back in September after 36 years, but I've had enough and I think I've given enough to the job. It's now time for younger teachers to take up the torch.