for participation in program of
“DDDandZUPP '13- new challenges”
2nd - 5thApril 2013, Split, Croatia
Abstract of the paper should be submitted to the organizer before November 16th, 2012 to e-mail address:
Full Name(s) of author(s):Name of the institution:
Full address of the institution:
Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Title of the paper:
(max. 1/2 to 1 A4 pages or 1500 to 2000 letters)
The requirements for the content of the abstract are:
1. The aim of the research:
2. Introduction:
3. Material and Methods:
4. Results:
5. Conclusion:
6. Key words:
The full paper must be submitted by December 21th, 2012 to e-mail address:
Content requirements for the paper are:
- Full name of the author as well as the co-author of the paper; e-mail address of the first author
- Name of the institution / companyand their full address (street and house number, postal code, name of city, name of country)
- Title of the paperwritten in lower case letters
- Abstract written according to the instructions stated on the previous page of the application form
- Key words
- Introduction, body of the paper arranged according to the wishes of the author and a conclusion:
-The paper contains emphasized headings and subheadings of chapters written in lower case letters
-Tables should not have any additional editing, table borders are max. 1/2 pt.; max. table and chart width is 12,5 cm (specific height is not defined)
-Chart or image captions are written separately, that is as part of the text and not as part of the chart or image
-Images (or cited tables and charts) must be accompanied by their sources (otherwise they will not be published!)
Note on the submission of images: In order to achieve the best image quality the image resolution should be approximately 300 pixels/inch, and the image must be recorded in „CMYK color” (the so called four color process) due to the collection being printed in four color offset printing technique! How do you adjust these settings? You must open the image in Adobe Photoshop; in the toolbar click on „Image”, then on „Mode”. When you click on „Mode”, an option menu with () „RGB Color” as the default option will appear on the right side, and you should check () the „CMYK Color” option. For further follow-up check whether the option „... (CMYK ...)” is available in parenthesis as a part of the image caption.
If you are unable to implement the aforementioned modifications, in addition to submitting the images as a part of the paper, the images have to be submitted separately in jpg format.
-When a pest is mentioned for the first time anEnglish term should be used (if it exists) and a scientific term, for example tiger mosquitoes– Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) or redflour beetle–Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). When the pest is mentioned again, either the English term should be kept or the scientific one. In latter case the first part of the term is abbreviated into an initial, for example A. albopictus or T. castaneum without the name of the author or the year.
-Listing the references in the paper is mandatory:
- numerically, for example (1), that is in superscript or
- listing the cited authors, for example (Korunić Z. et al., 2004)
- literature:
-only the literature that was used for writing the paper
-list according to the order of citations in the text if the references in the paper are cited using ordinal numbers or
-alphabetical list by the authors’ last names if the references in the paper are cited in a list of the quoted authors
-unified punctuation according to the pattern, for example: Baklaić Ž., Jeličić P., Capak K., Ljubičić M., Aleraj B., 2010. Epidemiološke prijetnje u zadnjem desetljeću. Zbornik radova seminara DDD i ZUPP 2010., 23.-26.3.2010., Pula, KORUNIĆ d.o.o. Zagreb, str. 15-28
- The entire paper, including the abstract, must not be more than 10 pages long (A4 format). Font Times New Roman, letter size 12, line spacing – single.
The entire paper is submitted without any additional technical editing by the author, since the papers are technically edited according to the request of the publisher.
The papers not submitted in accordance with the instructions will not be accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the “DDD and ZUPP" seminar.
The Power Point presentation should be submitted to the organizer before March 16th, 2013 to e-mail address:
-The expected duration for the presentation of submitted papers is 15 minutes
-The number of pages for the presentation must be adjusted to the 15 minute duration of the presentation
The abstract, the entire paper (saved as a Word Document) and the Power Point presentation are submitted electronically within the deadline to the e-mail address: