Coach Lott’s Classroom Contract to Earn a Passing Grade

  1. I choose NOT to be tardy. To be in my seat and ready to exercise my brain when the bell rings.
  2. I choose to be present and alert in class every scheduled day.
  3. I choose to remain in my seat until otherwise directed.
  4. I choose to raise my hand to request permission to talk or leave my seat.
  5. I choose to keep myself informed. To complete and turn-in all assignments, on time.
  6. I choose to keep myself informed. To study and prepare for all scheduled tests, quizzes and exams.
  7. I choose to keep myself informed about all class work responsibilities.
  8. I choose to request help and to offer it to others.
  9. I choose to earn respect and to give it (what goes around comes around). To respect other's space and property. Not to deface school property and books. To pick up trash from the desk and floor.
  10. I choose to be cooperative, coachable and to make an effort to participate every day.
  11. I choose to have a helpful attitude.
  12. I choose not to be disruptive, nor annoying and not to allow others to disrupt or distract me.
  13. I choose to be responsible if I eat food or drink liquids in class and will dispose of them in the proper container. NO GUM IN CLASS.
  14. I choose to not apply make-up or tend to other personal effects (combing hair) in class.
  15. I choose not to use the following in class: cell phones, radios, video games, etc. All electronics should be turned off while in class unless otherwise announced.
  16. I choose to maintain a clean workspace!
  17. I choose NOT to CHEAT! To be HONEST!
  18. I choose to do what is RIGHT!
  19. I choose to try & try again! Too never, ever give-up! To Succeed!
  20. I choose to always use the appropriate hall pass.
  21. Every time I leave the room I am missing important information. I choose to remain in class.
  22. I choose to be responsible and wear the proper clothing everyday.
  23. I choose to pay the $5 class fee by August 29th, 2014

Consequences If I Choose NOT to Keep these Agreements

  1. I choose to and would rather have a Failing grade.
  2. I choose and would rather be separated from my classmates
  3. I choose and would like to have my parents notified of the results of my behavior.
  4. I choose to leave the classroom and pay a visit to the Dean's office, to get a behavior report or a detention.

If caught cheating and/or assisting, I choose to:

First time: Have my parents called and a letter sent home. Have my test grade reduced to a (0) zero, (F).

Second Time: Have my parents called and have a meeting with the Assistant Principal. Have my test grade reduced to a (0) zero, (F).

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Coach Lott’s Classroom Contract Signatures. Please return by August 15th, 2014 to receive 10 bonus points on 1st. Test.

Parent's (Guardian's) signature______Date______

Student's signature______Date______