20th Century Research Presentation

You will research and create presentations from the assigned decade or topic.You may work at home however be sure to be prepared to work in class during the allotted time.

Research with library resources February 18 and 19th.

Research with online resources February 22nd and 23rd.

Work on the presentation February 24th and 25th.

Presentations will begin February 26th.

1900-1920 February 26th

1920-1940 February 29th

1940-1960 March 1st

1960-1980 March 2nd

1980-2000 March 3rd

Responsibility grades research,

Written notes and

Preparation of thepresentation.

Research process(handout provided.):

  • Use the information from at least one book and 3 academic online sources(not Wikipedia, About.com, Ask, etc…..)
  • Research and find important facts about your subject.
  • You will need facts on the 10 required topics.
  • Sources will be cited with correct information.
  • Your noteswill be turned in.
  • Organize your facts and create a rough draft paraphrasing the information on your notes.
  • Go over your rough draft and choose better words, check spelling, grammar….
  • Make sure you have covered the bulleted information on your Research Project notes.

Each student will create a presentation, include:

  • Photos or graphics on each slide and
  • At least one link, animation or video…….
  • Include an introduction, conclusion………
  • Use your 10 required factual topics (slides) or total length should be 7-10 minutes for Animoto,.etc…..
  • The last page of your presentation should include a list of sources.
  • To keep it interesting, please include animation, music and/or videos with your presentation.

In addition to being graded on the final project, you will also be graded on your daily participation. To be successful you must be on-task, generating results, and not distracting peers, being a good listener/note taker.

This presentation should include the following topics:


Timeline of Events:
Political Events:
Happenings in Texas:

Basic Topics

1. TEXAS NEWS: ______

2. THE NATION: ______

3. THE WORLD: ______




  1. Culture
  2. ENTERTAINMENT (music, TV, radio, movies, etc.):
  3. SPORTS: ______.
  4. THE ARTS (literature, theater, dance, etc):
  6. Religion
  9. LAW/CRIME/COURTS: ______
  10. EDUCATION: ______
  11. ECONOMY: ______
  12. DISASTERS: ______

What were you thinking?
60 pts / Push it a bit more...
78 pts / Almost there...
88 pts / WooHoo!
100 pts
Quality of research / What were you thinking?
--2 or fewer sources --Source reliability questionable. Some sources not cited.Omitted information interferes with ability of reader to find the source. --Little information relevant to thesis. --Insufficient information provided to support thesis. --Minimal research. / Push it a bit more...
--Failed to cite 5 sources --Source reliability questionable. Omitted information does not interfere with ability of reader to find the source. --Some information relevant to thesis. --Information provided to support some elements of thesis. --Surface
research. / Almost there...
--Cited 5 sources --Sources mostly reliable. Citation errors minor. --Most information relevant to thesis. --Sufficient information provided to support most elements of thesis. --Research of sufficient depth. / WooHoo!
--Cited more than 5 sources --Sources reliable and properly cited. --All information relevant to thesis. --Sufficient information provided to support all elements of thesis. --Research in-depth and the beyond the obvious, revealing new insights gained.